My Year of Possibility

It's almost 2009! I'm not one to rush away time but I for one am generally always happy to see the end of one year because it means the beginning of another, should God carry us forward throughout that last day of the year.

If I look back on 2008, so much has happened in our world.

  1. We, the US, are still at war. Now, Israel is fighting Hamas.
  2. We are in an economic recession. The global economy isn't faring much better.
  3. We are less spiritual as a nation than we have ever been - mixing the carnal with spiritual to suit our own interests.
  4. We are lovers of the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust. I know you don't need an explanation for that one - just look around.

There has been so much publicity about those who have chosen the wrong path. Corrupt and dishonest people looking out for themselves. Those who try to demean the legislative process of this nation and those who simply don't care anymore about what is right and what is wrong.

But as I look over 2008, I don't just see where the enemy has ravaged and devoured some willing hearts. I see where people have held on to their faith and fought the good fight against evil - and they are winning!

  1. In the midst of his pain, a widow at my church still does much good for the community. I have been a recipient.
  2. In the midst of darkness, when doctors have called in the family to say their good-byes, God is still performing miracles - healing and restoring. I've seen this personally.
  3. Even in the midst of this big debate on global warming, each and every one of us is still drawing in the breath of life.
  4. You don't have to look far to see God in the small things. That's a blessing - He's not hiding from us.
  5. As long as we are here, we still have an opportunity to witness and share the good news of the gospel message, to save a generation and a people who know Him less and less over time, replacing Him with silly things and idols that cannot save their souls.

We could go on and on with listing the good things that God does for us - the chances that we have to win souls and share our faith - the opportunity afforded to us with every day that we receive. We can focus on the negative or we can focus on the now, realizing that God is in each moment and with Him, all things are possible.

God willing, I am going forward into 2009 with this one thing on my mind: All things are possible to him that believes. This has always been true, but for me, it is my personal focus for this year. I believe God. I've staked my life on it. He can change the unsavory and make them palatable again. I believe God. He can and He will.

What will you go into the new year believing?

It's Almost Christmas!

Update: All of my Christmas shopping and associated fare is done. Now, I can get down to the important stuff. Celebrating Him!

Where I am, the weather is about 56 degrees - very warm for Christmas. So....I'll have a flash back to good ole Germany where it was cold, cold, cold by looking at this picture - join me.

Christkindlesmarkt 2008

My visit to the Christkindlesmarkt 2008 in Nuremberg: 

As you can see, it was absolutely packed. Buses from far away come in and drop folks off to attend this event. And, isn't the pup cute helping "Santa" play? 

Recovering Steadily

Here I am! 

Where have I been - well, on Wednesday, I was traveling back from Germany. That essentially takes all day! I had to take three planes to get home and when I got home I lost my voice and felt generally SICK, but functional. 

On my flight home, I had two favorites: Kleenex and my Vick's Inhaler stick - wait, there's one more, my cold medicine that made me sleep. Oh, that was good. With the headwinds, the flight from Munich to Atlanta is approximately 11 hours (technically, 10 hours, 48 minutes). The other two flights were much shorter in duration.

Anyway, I'll post a few pictures over the coming days of my time in Germany. 

God Bless!

The True Gift

I'm still traveling and haven't done my Christmas shopping. Do you think the folks that usually get a gift from me will accept a simple "Merry Christmas" without the gift?

It may just come down to that.

I'm not a shopper. I don't care much for the crowds either. I will usually only buy things that are on sale - I think it's fiscally responsible to look first at the sale items and then see what else is in the store. I buy nice things - when they go on sale. I'm hardly ever in any rush to pay full price. I know - I have a very different shopping style. In fact, when I go shopping with my sister and mother, I drive separately. I bore easily with shopping.

As you may guess, I'm no fashionista. But, I made do with what I do have - happily.

So, time is running out for me and I'm beginning to feel the pressure.

If only we would remember that the true gift has already been given...

A Better Investment

What will you do to save money?

That is a question on the minds of many these days while the global recession marches forward. Some fiscally responsible people have a game plan in mind knowing exactly where they can “cut the fat” out of their budgets. Some others, whose, as my dad would say “money slips through their fingers” are finding it a bit harder to know where to cut because they did not learn first to save.

What will you do to save money?

Some people are shopping more wisely, purchasing sale items and clipping coupons. Some others are not purchasing anything at all.

What will you do to save money?

I have a suggestion. Instead of spending time wondering the halls of a local mall, save the money spent in gas, effort and time – (calculate your opportunity cost), and ultimately your purchases and make a better investment. Save wordly cash and get spiritually rich by spending time alone with God in His Word. The investment you make now will reap unspeakable riches later.

Omnipresent One

God is God everywhere.

Yes, I know that sounds elementary. I’m just saying it because I have reconfirmed that it is still true. The same God that I pray to in the USA is the same God in the Cayman Islands and is the same God in Germany.

I’ve experienced Him in all three locations recently. In the USA, I was worshipping Him and felt His presence corporately and individually. In the Cayman Islands, I felt the flood of His presence while Assistant Pastor Robinson was preaching. In my hotel room in Germany, while I was praising Him in song, I felt His powerful presence once more. Each opportunity was unique and special and I thank God for letting me know that He is ever present with me no matter where I go.

Which brings me to a point – I cannot travel with my physical prayer closet but this post should encourage you to know that with your prayers comes the possibility for His presence. You don’t have to be in the exact same place all the time to feel Him or to know that He is there. He’s everywhere all the time. He’s God!

Now, before you get too comfy, I am not saying that you can forsake fellowship with other believers and camp out at your house since God is the same everywhere. If there is a chance for fellowship then you should take it and commune with other believers. However, if you are in a place where you cannot worship at the same time because of say…your travels…then know that God is with you wherever you go and you can worship Him – He’ll see your effort and He will commune with you. He is the Omnipresent One.

The Only One

Have you ever felt like you were the only one?

The only one to not know what’s going on…
The only one to not know the answer…
The only one left…
The only one that does not speak the language…
The only one that cares…
The only one that cleans…
The only one listening…
The only one!

Depending on the situation, it can cause a bit of emotional distress to be the only one. But when you are feeling low and can’t fathom going on because of your “only one” status, I’ve got a suggestion.

Why not tell the Lord Jesus about it? Lean and depend on Him. If anyone knows about being the only one – it’s Him.

He is the only One – the Son of God.
He is the only One – who did not sin.
He is the only One – who, in diety, became flesh.
He is the only One – that died for your sins.
He is the only One – that can reconcile us to the Father.
He is the only One!

Transatlantic Comparisons

I’ve recently had the opportunity to experience the difference between fare classes on a Transatlantic flight. And, let me tell you, having now experienced both, there is quite a contrast. Even in things that are provided to both fare classes, the higher fare has a higher quality product – even down to the type of toothbrush. Seriously.

In the main cabin – economy class, there are lots of people. We are herded in like cattle in cramped quarters. Our food, served on and in plastic, is light on extravagance and heavy on salt. The flight attendant’s goal is simply to distribute the goods quickly and move on to the next awaiting customer. Ah, but in the higher fare class, well, that’s another story. The food is tasty, consisting of multiple courses. It is served on real plates with real glassware and real flatware with a linen tablecloth. The flight attendant’s goal is to serve the food attending to your every request. The cabin is much less crowded and the flight attendant-to-customer ratio is much, much lower, ensuring personalized attention. Yes, in this cabin, they call you by your surname – Mr. So-and-so, and Ms. So-and-so.

We are all traveling to the same destination but how you get there can make a difference in your journey. I rested better in that reclined chair with a footrest much more so that I did basically sitting up, only reclining a few degrees in the economy cabin. I also have to say that I prefer the larger down pillow much better than that small cotton one…

Of course, I got to thinking about the spiritual application and this is my conclusion. Living in the world without Jesus as your Lord and Savior is like traveling economy class. We all have an appointed time to live and to die and unless the Lord comes back before our death, everyone will experience death. The paths that we take on this mutual destination makes a difference in where you will spend your eternity.

In the World, you are not treated with the special attention that comes with being a child of the King. Instead, you are like the rest of the world, getting by on plastic goods – not the real stuff. The enemy loves to serve you “plastic” hoping you will never experience the real life that is available to you when you accept the Lord Jesus. Life is in Christ. He’s the real thing.

The enemy wants to keep you surrounded with those who are enjoying the “plastic things” without knowledge and/or desire of the other things. He wants to keep you in the dark about what’s going on beyond the curtain that separates the fare differences. He doesn’t want you to taste the abundant life that’s available to you in Christ. But, oh, there’s a difference.

