Do you remember when songs were written about something? I do. What got me to thinking was that I was watching television yesterday and the strangest song came on. In case you are a fan, I won’t mention the artist or the song – anyway, this performer was on a talk show and the lyrics to this “song” – using the word loosely of course, were outrageous.
The funny – no, the interesting thing was that despite that clear fact that this song made absolutely no sense, young girls were falling out over this performer. Now, granted, he was easy on the eyes – but what education level could he have had to sing a song like that one?
Am I getting too old or just plain judgmental when I say that if you are going to spend money to record, I believe that the song should be about something. And as a buyer, you should purchase on the expectation that you are going to hear something worth listening to. And, here we go – as a Christian – well, the higher expectation on you is that you will spend your time listening to things that matter.
Let’s examine some of the content of this song – the guy is basically telling the girl that she can have anything that she wants, just let him know. He will do this for her because he wants her body. Huh? Say what?
So, yeah, maybe I’m getting older because if a guy thinks he can buy my body for material goods, well, he’s mistaken. And, that’s the stance our young folks need to take as well. Your body is not for sale – in fact, it’s not even your own. We were bought with a price – the blood of Jesus Christ.
Our young people need to see this as truth – a truth worth singing about!
When I heard that song, I thought "Did he just say because he wants her body?" He very blatantly says he's willing to pay for it, and, indeed, our young women love it-blast it on their radios, even. No, you and I are not getting old-we have these strange things called "standards" and "values". Darn us for having self-worth. Great job on the blog! -Tai