Hey Bloggy Friends!
I need your help. I've been trying to find this document that lists the sins of our nation and God's response. For instance, this study suggests when Roe v. Wade was made law, there was a direct correlation to crime. It lists things of this nature. And, by now, I'm sure there must be some colloration to the movement to take "In God We Trust" off of our money to the things we are seeing in our economy. It seems that too many unqualified home buyers put their trust in banks instead of God. The problem therein is that the banks were making risky deals on those mortgages and well, here we are. Wall Street and Main Street are suffering the consequences, but it goes deeper than that.
Panic and fear has the nation - no, it has the world - in its very grip.
So, if you've seen anything like document mentioned - please let me know. I want to pull the information together for something that I'm working on. So, please help a sister out!
It's a perfect time to reemphasize the gospel. As a nation, we are on our knees and now, it's time to get back to the discipline of prayer.
Have a great weekend!
This is not what you asked for, but it's interesting on the topic of crime and abortion.... well thought out and possibly documented (thought I did not click on the links...) If you have to create that list of sins linked to consequences by yourself, this could help you do so, and assist you in backing up your ideas.
It also goes over what the other side asserts about crime actually decreasing as a result of Roe.