I’ve noticed in my own life that when I gave my life to Christ, a good number of my “plastic loving” friends fell away. I lost the “crowd” – but I had more individualized attention from God. My life had a higher quality to it when I accepted the Lord. In fact, if you’ll work with me on this analogy, accepting the Lord was like being moved up to the higher fare class – without paying the price. Jesus took care of that on Calvary.

So in exchange for worldly “plastic”, I received a finer quality of life. I now get to eat at the King’s table, being served multiple portions of grace and mercy, with the “real” things of life, and adorned with the finest of linens – afterall, I’m clothed in His righteousness. And, because now I have a relationship with Him, I’m assured personalized attention when I meet with Him in my prayer closet and throughout the day.

I hope that you can agree with me or at least see the comparisons between the life that we have apart from Christ and the life that is available to us when we give Him ours. It’s quite a contrast.

President Bush on Nightline

I am always interested in what people say when they talk about their personal faith.
I like to hear the testimonies of how they came to the faith and how they stay connected. So, as I was preparing to go to sleep, I was suprised to see President Bush on Nightline with Cynthia McFadden discussing his faith. Here is the link to the ABC page that has his interview. If you missed Nightline and would like to know what the President shared concerning his personal faith, access this link: (copy and paste in your browser).

Let us all pray that the believers of Christ mature and grow strong in Him that is able to keep us. Let us pray that as believers we are able to accurately articulate our faith according to the written Word of God.

Be Blessed!

Another Opportunity to Praise Him

Life can hand you some hard knocks. There have been pointed times in my life where I felt like I was all alone and that no one cared for me. There have been times in my life when I wondered why I existed and what my purpose was. There have been times in my life when every breath that I breathed felt like some cruel joke because all I wanted to do was to die. Life can hand you some hard knocks.

But, thanks be to God, I got to know the Creator.

I found out that although my life has had some trying times, that God knows, and He cares. I found out that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I found out that from the beginning of time, He has known me. I found out just how much He loves me and that even on my worst day, having an opportunity to praise Him makes life worth living.

The Holiday season can bring about depression in some people who don't have "Hallmark" or "Cosby" family and friends. Whatever circumstance brought you to the point where you feel alone and isolated, I want to tell you today that you are not alone. You are worthy in God's sight. You were uniquely formed and created by the Master. And, whether or not you have someone to share your life's details with, God loves you. He knows all about you and He cares for you.

So, approach this season thinking about what you have and not about what you don't have. Think about the fact that this is the day that the Lord has made and you have another opportunity to worship Him.

No One Does Creation Like God

No One does creation like God. I've had the opportunity to explore the Grand Cayman Islands this week. I've been in Pirate Caves, on sandy beaches, swimming in choppy, yet beautiful seas (okay, the water was shallow), fellowshiped with real believers that are growing in their love for one another and for Christ, and I've been to the now infamous Turtle Farm. I'm tired - but in a good way!

I have had the opportunity to see how God has taken a volcano and made it inhabitable. I've seen beautiful rains and beautiful sunrises. I've heard roosters calling out early in the morning. I've felt the mild breeze kiss me all over. No One does creation like God.

I've seen all types of animals and smelled all kinds of smells. I've even eaten some food that I'm not quite sure what it was! No One does creation like God.

From the coconut trees, palms, flowers, insects, and the baby lizard that got in the house...No One does creation like God. (Don't worry, we got the lizard out unharmed).

So, as I make preparation to go back home soon, I know in my heart that I will always appreciate the creation that is Grand Cayman Islands because No One does Creation like God!

School House Rock!

Do you remember School House Rock?

I loved watching School House Rock on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. And, now, I have the pleasure - no, it's sheer JOY - of watching it again. Apparently there is a School House Rock DVD that needs to become part of my collection.

My littlest friend, (he's 2), is a fan of said DVD and we watch it some mornings. This morning, we watched ... wait for it ... Conjuction Junction!!! OH it took me back y'all! (you know I'm southern).

I was smiling from ear to ear ... and singing ... conjunction junction what's your function?.... "I'm Just a Bill" is on this collection too, but lest I get too much excitement in one day, I'll be watching that one tomorrow. YAY! Knowledge is power!

I think this collection should be under every Christmas tree!

My Fresh Perspective

I have two little friends that don't do anything fast. And when I mean that they don't do anything fast, that's exactly what I mean. In fact, whenever I want them to do something by a certain time, I give them 45 minutes to an hour before its due. For instance, if I want to leave the house by 9:00am, then I tell them to get ready to leave by 8:15. They move that slow. Plus I have to tell them the same things multiple times. It seems the first few time, they really didn't "hear" me.

I, on the other hand move really fast. I zip from one thing to the other and by the end of the day, I have accomplished a mass amount of things - all well done, of course... I value efficiency. I want to move in and get the job done and then move on to the next thing and the next thing. I want to feel like I've accomplished something at the end of the day. I rest better that way.

So, I imagine this week that God has really gotten a kick out of watching me relate to these little friends of mine. They are little. I cannot expect them to move with speed and agility like me. They are accustomed to moving ever so slowly - so in a week's time, I cannot expect them to value efficiency. No, I just have to adapt.

So, I've been adapting. My first full day of adaptation meant I slept past the call of the roosters (literally). And, now I'm in a rhythm. It's different from what I'm used to but for this week, it will work.

And, that's the way that it is sometimes. I've been talking about trying something new and this is indeed something new. It's a much, much, much slower pace than what I'm used to but that doesn't make it bad - instead it gives me fresh perspective. And, who can quarrel with that?

Are You Recovering?

Are you recovering from all of that Thanksgiving turkey?

This year, I did something different. Instead of my tried and true tradition, I celebrated Thanksgiving at three airports, finally eating my long sought after turkey around 7:30pm. It was great! I can still remember the savory taste and enjoying my food.

I like to eat my Thanksgiving dinner, savoring every bite, only talking when I have to. I would much prefer to reflect over the goodness of the Lord with every morsel. I know that I should do this anyway at every meal, but something about Thanksgiving makes me more appreciative. I want to reflect - remember - give thanks!

I also like the fellowship that comes with Thanksgiving. I like how everyone anticipates the food and the conversations that follow and I like how everyone is soooo full after eating that we're ready to unbutton jeans and fall into some type of turkey-coma.

I like all of those things. But doing it different this year has given me an appreciation for how everyone may do things a little differently. And, that's cool too. The end result is the same - we all end up needing some time to recover from all of that turkey!

So, how's it coming? Are you recovering?

Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving!

I love this holiday because it is the perfect opportunity to fellowship with family and friends without all of the commercialization that have become associated with other holidays. There is no pretense to Thanksgiving, no fake anythings. You just go and visit, eat and fellowship, live and love one another.

I give thanks not only for my God, my family and my everyday friends, but also for my bloggy friends, many of whom I have never met. I give thanks for you. You take time out of your busy schedule to come see what the Lord has laid on my heart. Thank you.

I recently looked at the statistics behind my site and I have so many people visiting from other countries that it amazes me. It's God that has done this thing. No one else. So, I give thanks with a grateful heart.

Even within the US, where I am located, so many of you visit with me and send me emails or either post a comment here. Thank you. You encourage me to press on - particularly on those mornings when I'd much rather hit the snooze alarm or on those nights when I would much rather sit on the couch and relax after a long day.

I like blogging and give God thanks for His gift which is developing within me. I like sharing the message of the gospel and the hope of the life available to all when lived according to His ways. I thank God that He is not a taskmaster but instead, He is a gracious and loving God. I thank God for being exactly who He is! Amazing - Awesome - life changing.

I still don't know why He loves me, but I thank Him that He does.

I don't know why He has blessed me with YOU, but I thank Him that He has.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Give Me a Reason

Oft times we want a reason. We say to others "give me a reason why I should xyz." We also point this question to God in the midst of our frustrations. We say "give me a reason why I should continue to follow You." I know you may not admit to this. But, it's okay. I know it to be true for some.

I know that following Christ can be difficult at times, especially when our flesh would much desire to be doing something else. I know that to take up our cross daily and bear the weight of it all seems a daunting task at times. I know. And, I sympathize with you. But, I cannot let you off the hook.

If I look around, I can see many people seeming to prosper in the things that I lack and am waiting on God to grant me. But, I'm no fool. God never called me to compare myself with others. The enemy wants me to focus on what they have and what I lack. But, God has already told me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am unique because I am His workmanship. My path is different - everyone's path is different and uniquely theirs. That's what makes it their story.

