Oh happy day! Welcome to Thursday!
I am particularly excited today. My house was a little chilly this morning, but thank God that I still have a roof over my homestead. My bed isn’t what it used to be, but thank God I have some place to lay my head!
Before I wax poetic this morning, I better explain myself. I am happy because it’s another day to be alive. I am not stressing this morning, I am simply celebrating life. I am not stressing this morning because I am leaning fully on the Lord.
How about you? How is your day going today?
Well, if it is not all “sunshine and lollipops”, then I want you to stop what other activity you are doing after the completion of this email and then I want you to thank God. Look at your body – your members and tell Him thank you. Look at the health that you do have and tell Him thank you. Look at the situation surrounding you – and tell Him thank you.
I am coming to the understanding that life itself can be hard. But we still have a fundamental choice. We will either celebrate in spite of because we are leaning on the Lord or we will succumb to the circumstances and situations around us.
Bloggy friend, I am asking you to try it God’s way today. Lean on Him and celebrate life – even in the face of challenging times. When you do, you will be blessed and it will be a “sunshine and lollipops” kind of day!
'The Lord is My Light and My Salvation', is the song that played all night in my dreams. I can't seem to hear anything else this morning but those lyrics in my head. As I recovery from this terrible cold/Flu, I am grateful for the Lord being, '..My Light'. As the lady in the carpool lane hitting my car yesterday leaving little damage, I am grateful for the Lord being, '..My Salvation'.