So, I know what it is to look around and be tempted to compare but we have to resist that temptation. I cannot let you off the hook. We have to persevere in Christ. You want a reason to keep the faith, pick any of these:

1. There is no greater reward than Heaven
2. As Christians, we belong to Him
3. In belonging to Him, we are to obey His commands
4. He knows best for our lives and has left instructions for us to live abundantly
5. He is God. He doesn't have to explain Himself to us.
6. He has sent us a Comforter
7. He is a very present help
8. He is a wonderful counselor and friend
9. He is the Great I AM
10. He foresees.

I really could have stopped with five - He is God. We don't question Him. We obey Him. So, He does not have to give us a reason. We need to supply ourselves with reasons found in the Bible.

Why do we press on? Because of His sacrifice.
Why do we press on? Because He is our example.
Why do we press on? Because of His great love for us.
Why do we press on? Because He is our Father.

I press on because at the end of my race, I want to hear , well done. I press on because in doing so, I develop a track record with God. And, as result, my faith increases.

And, that's the key. When our faith develops strong and mighty, we no longer have to ask God for a reason for anything. We just trust Him.

Great Jesus!

So, I've been listening to my new Kurt Carr CD. I've got to say that there are some songs on this collection that I really LOVE. The one that I'm currently hooked on is on the second CD, and it's called: Great Jesus.
Oh how I love that song!
I love it because it reminds me of how much I do NOT deserve the blessings that I receive. I reminds me of His great and enduring love for me. It places me in the present reality of how unworthy I am and in that stark realization, I come to see how much more He deserves my worship and praise.
He is my great Jesus.

Read the Word

I got an email the other day and it made me think. The point the writer was expressing was a simple but profound one. Here it is:

Why is it that we question the Bible, but we will readily accept what we read in newspapers?

Interesting huh?

Political pundits, opinion editors, bloggers, newspaper staff, authors, book publishers and those in similar professions and trades would not have a job if no one read what they wrote. Yet, some people, who identify themselves as Christians, will pick up a daily newspaper and read it in its entirety but will also only pick up their Bibles on their way to church - if then - and will only read it when the passage for the sermon goes forth. They don't read their Bibles during the week but they will not miss an edition of the newspaper.

Interesting huh?

How can we know how to live holy if we never pick up the Manual? How can we know about the One that we serve if we never read His letters to us? How can we be proficient but never study the Book? How can we pass over into eternity having never spent real quality time building a relationship with Him?

Interesting huh?

Being a blogger, I love it when you stop by. I especially love to see my readership growing. It makes me feel pretty good. I feel especially good when you leave a comment. But, I'm just me. I'm just flesh. And, well, I don't have much to offer. I try to be a vessel for God's use but sometimes I fall short. Imagine how God would feel if you stopped by and read His Word - daily. Imagine how He would feel to see the readership of the Bible growing. I think He'd feel pretty good! And, He's God. He has everything to offer!!!

So, thanks for stopping by today. Pick up your Bible and read it today - read it again if you've read it already. And then, if you wanna, let me know what you read. Who knows - we may be reading the same thing!

Warm Hearts

Everyone has issues that have to be addressed in their lives. Everyone has their own road to walk, their own hill to climb.

But, once you are on the road, you will encounter various circumstances and situations. And, how you handle then depends on the condition of your heart and the level of your faith.

If your heart is cold, then you will treat people the same way. If your heart is warm, then you will exhibit Christian characteristics toward them and treat them with kindness. Everyone arrives at a place where they have the option of loving others with the love of Christ. We have an option to be kind, one-to-another. It’s a matter of Christian maturity. When we reach a certain level of maturity, on our road, we are able to treat each other kindly.

How we treat one another also depends on our level of faith. We can be kind-hearted but if we believe that someone has treated us unjustly, we may try to exact our own revenge or we may put up a wall against that person. We, as Christians, shouldn’t do this. We have to exhibit the love of God. We can do this by believing His Word which tells us that vengeance belongs to Him alone. So, we have to have faith in knowing that His Word is true and that we don’t need to strike out against any one, but instead to trust in the Only One.

Pay Attention to It

A new day...
A new start ...

You wiped away my tears...

A new day...
A new start ...

I can't get this song out of my head. I wish I could tell you the artist, but unfortunately, that's not sticking in my head.

Have you ever experienced this? Something just keeping running around and around in your head. It's like there is a repeat button for this image or song or thought that keeps looping.

When this happens to me, (like today - like the beginning of this post) I try to think about the ultimate meaning. I try to find out if there is a message in this for me - and if so, what will I do about it.

I think it's important to pay attention to the things on our minds. (I know, that sounds funny). But, you know what I mean. We have to pay attention to what's trying to get our attention. (That sounds better) For in paying attention to what's trying to get our attention, we know how to respond.

So, don't discount the things in your mind when something starts reoccuring. It may just need your prompt attention. It may just be a message or an answer that you've been waiting for!

Have a great weekend!

Navigate Your Way to Him

Have you ever gotten really pumped up about something?

I mean, really super duper excited...ready to explode with joy?

Have you ever felt like you were walking on air - like gravity didn't know your name or how to find you? Like nothing could hold you down?
And then reality struck and struck hard? No more floating on the clouds. No more super duper excitement. No more nothing.

Have you ever been disillusioned? Lots of doom and gloom in your emotional weather forecast.

Well, let me tell you, I've been down that street too. And, if you are lost on the disappointment highway, I've got a roadmap for you to get you back on the street called Straight that will take you to the highway to Heaven.
First, get your GPS out. That's your Word of God.

Plug it in to power it up. That means, yes, you do have to open the Bible and read it to know what's in it. Just because you go to church does not mean that you know what's in the Bible - especially the portions that are waiting to be read just by you.

Now, that you are plugged in to your power source, key in your current address. That is - tell God about your problem. Tell Him what sucked the wind out of your balloon. Tell Him what has stolen your joy.

Wait for the instructions ....

Here they are...step one, turn to Psalm 42:5-6
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.

Follow this for a few miles until you hear another prompt...

Oh, here's one now...step two, turn to Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his sins does not prosper; but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Tell God everything. He already knows but He wants you to confess it - yes, even that...

Follow this for a few more miles until you hear another prompt...
Oh yes, here's another one...step three, turn to 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

It's all about perspective, trust, obedience - FAITH. Times will get hard - everyday is not an easy day. But, with God you can make it! Believe this!

Now, if you look up, you will see the signs for the highway to Heaven.

Stop holding your head down. You have to look to Him to see which way to go. And, He is not dwelling around at the top of your sneakers or in the dirt. He is God. Look up to Him - not in a proud or boastful way, but in an expectant way because He has what you need for life and liberty. Besides, how are you ever going to see with your head in the ground?

Each path is unique from this point and nobody gets there the exact same way. But, be encouraged to know that even when you lose your way, get knocked off the path or simply give up on finding the way, you always have a GPS system at-the-ready that will lead you back to God - the Holy Bible.

So, don't fret when you get turned around on your journey or when something comes along to attempt to steal your joy and drain your excitement. Look to your Heavenly Father and His gift (the Bible - basic instructions before leaving earth) and He will get you back on the right path.

The Right Perspective

Hey! I'm back from PT. This time, it wasn't so bad.

Now, on to the good stuff. Bible Study last night.

Pastor talked about a lot of good things but the one thing that sticks with me today is the perspective that we have on things. We discussed how you may get a bad report from your doctor or even from your job or a myriad of other places - no matter what, you get some bad news.

At that point, once you've heard the news, you have a choice. You can either go down in defeat or trust in God.

I never really thought about limiting my choices. You know I like options! But, if I limit my choices to just those two things - having a defeatist mentality or having a trusting-in-the-Lord-no-matter-what mentality, then guess which one I'm going to choose?

Now, this is easier said than done. Not too long ago I got some rather interesting news myself. But, praise be to God, everything is working out. I refuse to believe that my faith has to bow down to any bad news. How about you?

It's when we go through that our faith needs to shine through us. That makes sense doesn't it?

Feeling blue? - let your faith shine through! (Hey, I like that - the Lord just gave it to me!)

Anyway, I guess the whole point of this blog post today is to encourage you to keep the faith. Have more than a little trust in Jesus. He is bigger than your circumstances and obstacles. Afterall, when those winds and waves were beating those disciplines on that boat - Who came out walking on the water - none other than Jesus - demonstrating that He is Lord over everything. (God gave that to my Pastor to give to us last night!) So, cling to the One that knows how to really control your life and it's issues. If God tells you to move on something or to go somewhere - just do it. He's in control.

Following God is not a difficult thing to do when you just do it. Get the right perspective!

A New Thing

What’s going on bloggy friends? It’s Tuesday and I have to say that I woke up with a headache. But, it’s all good. Gives me something else to pray to God about. Yesterday, I reluctantly closed a chapter in my life. I did so believing this decision to be the will of God. And, though I don’t know what the future may hold for me, I do know that God is in control of everything concerning me. So, onward I go – more pressing towards the mark of the high calling…well, you know.

I purchased a new journal too. The old one – scarcely used like I originally intended, is now waiting to go to Journal Heaven – with all the rest of my journals throughout the years. I usually get a new journal at the beginning of each year, but this time, the change has come in November. Change has come to America, so why should my journal be excluded?

I believe God is about to do a new thing. I believe that personally and nationally. I believe not only will it happen to me, but it will also happen to you. It already is. For each day represents a new opportunity to be better for the Lord.

Here’s to new days – new beginnings and new chapters!

Love 'em? Tell 'em.

If you love someone, you should tell them.

I have oft times been afraid to let people inside. I have been the victim of senseless hurt. And, as a result, instead of clinging to my Jesus, I clung to my wounds - fearful of letting anyone else inside, just in case they might hurt me too.

But, then one day, it really, really happened. I fell deeply in love - quick too. But, the problem was that I couldn't communicate it. I hid my love behind a wall, only letting small portions out at a time.

Okay, let me rephrase - only letting itsy, bitsy, portions out at a time. The end result was when I was ready to let my burning love flow like a river - the relationship was over. Go figure. That was years ago and I can still remember my shock - and the ocean of tears that followed. So, what have I done since then?

Well, honestly, I built another wall - only this one was stronger, more sturdy, made of the finest "keep-folks-out" fear-harboring material I could find with a "built to last for eternity" guarantee. This was the wrong move.

Okay, let me rephrase - DON'T DO THAT! It's the wrong thing to do.

I'm not saying pour your heart out without regard for the consequences. Afterall, the Bible says to guard our heart with all diligence. I am saying that when you venture out to love someone, let them know. There's nothing sweeter than an "I love you" from someone that you care about.

Don't let fear govern your life. Let God rule it. Build your relationship with God and He will certainly make sure that your heart is protected. No need for a strong wall, as specified above. I'm tearing mine down - and as I do, I'm sifting through all of the time and energy wasted in the false hope of protection.

I don't want you to have to sift through the rubble. So, if there is someone that you love today, stop reading this blog and go tell them.

Yes, We Shall

Father God, I thank You right now for allowing me to personally experience history being made last night. In this beautiful country of hope and possibility, we have now seen the first African-American president-elect. We thank You right now God for we know that You are in control of all things. We thank You that the polls have proven that it goes beyond a “race thing” with 61% of the president-elect’s votes coming from Caucasian-Americans. Thank You for an undeniably, decisive end to this campaign season. For too long, our televisions have been assaulted by political campaigns and our ears assailed by negative talk about the candidates running for office. For too long we have had to endure an election season that seemed like it would never end. While all along, You had already chosen who would lead these United States of America. Thank You – for Your ways are not our ways. Who would have believed it from the start that a little known Senator from Chicago would step on the national – no, world stage and effect history the way that You have allowed Him to?

Thank You God for giving us the opportunity to vote – thank You for the record turnout that says that votes do matter. All of this has been hard to absorb. So, much going on that is all by Your hand. It is indeed a wonder.
Thank You for everything You’ve shown us and done for us in this election season but we thank You most of all for choosing individuals whose heart can be molded unto You. Begin the next level of molding. Do so now, please God. Mold them and shape them into leaders that will follow You. Press upon the people to pray for the leaders. They need prayer and continual submission to You Father. Let not this time of victory be a time that they would stand on their own merits but instead that they would fully lean and depend on Your strength and Your power and Your might Father. They did not get to their election posts by their own power – but by Yours. Give them a sense of humility. And, likewise, the nation. For although we are strong in military might and a number of other measures, they all count for nothing if we are weak in You. Give us a humility that shows that we serve You – Our One true God.

This nation stands in need of leadership that submits to Your will and Your way. We have gone astray in past times from Your leadership, preferring the things of the flesh and denying the things of the Spirit, but now Father, we stand at a moment of opportunity. We stand in the beams of hope. Teach us. Lead us. Guide us. And, we will never be the same.

We ask Your protection for all of the elected officials. We ask that no weapon formed against them be able to prosper. Guard now, God. Secure now, Father. Do it, please Sir. We ask that they would be grave in their decision-making, counting every cost and measuring every deed by Your Holy Standard. We put our full trust in You.

In the words of Psalm 25: 2-4

2 in You I trust, O my God.
Do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.

3 No one whose hope is in You
will ever be put to shame,
but they will be put to shame
who are treacherous without excuse.

4 Show me Your ways, O LORD,
teach me Your paths;

And so it’s here that we rest. We put our trust in You God. Our hope is not in an elected official but it is in You alone. We see what You can do – we thank You for all You’ve done. Help us to line ourselves up with You.

Show us Your way. Teach us Your paths. And, with Your help God, we will be a stronger, more committed and united people. Yes, we shall.

It's Election Day!

Did you vote today?

If you didn't vote, and you are eligible to do so, stop reading this blog, and go vote!

If you elected to do early-voting, as I did, then you can relax and keep reading.

I am sooooooooooooooo excited today! I vote up before my alarm clock today. (that's a rare thing). I can hardly contain my election excitement. This is a historic election, ya know.

And, after having come from overseas and seeing just how much the world is watching our presidential election, it gave me even more excitement. C'mon America. Get out to vote!

My mind is so preoccupied with this election, and the excitement that it entails - seeing how the lines are forming at polling places and watching the candidates make their final appeals last night - man, I'm pumped.

I know that God will ultimately be the judge, but that does not make this any less important. I'm sooooooooo excited. Are you? Did you vote?

No-Dread Monday

New week and new associated blessings that will come.

I'm barely awake but I am excited. After spending an hour (literally) in customs in Charlotte, NC this weekend and running through the airport to catch my connection, I am feeling a bit tired on today. I slept most of yesterday after being up 24 consecutive hours. Whew!

I know - I'm out of shape. Perhaps the running would have been smoother had I not had my big winter coat, and two small bags with me. Nevertheless, I made the connection - which took off on time, actually, a few minutes early since everyone was on board.

And, now I see what my doctor meant when he said I should lose a few pounds. I've got to take better care of this temple of God. I know the Holy Spirit dwelling withing must be getting squeezed! Too much fat. It's not good fat when you have it in excess...

Nevertheless, here I am today. Still excited. I don't know why. But I believe that God has something good in store for me on today. I'm not dreading the elections - I've already voted and I trust that God's will will prevail - although I do have clear choices - federal and state, I 'm hoping that choice lines up with the will ofGod.

I'm not dreading work. I'm happy to have a good job. It keeps me on the move but that to me is a good thing.

I'm not dreading the exercise that must be done. I know that I need to get better about what I eat and when my body is lighter I'll feel even better.

I'm not dreading anything today - even as my sore muscles are all but screaming at me. It's going to be a good day. I think it's simply because God has blessed it to me this way.

And, if He has done it for me, He'll do it for you. He's no respector of persons. So, here's to a "dread-free" Monday!


I Tried Goose!

I tried something new.

Last night, in traditional fashion for this area, I had goose for dinner, with sauerkraut, purple cabbage (can't remember the right name) and a potato ball that wasn't a potato ball. It looked like a softball, but it was squishy, kinda gooey, kinda tasty...made partly from potatoes.

I ate so much stuff last night that I would normally walk right by. But, the menu was set. So, therefore, goose - a huge piece and the other items with bread and salad and dessert were the main attraction.

One of the desserts was hazel nut and chocolate, but the blend, consistency and shape put me in mind of something a puppy would pass. But, nevertheless, I soldiered on and much to my taste surprise, it was more than yummy.

I guess you can't always judge a book by it's cover.

So, I plan to wrap up my trip here and fly back home. I'm praying and asking God for a smooth trip. We have enough rough air on the trip over here.

Have a great weekend.

Do Something New!

Now, this is cold weather. It is 2 degrees celcius. That’s real cold for a chick from North Carolina. I have the proper gear of course – dressed head to toe in warmth but you still have to go outside! In Europe, lots of walking (and bike riding) is done. In Erlangen, the same is true. We park far and walk long. And, parking is at a premium. But, I’m not complaining. I need the exercise – especially after I ate all of that GREAT bread last night.

Who would have thought that I would be spending so much time in Germany? I once dated an American soldier who dreamed of being stationed in Germany. We were standing in line at a restaurant, and he initiated a conversation with the family standing next to us. That’s where I learned how badly he wanted to be stationed in Germany. He told them that WE would be stationed there soon. That he had put in the paperwork for it. The husband and wife at that time said, “Wow – Germany!” They talked about it more and more and the more real it became, the blood must have flown out of my face because the husband looked at me and said, “Well, she doesn’t look so sure about Germany.” Who would have ventured to guess that now, I would be on my fifth trip since 2007 – things have a way of working themselves out.

So, why have I told you all of this about cold weather and Germany?

I want to get you to think about broadening your territory.

It’s easy to do the run-of-the-mill things. It’s harder to break from your routine and experience something new. So, today, I ask that you do just that. Do something new today that you’ve never done before. And, I believe that you will find the break from your routine rewarding. Pray about what to do – then do it!

And lastly, share with us bloggers here! We want to know too!

God Bless,

Circadian Cycles

Merriam Webster defines jet lag this way: a condition that is characterized by various psychological and physiological effects (as fatigue and irritability), occurs following long flight through several time zones, and probably results from disruption of circadian rhythms in the human body.

And, you know me. I read this and said – what does circadian rhythm really mean? It’s obvious from the text but I wanted to know what good ole Britannica and Wikipedia had to say about that.

Within the circadian (24-hour) cycle, a person usually sleeps approximately 8 hours and is awake 16. Here’s a Circadian diagram of someone that gets up early in the morning.

All I can say is that I am truly jet-lagged. And, as soon as I get used to this timezone, it will be time to fly back home. But, God is good. I’m expecting to rest really well this week and get the rest that I need.

So, that brings to mind two questions: How many hours of sleep per night do you get on average and what do you do to relax?

Fly, Fly, Fly!

I have an appreciation for birds. I get that from my dad. He and his aunt Sarah were into bird-watching. I think that what I really marvel at is a bird's ability to fly. I look at their bodies and then their wingspans and they just simply fly!

If I were to flap my equivalent - my arms - then gravity would surely pull me down. But, birds, they just do it. They have sense to know when to go out into the elements and when to stay in shelter. Birds get it. That's cool.

Yesterday, I was flying - in a metal bird some 30,000 + feet high in the sky ... over a major body of water. We hit a lot of turbulence. I'm happy that I am a seasoned flyer or I may have had a tendency to be a bit scared. But, we got jostled around for a good while. Even the pilot told us that we would have to just go through it - he couldn't go around it.

Turbulence - or rough air as the industry calls it now, comes. But when we are experienced, we notice the roughness, but we are not consumed by it - we are not afraid of it. And, that's how it is with seasoned Christians. They trust God to get them through. Even though it may be rough going with the things that they are dealing with, they have confidence and trust in God. They sit back in their seat within their "spiritual bird," knowing that even though they are being jostled about, and that they are high above the ground where falling is not an option (or either a deadly option), they are not fretting. They are trusting.

To the seasoned Christians, keep on trusting. Fly, fly, fly!

Uh Oh - Ankle Injury?

I think I may have reinjured my ankle. That's bad because I have to travel before I will have an opportunity to visit with the doctor familiar with my ankle injury. Oh, the drama.

I went through muscle strengthening after finally getting an appropriate diagnosis when this first happened. That was pretty intense! And, I selfishly do not want to go back to those times. It was aggrevating but effective. Which is why I am a little puzzled as to why I am feeling that something is a little amiss now. I remember wearing a pair of flats on Thursday - they have a small platform as the base. Well, I was turning the corner and did so rather painfully. I remember thinking - wow, that hurt! But, the pain went away relatively fast. So, I didn't think much of it. But now, since then, I have been feeling the effects.

It's funny how we think that we are 100% healed from something painful only to find out that one wrong move will land us right back where we were before. This is what happens when we get well in our own strength - we are subject to reinjury and reminders. But, when we move on out of the way and allow God to heal us - then no weapon formed against us can prosper. We are healed through and through - most times even much better than we were before our injury. God can and does use others to heal us. The difference is reliance.

Who are we relying on? If I think back, I think I would have relied on the doctor's wisdom to heal me - not necessarily God working through the doctor. But now, I know that I need to rely on God Himself to heal me - even if He chooses to do so through the doctor.

So, bloggy buddies, please pray that this time, I rely solely on God for my healing. I know that He alone can give me the 100% recovery that I need!

Hurtful Choices

Sometimes the choices that others make hurt us.

Whether intentional or not, the hurt is still there.

We cannot change others or make their decisions for them. God gives us all freewill. Therefore, the only choices we can make are our own. We have to decide how we will respond to the choices of others that hurt our very feelings.

I want to encourage you today to do a few things when you find yourself in that situation:

1. Look to God. And, while this could be our first and last point, I will not stop there. We've got to look to Him because He is the one that knows the entire situation. He knows exactly how you are a feeling. He created you and knows how you respond to things. In fact, He knew that this situation was going to come before you experienced. He knows all about it and He cares. He is waiting on you to look to Him. And, when you do, you will find the strength and encouragement to move forward. When you hurt, He hurts too - He is not an insensitive God. But, He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. So, look to Him.

2. Recognize your worth. As a believer, you are a child of the King. So, no hurtful decision from someone else affects your worth in God's eyes. You are strong because your strength comes from the Lord. You can make it when you depend on God. You can make it when you recognize that you add value to the world because you are a Creation from God. He determines your value - not anyone else. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

3. Move forward. I have wasted YEARS of my life all because I couldn't find the courage to move forward after someone hurt me. God never intended for me to get stuck like that. But now, I have a testimony that says that resisting forward movement is detrimental on so many levels. It takes courage to move forward. But, it's available through God. Don't allow that one that hurt you victory over you for years like I did. Be better than that. Move forward with your life. By doing so, you give God glory. There is an old saying - if He brings you to it, He can bring you through it. Rest in that assurance today and move forward.

You do not have to lobby for somebody else's approval of you. God approves. That's enough.

You do not have to stay bound up because someone hurt you. Cry if you have to - but put your trust fully in the Lord and walk with Him. He'll never leave you nor forsake you.

And lastly, don't wear hurt like a badge or pendant. Get through it, with the help of God and cast it off. You don't need the weight or the stinch of it. Cast it off and leave it off.

I don't know why this was on my heart this morning, but hopefully and prayerfully, as you read this post, you will be encouraged to know that God knows and He cares so much about you. He loves you with an everlasting love and He is for you. He has a positive opinion of you and He wants you to walk in victory today.

So, chin up - dry your eyes - and keep moving to the glory of God!

Do Your Own Research

Have you ever heard someone shade the truth? This is, have you ever had someone tell just enough of the truth to seem credible but then they spin it to their own advantage? If you are looking for an example of this, turn on the television. It’s campaign season and it just seems that shading the truth is the mode de jour.

The problem with shading the truth is that it is lying. It’s not turning things to your advantage. It’s not fair. It’s not the way things should be done. Do not be deceived. A half truth is a whole lie.

So, what can we do when it’s time to pick our leaders. Do your own research. Don’t cheat off somebody else’s paper by letting them fill you with their spin. Do your own research and find out for yourself. When it comes to politics, don’t just rely on factcheck. That’s been found to be misleading too. In such a tight election, you need to do your own research and vote the way that you are led by God to vote. It does not matter what somebody else thinks or feels. You go into the voting booth alone. And, it is in that booth that you will make your own choices.

I encourage you to make sure that you have really done your own research and not settled for the reports from political pundits or the local barbershop. Do your civic duty and research the candidates to see where they really stand.

My state has early voting, so I did my due diligence in research and now I’ve voted. These last minute news items coming out about the candidates don’t bother me. They are just last minute attempts to get votes. But, in this campaign season, after having done my due diligence, and counted the costs for both sides, my decision is made and cannot be changed. My ballot – submitted. My sleep – peaceful. I wish you the same.

Tell the Truth!

Do not lie to me. That's a pet peeve of mine that God is helping me with. I get really irritated when someone lies to me and I know that they are lying right as the words are coming out of their mouth. Don't get me wrong, I also get rather annoyed when I have believed something only to find out later that the whole thing was a fabrication. There is no reason to lie - not one. Telling the truth, even when it is not good news, is essential.

Lying is nothing new. But it is something that must be identified and stomped out in the life of the believer.

Why is it so hard to speak truthfully? Well, it really isn't. What gets complicated is telling a lie to cover another lie and another lie and so on and so forth. Lies build bridges to eternal damnation. Truth appeals to Heaven.

Speaking the truth in love is healing. Speaking the truth in love is life.

We can get mixed up when we get out of synch with God.

Take this example: We try to spare somebody's feelings and end up telling a lie.
End result: the person does not have hurt feelings but you have sinned. Not good. What if God was prompting you to tell that person the truth in love but you, in your own assessment, decided what was best for that person - to lie to them instead to spare their feelings. You have just interfered with God's business. It's not your business to decide what is best for someone else when God has given you a directive.

He directs us to be truthful in our speech. Tell the truth. And, do it in such a way that it can be received well. Ephesians 4 tells us to speak the truth in love!

Our speech should be loving and it should be kind.

One of the greatest things we can do for others is to show them love by giving them truth. It is when we are ready to be truthful that we can impact the world for Christ with a strong and powerful witness. So, go ahead, speak the truth in love when God gives you the go-ahead. Let God set the pace and timing - don't lie and try to do things on your own.

I like to say this - when God sends the mail, all you have to do is deliver!

Be Blessed,

#172, Come On Down!!!

#172 Come On Down!

I feel like I won an opportunity on the “Price Is Right.” I’m so excited inside that I want to give God praise on the outside! He is so wonderful to me! And, He does things that lift me and encourage me right when I least expect it and most need it! God is good like that. Let me tell you what happened…

Last week, I posted an entry entitled Do the Hard Thing.” I got some really great feedback from some of you which encouraged me. Thank you. See how God moves!?! Amazing.

I’ve mentioned to you how much I enjoy reading Lysa Terkeurst’s blog. So, last week, she had a post to get to know the blogging community. Well, I entered two of my blog entries into a Mr. Linky that Lysa set up. She would be using selected ones for her radio broadcast and potentially for other opportunities around the P31 ministry.

Guess what, she is going to use the “Do the Hard Thing” post for a radio broadcast that she will do. Isn’t that exciting! Look – here’s the way that I found out… click here. Pop on over there and see for yourself...

Now, can’t you hear the “#172, Come On Down!” (Nevermind the misspelling of my name – once you click through, you’ll see it’s me!)

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to share Your message with those who desire to hear it. And, thank you, Lysa for such a great opportunity. And finally, thank all of you for your comments, your honesty and openness and your support!

I feel extra blessed!

Yours and His,

Practicalities Today

Okay, here I am. I'm feeling a bit better. This weekend, wowzers.... I didn't feel so good. But, I did manage to get a few things accomplished.

But God was faithful to me. I was able to get much of the work accomplished that needed to be accomplished and I got a wonderful opportunity to REST. My mother scolded me about my vitamin intake but that was okay too. I needed to be reminded.

So, here I am telling you to take good care of yourself. The weather where I am is cold and hot all in the same week. Some of the older generation refer to it as "flu-weather." So, remember to dress in layers and wash your hands frequently. And, get your rest. Your wonderfully-designed body can do wonders if you don't always run your battery down. Get some rest and watch its performance soar!

So, I hope you'll give me a little reprieve today and take these practical examples as my entry. While I rest, I'll be sure to keep a journal by my side so that if anything blog-worthy comes up, I'll capture it and you will get to read it as you stop by. Sound good?

Okay - have a great day.

Flesh-led Approval

Why do we care what people think about us? What is it about us that craves acceptance and approval? Two words: Our flesh.

The flesh is tricky. It can make us crave things that are inherently bad for us. It can make us disregard things that we should really pay more attention to. That flesh of ours really knows how to do it. It knows what we like and drives us to get it - even when we outright know that we don't need to get involved.

Praise be to God that we don't have to live under the mandate and control of our flesh. As children of God, we can tell ourselves to "pump brakes." We don't have to get go there. We can stop. When we belong to God, we have a helper - the precious Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. Isn't that incredible!? God left us with the Word to strengthen us and a piece of Himself dwelling within us.

The Holy Spirit is such a gentleman. He's not going to force Himself or His will upon us. But don't be mistaken. He's there, waiting for us to listen to His correction and direction. He knows what God desires for us to be about. Afterall, He is God - He is part of the Holy Trinity.

So, then, what we have to do is get our flesh under submission to God. We can do it with His help. We can do it when we stop looking to others for approval of what we say, do and think and instead look to God for His approval of us.

How can we know that He approves? Easy - read the Word. The Bible will tell you everything that you are supposed to be about as a child of God. And, when your life lines up with the Word, then you will know that He approves of your activities.

No, it's not always easy - but it is always necessary.

Yes, you will make mistakes, but God has left the necessary steps to be forgiven in His Word.

Follow Christ - He will treat you right. Trust in the Lord. Don't worry about what other people think. They don't have a Heaven to put you in - they are not the ultimate judge. God is. Live your life to please Him.

And, if you do, you'll never look back - how do I know? I know because when you seek His approval and structure your life to be obedient to what He requires, you will feel a freedom that you've never felt before. Once you lay your burden down, don't pick it back up.

Be free!

Have a great weekend!

Something to Sing About

Do you remember when songs were written about something? I do. What got me to thinking was that I was watching television yesterday and the strangest song came on. In case you are a fan, I won’t mention the artist or the song – anyway, this performer was on a talk show and the lyrics to this “song” – using the word loosely of course, were outrageous.

The funny – no, the interesting thing was that despite that clear fact that this song made absolutely no sense, young girls were falling out over this performer. Now, granted, he was easy on the eyes – but what education level could he have had to sing a song like that one?

Am I getting too old or just plain judgmental when I say that if you are going to spend money to record, I believe that the song should be about something. And as a buyer, you should purchase on the expectation that you are going to hear something worth listening to. And, here we go – as a Christian – well, the higher expectation on you is that you will spend your time listening to things that matter.

Let’s examine some of the content of this song – the guy is basically telling the girl that she can have anything that she wants, just let him know. He will do this for her because he wants her body. Huh? Say what?

So, yeah, maybe I’m getting older because if a guy thinks he can buy my body for material goods, well, he’s mistaken. And, that’s the stance our young folks need to take as well. Your body is not for sale – in fact, it’s not even your own. We were bought with a price – the blood of Jesus Christ.

Our young people need to see this as truth – a truth worth singing about!

Do the Hard Thing

Sometimes, in order to be in complete obedience to Christ, we have to make tough decisions. These decisions are tough not because we desire to do the wrong things, but they are tough because we desire to do the things that please others. We want their approval and we do not want them to be hurt in the process. But, we have a decision to make.

Will we do what the Lord has commanded, or will we step in and try to save someone else’s feelings?

While, in our nature, it is easier to try to step in to save someone from hurt, we have an obligation to do God’s work first. We have an obligation to be obedient to Him. So, we must do the hard thing.

Sometimes the hard things are letting that loved one go to find their own way and to experience the things that must be experienced if they are to grow in God. Let’s take a look at our biblical examples set before us. Abraham had to do the hard thing.

He decided to be obedient to the Lord. The Lord told him to sacrifice His son, Isaac. You know the story. In obedience, early that morning, Abraham set out to do the Lord’s bidding. And because God saw how willing Abraham was to do His will, even as Abraham reasoned in His mind that God had given Him a promise and that God would be able to restore His son, God stopped the sacrifice. He told Abraham not to harm his son.

What would have happened if Abraham decided that “no way, now how” was he ever going to sacrifice his son. Things would have been much different.

But, Abraham did the hard thing.

Obedience costs you something but the dividends you get in return from the Lord far outweigh any sacrifice you may have had to make.

Do the hard thing.

Whatever the situation, if God is requiring that you leave it alone – then leave it alone. If God is requiring you to take action, then take action.

Do the hard thing, and you will see that God is yet in control. Your obedience will be rewarded.

Good, But Not Great

What a weekend! I went to see Body of Lies, the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was interesting – and violent at times. My verdict – good but not great.

I also went to the Parade of Homes event this weekend – again, good but not great. Multi-million dollar homes were not staged. I guess it has everything to do with the economy. But, still – a little bit of staging goes a long way.

But, when I went to church on Sunday, well, it was great! I taught Sunday School, prayed with the Ministers, participated in the worship service, taught the Spiritual Disciplines class, and then had a chance to hear local candidates state their positions at the candidates forum. When I left church last evening, I was pooped! But, in a good way.

I rested on my couch and watched a bit of television in between taking phone calls and flipping through a magazine. Sunday was great, even as I began to feel a little bit sick. I think that was from sheer exhaustion. I think my body was telling me enough was enough.

And, that’s what I want to remind you of today. We can do all sorts of things to fill our weekend. I should have done more cleaning but I spent most of the weekend away from home. Nevertheless, whatever it is that we engage in, we should do it full-heartedly. Sunday was the best day of my weekend – not because it was so jammed packed, but instead because it was a day of corporate worship and being in the Word for the majority of the day.

Have you had a day like that recently – where you set aside the majority of the day just to worship Him and study His Word? In days now where some churches have 3-4 services per Sunday, it’s hard to get a full day in of worship unless you stay for all the services. What was so special to me about Sunday was the teaching of the Word, which meant that I had to study the Word. I recall the hours spent – and they were wonderful. I want you to know that feeling too. So, even if you don’t plan on teaching anyone anything anytime soon, study anyway. Spend time with the Lord in study of His Word. Stay before Him in study as long as you can. And, when you do, He will give you an audience to share your knowledge with – a co-worker, a stranger, a class – you just never know. You will never leave your time of earnest study of the Word saying that it was good but not great! That’s a guarantee!

Help a Sister Find...

Hey Bloggy Friends!

I need your help. I've been trying to find this document that lists the sins of our nation and God's response. For instance, this study suggests when Roe v. Wade was made law, there was a direct correlation to crime. It lists things of this nature. And, by now, I'm sure there must be some colloration to the movement to take "In God We Trust" off of our money to the things we are seeing in our economy. It seems that too many unqualified home buyers put their trust in banks instead of God. The problem therein is that the banks were making risky deals on those mortgages and well, here we are. Wall Street and Main Street are suffering the consequences, but it goes deeper than that.

Panic and fear has the nation - no, it has the world - in its very grip.

So, if you've seen anything like document mentioned - please let me know. I want to pull the information together for something that I'm working on. So, please help a sister out!

It's a perfect time to reemphasize the gospel. As a nation, we are on our knees and now, it's time to get back to the discipline of prayer.

Have a great weekend!

Lysa's Chasing Love Post

I read Lysa Terkeurst's blog almost daily - some days she posts personal things and that's cool, but I delight in the days when she posts about the truth of God. Well, I was a few days behind in reading her posts when I stumbled upon this one ...

It's about chasing love - it's a good post to read whether you are single or married. She talks about one married woman's struggle with chasing love but I won't spoil it for you. If you get a minute today, jump on over to Lysa's blog and check out this post. Here's the link again:

Lord, help us to be careful with our affections!

Praying for the Candidates

Today, I pray for our nation. I want you to pray too. We often hear that we are to pray daily for our nation, for our leadership and for those who will make decisions on our behalves. But, today, I really feel like now is really time for prayer.

In a few short weeks, our nation will go to the polls. In this closely contested race on the national level - for the commander-in-chief position, the proverbial claws have come out - on both sides - from those who claim to know and love the Lord.

So, what can we do? How will we choose? Well, I've already got my mind made up based on the issues that matter to me and I'm praying for my candidate. But, I do ask for prayer now for those whose minds are yet to be made up. I pray that they don't fall for the "okey-doke" from these campaigns - I pray that when they vote that they will stay focused on the issues that make a difference in their lives.

So, I pray today for state and local as well as national candidates. They all deserve our prayers and I pray that they will all follow after God's leadership. That would be a welcome change!

Don't Run from the Hard Things

Sometimes it hurts to confront those that we care about.

We wonder what they will think about us. We wonder if they will still see us in the same light that they used to. We wonder the multitudes of "what ifs."

We waste time. We debate. We ponder. But it still does not change the fact that this has to be done. We have to confront in order to correct.

I recently faced a troubling situation. I had to confront it and I knew it. But, instead I tried to hide behind a multitude of excuses. This got me absolutely no where.

I felt absolutely NO relief until such time that I was able to pray and ask the Lord for strength to address the issue as He would have me to do it. And when I did, I felt so much better! And, the confrontation was not hostile at all. It all worked out for the good.

I saw God moving because in my heart, I was trying to do the right thing. And, He worked it all out. So, what did I learn?

Don't run from the hard things. Ask God for help, and He will work through you!

Keeping Relationships Healthy

Restoring relationships can be tricky. Therefore, I try to make sure that I do not damage the ones that I have in the first place. Yet, this is not always easily accomplished. Our emotions, left unguarded, can be contributory to harming our relationships.

It is noted that the ones closest to us, generally are the recipients of our bad behavior. It is thought to be that way because those same ones we injure love us – and will forgive our tantrums. But why subject them to this mistreatment in the first place?

One word – sin. This is what it all distills to. No matter how fancy we make it, sin will always be the root cause for why we mistreat others.

I am not sporting a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) bracelet this morning, but the question is a good one. Disciples of His should want to walk His walk and live as He lived. Jesus did not go around mistreating people. Instead, He demonstrated love and compassion. Even in His correction, He demonstrated such (Martha and Mary). And, even in cases where He challenged others sins, He still left them with teachings that would edify the body, and for the willing, restore their relationships.

Lord, be it ever unto us, to live life that would be pleasing unto you – not throwing tantrums to have our own way, but loving others more than we love ourselves, every single day!

Learning to Lean

Oh happy day! Welcome to Thursday!

I am particularly excited today. My house was a little chilly this morning, but thank God that I still have a roof over my homestead. My bed isn’t what it used to be, but thank God I have some place to lay my head!

Before I wax poetic this morning, I better explain myself. I am happy because it’s another day to be alive. I am not stressing this morning, I am simply celebrating life. I am not stressing this morning because I am leaning fully on the Lord.

How about you? How is your day going today?

Well, if it is not all “sunshine and lollipops”, then I want you to stop what other activity you are doing after the completion of this email and then I want you to thank God. Look at your body – your members and tell Him thank you. Look at the health that you do have and tell Him thank you. Look at the situation surrounding you – and tell Him thank you.

I am coming to the understanding that life itself can be hard. But we still have a fundamental choice. We will either celebrate in spite of because we are leaning on the Lord or we will succumb to the circumstances and situations around us.

Bloggy friend, I am asking you to try it God’s way today. Lean on Him and celebrate life – even in the face of challenging times. When you do, you will be blessed and it will be a “sunshine and lollipops” kind of day!

Give God Room to Work!

I cannot believe it’s October. It’s October and I’m still not wearing a coat to work in the mornings. What’s really going on people!?! Global Warming? End-times? What?!!

Okay – on to my point. I had a conference call this morning so that’s why I’m running behind in posting (plus the fact that I slept past the time I was supposed to get up so that I could post early. Sorry! Wink, wink…)

Yesterday, I nearly lost my cool. It’s like that when you birth something and somebody else tries their level best to take it away from you. I was crying and upset and couldn’t understand it (and I still don’t ) but like Patti LaBelle said … ou oou ou ou oooooouuu I’ve got a new attitude.

I spent a rather significant amount of time receiving wise council. And, well, now I’m set to do what must be done. With my face set towards God, I will step back and give God room to work the way that He intends.

You see, what happened to me yesterday is not a surprise to God. He’s seen it done before at the hands of the same people. God does not like "ugly" behavior. God sees, He knows, He cares. And, He handles folks too – He will repay. So, therefore, why should I get in His way? He is going to work this thing out in a way that gives Him the glory. And, I’m not going to interfere with it.

Now, knowing me, you recognize already that you are going to have to keep me in your prayers, right? It’s hard to turn something loose that means so much. But, whether it be at the hands of a thief or at the hands of God, when it’s time to let go, we’ve got to do just that. Let go and let God have His way in our circumstances and situations. We say that from time to time, and now here is the test.

If God intends for me to receive it again – since He’s the one that gave it to me and allowed me to prepare and present it, then I will have it. But, if this is the end of the road per the intentions of God, then it’s the end of the road. It’s really that simple. Somebody else cannot keep what belongs to you if God ordained it for you. So, please pray for me as I walk in faith, trusting God that He will restore me during this time. I grieved yesterday for the thing God allowed me to birth and now I have to trust Him, NOT man, with the growth of it.

A Little R& Disney?

Recently I told you about slowing down. I took my own advice (so to speak) and went to Disney for a little rest and relaxation. I needed to take a break. And while I cannot fly everyone down to Disney and pay for your admission, I will share some of the pictures from my trip - and well, you can look at these pictures and imagine that you were standing right beside me when I took the pictures. Enjoy!

This was the family fun day parade! These Disney characters where getting down! I hope that those suits are well was pretty hot that day!

Guess who I saw hanging out at Cinderella's place? Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and more princes and princesses! They did a muscial number.

Check out this big boat and such a small lake - only at Disney!

And, this is Thunder Mountain Railroad. I got my nerve up to ride this one - I don't do the whole roller coaster thing - but then I saw a group of small kids getting ready to ride and figured at my age, I should be able to handle it - and handle it I did! I had a good time!
Now, I had the chance to ride the transit system of the futuer and see the sights from on-high. This was pretty cool and I was snap, snap, snappin' away.
Overall, I had a good time, although the heat from the day and my blue jean attire had me a little warmer that I would have preferred. But, it's all good! I had a great time and it was break from the normal. I hope that you will take some time to get a break from your normal routine as well!

The Great Bailout

Hey y'all!

Happy Monday! This is the day that the Lord has made and to tell ya the truth - I'm glad!

Yesterday, I kept my godson who is three months old. I had him for a few hours and can I just say one word to describe him...ADORABLE! Oh, did he show me his gums and just cooo - you know that made my heart melt. I don't see how folks can hurt little babies. Doesn't seem plausibe!!!

OH, if you get a chance, take a color analysis. My friend Kathy posted about it on her site, if you want to read my results. And the color analysis itself is here. Of course, I didn't pay for the full analysis - I think the intro paragraph of the analysis you get back is good enough. Nevertheless, I thought it was a fun and pretty accurate assessment of me!

Now, to the real post.

Everybody is talking about it - so I think we should too. The financial bailout. Now, whether or not we get to the root of who caused it or who was first to say that they solved it, even as it was bi-partisan, you know we'll hear about it soon ... "We were the first to ..." It makes me ill that we have grown folks running our government acting like school kids... "he started it..."

Okay, I'm losing my point.

Nevertheless, although I think watching the financial bailout come to a solution is a worthwhile exercise in fiscal responsibility and the dangers of greed and self-interest, I want to shed light on another area.

As Christians, I think this bailout should encourage us to tithe more. What safer place to put your money than in the Kingdom of God. Don't scrunch your face up - we cannot control what man does with the money - but if we are joyful givers and are giving the money in faith to God, then it does not matter what happens after it's put in the collection plate. That is to say, that the decisions are not on your shoulders. The persons handling the money will have to make an account to God. Your part is to give joyfully.

My next point is that everything we have belongs to God. So, don't get into a panic about your 401k or anything else. Give all your cares to God. He's the One that got you the job so that you could have the 401k anyway. He's the One that gave you the mind so that you could learn what is required for that job with that 401k. See where I'm going here? Everything belongs to God. Every bit of it. So, it doesn't do us any good to sit around worrying. Cast all your cares on Him...

Lastly, this is a great time for witnessing. I think that God is growing weary of America's ways. We've tried to take "In God We Trust" off of our money - and now we see what's happening. We've let homosexuality onto our main primetime stations and as a nation will allow such activity to be legalized into marriage. We have put the interests of the rich ahead of those of the poor. We send aid in billions to countries outside of the US but will not send that same support to our own tax-paying US citizens in Hurricane damaged cities - remember Katrina? How much more will God take from us? No one can know, but the writing is on the wall.

So, Christians - it's time to walk the talk. Our nation is reaching for their wallets. Will you show them the difference and reach for your Bible?

Love, the Greatest Gift!

Here Comes the Bride
All dressed in white
Dah dee dah dee dee
I don’t know the rest of the song…

Good news. A childhood friend of mine is getting married in October. I am throwing her a Bridal Shower this weekend. YAY!

I think we are going to have a blast. I’ve got games prepared, gifts to give and love to share. I can only remember the middle school days – boy, we’ve come a long way!

One thing that I like about this bride is that she is not bridezilla in the least. She is planning a small, private event with just those that mean the most to her and her groom. She’s not interested in what can become the spectator side of a wedding. No huge frills – just the main event – the proclamation of enduring love before God and the families.

I think that our society has gotten to happy with those lavish weddings – don’t get me wrong – the spectator in me wants that invitation! But, when the lavish exceeds the love, we have a problem.

Wouldn’t we all be better, as couples, as individuals, if love ruled the day? Love is the greatest gift.

Let’s practice giving that gift over and over again!

Have a good weekend!

Coming Out?

Why is it so "popular" to admit homosexuality? I am really disturbed by this trend. If we look at celebrities, they seem to be coming out in droves - T.R. Knight (which by the way really surprised me), Lindsay Lohan (I'm still shocked) and even though many had speculated this to the be case - Clay Aiken - and there's more!

In the local schools, this issue is raging out of control. I have a good friend who told me of the activities going around at her daughter's school. Saints of God, this is a praying time. The spirit of homosexuality is strong.

I think we have to understand a few things.

(1) Although this public display of homosexuality on our network television stations and local malls is disturbing, it's not new behavior (check out Genesis 19). Our society has gotten so lax and accepting of sin that homosexuality is increasing accepted. Some, in what I believe to be flawed judgment, even say that the perfect God of the universe created them that way. But, it does not even matter what our society accepts if God rejects it. And, make no mistake, God calls this brand of sin an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

(2) Homosexuality IS a perversion of God's gift. Check out Romans 1:26-27.

While I deeply oppose homosexuality, I also know that each person practicing this sin is redeemable. I know this to be true because God is no respecter of persons. He does not love me more because I am heterosexual and love them less because they are homosexual. But He does call us all to account. We will all answer for our sins.

So, that's why I want you to join me in prayer. Let's appeal to Heaven for a reversal of this trend and an increase in love for God and His Word. We need to be obedient to God and His Word.

There is yet hope for homosexuals, if they will repent. If we look at 1Corinthians 6:9-11, we can see the hope laid out for us all:

V9 - Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality

V10 - nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

V11 - And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Will you join me?

Slow down the pace

Getting proper rest is important. Yet, it is the one thing that we tend to neglect. We "get by" on fewer and fewer hours of sleep per night while we are busy multi-tasking and saving the world. Well, I for one am quite tired of the race. And, it's not because I'm having difficulty with it - it's just that I am getting to the point now that some things just don't matter as much as they used to. I'm getting to the point now where I would much prefer to slow things down a notch.

I'm not ready to retire, but I am ready to move out of the "fast lane" into the middle lane beside it. I'll roll in the middle for awhile. Not too fast - not too slow. In visiting with my doctors, talking with my friends, and assessing the dark circles underneath my eyes, a slow down is in order. I want to "smell the roses."

I read in a book that we get consumed with saving time and maximizing our days. Every "symptom"/warning signal that this book described, I had it. And, well, that's not a good thing! So, slowing down will be the prescription for me.

And maybe, you should take a look at your world too. If it seems that you are always on the go, running here and there, giving your all in your selected activity to the point that when you get home you simply do not have any energy for another thing, well, slowing down maybe the treatment plan for you.

A first step for me today, (knowing that I was exhausted from the weekend excitement, activity and travel, I flew back, went into the office to work on a special project and have been rolling non-stop since), is going to be to dial it all back a bit and kick my feet up on the couch and relax.

I bet your couch would love a visit too!

He is Amazing!

Walt Disney World is amazing. Lots of good things to be a part of. Lots of fun to be had. The technology that goes into that amusement park is thrilling, as well as the sheer attention to detail. Wonderful!

It’s funny how we can look at a place like Disney and see right off the wonder and the fantasy created there. It’s all man-made. We can compare achievements. We can say, well, that must have taken a long time or that must have taken much effort because we can compare what it would have cost us in terms of time, knowledge and resources.

However, I would like to take this time to point out the obvious.

We pay loads of attention to man-made things. But, I want you to consider the God-made things.

We can start with nature. We can count the rings in a tree trunk to know how long its been around. But, what about thinking about how the tree came to be – the number of species – the sheer majesty of a huge tree towering above you, cooling you on a hot, sunny day. It’s wonderful. God created that – marvel at the attention to detail- both inside and outside of the tree.

I can only think about my food supply. I love to eat. God created the good things that I ingest. Have you ever been to a farm? Have you ever been around food-harvesters? Do you know how food gets from the field to the dining table? It’s amazing.

My maternal grandfather was a farmer. My other grandfather, does farming in his oversized garden. Each year, he plants a variety of things. And, before the hard frost, I go up to his home and help him get the sweet potatoes out of the ground. We’ve done it for three years now. There is something rewarding about gathering food that you will eat. It’s amazing.

God has left us with amazing things to behold. I can only hope that we will examine His majesty by looking at His creation. He’s better than technology, better than best. He’s God.

Go State!

Okay, this is not going to be a traditional post. I'm soooooo thrilled! I went to the NC State - ECU football game today. And, while my team, NC State, has been plagued with injury after injury and just have not performed all that well, I was optimistic about their chances today.

As I walked into the stadium, I heard an ECU fan say, "it's a good day to be a pirate." He thought from the start that my team did not stand a chance. And, well, it really didn't look good, but we were still excited to be at the game.
I felt that as long as we kept the score close, then we would be alright. And, let me tell ya, what a game!!! First, we had EXCELLENT seats - we were on the second row behind the ECU players. My sister got the tickets. Yay! Thanks Sis!
The Power Sound of The Sound, our marching band, sounded fantastic! This is them performing before Kick-off!

At half-time, we were down 7 points. But, thanks to some good play, we went into overtime and the pack really rallied! We won in overtime! The score, 24-30, pack!