He is our Everything!

I rarely am appreciative of all the junk email and email forwards that come my way. But, last week, I got a link to an online video that is absolutely fantastic. You must view this video. It brought tears to my eyes and I am so appreciative - primarily that God inspired the actors in such a way, that before that He sent His own Son for me (and you) and that people are grabbing hold of this video and pushing it out to the masses. Well, here's my contribution. Watch and be blessed!


Now, who wouldn't love a Savior like this?

A Sure Foundation

A friend, whom I love dearly, asked me a question recently that caused me to pause and think. Essentially the question they posed is "why do I feel empty when I have everything that you are supposed to want?" I paused because it is a question that resonates, at some point, in all of our lives. This question comes around to challenge us - you can fill in the blanks for yourself. If you have ________ then why do you still feel _________.

I believe that it goes back to our very foundation. What have we been building on? If it has been anything other than Christ - our rock and true foundation - then of course, it cannot stand when the storm winds of life begin to blow with Hurricane Dean category five speeds. Neither can it stand with the wind gusts of a normal day.

Imagine building a house of cards on a table. Each move to place a card is made carefully and diligently. Yet, when someone bumps the table, the cards go down - kaput! Why? Because they did not have a firm foundation. Thus, all of our effort was for naught in placing the cards because we failed to secure a firm foundation. When trials come (the bump) we will struggle as long as we have our foundation built on anything other than Christ. We cannot find fulfillment without being rooted and grounded in Christ.

I am reminded of a hymn "The Solid Rock" whose verses read this way:

My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

So, whether it's a career, a relationship, a material possession or whatever, if it is built on our own efforts and not inclusive of Christ - look for the bump of the card table - it's on sinking sand.

Jesus teaches about those who build houses on rock and sand - read His teaching in Matthew 7:21-29.

Our fulfillment in life comes from a real relationship with Christ - spending quality time with Him. Without that relationship we will always feel like something is missing. And, truthfully, it is. Only a true relationship with the living God can fill the void in our lives. Whenever we totally submit to His will and direction, we will receive the love and joy that He died to give us.

John 10:9-11 says: [9] I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. [10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly. [11] I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
Consider today tearing down anything that does not find its existance in Christ. Bulldoze it with the Word of God. Level it to the ground so that nothing of it remains. Clear the ground - destroying the remnants of anything that takes you away from Christ and then pour a new foundation - build on Christ - the Solid Rock. In doing so, we find joy, peace and tranquility despite any other situations.

Ponder This: What keeps me from putting Christ first? Why do I let it? Did it die for me so that I could live and have rights to everlasting life? Then again, ask yourself "what keeps me from putting Christ first?"
Be Blessed!

What is Love?

Well, there is good news and bad news.

The good news is that love does really exist. The bad news is that not many people know what it is. How can I say something like that? In a country where the divorce rate is roughly 50%, I believe I have a good argument. Love seems to be elusive. In our society, numerous attempts are made to emulate love, but true love is rarely found. Instead, we defer to cupid or some other iconic figure never desiring to go past the surface. Do you ever wonder what's beneath the surface? I do.

After spending several years alone in what I call a healing and transforming period, I have come to learn a few things about love. Mainly that if it is real, it is SELFLESS. The Bible tells us: love suffers, is kind, does not envy, is not conceited, does not brag, does not behave unseemly, does not clamor to have its own way, is not easily provoked - does not think evil, rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things - LOVE NEVER FAILS. Of course, this is from 1Corinthians 13:4-8a.

That passage is a favorite at weddings. If I compare the divorce rate to the Scriptures, it would seem to me that there is some miscommunication - a misunderstanding at least - of love.

God is our role model for love. He sent His only Son to die for us out of a love for us. And Jesus loves us. He was faithful in His assignment to redeem us. While He walked among us, He gave clear examples of how to walk in love. The Holy Spirit loves us. He never leaves us comfortless.

Notice that none of this mentioned how we feel. Love is action. So, despite how you feel, will you prayerfully consider putting love into action - not just today - but every day.

Welcome to Blogspot!

Due to technical difficulties, I had to switch blog vendors. Please note the new address for the Beams of Light Ministries blogsite : www.beamsoflightministries.blogspot.com. Please bookmark it and check back often. Also, be sure to take the poll on suffering!

Let's Give it a Whirl!

Blogging seems to be all the rage. Many of the folks in my writing circle have blog pages [weB LOG]. They utilize them to keep themselves in the rhythm of writing. And, alas, so will I. But, to keep it interesting and ministry related, you will find information on falling in love...with "the one." It's a new message that I'm developing that will utlimately be included in that book that I've been writing for oh so long...

Anyhooooo - Hollywood has got us all twisted up thinking about this mystical creature. They would have us to believe that he is romantic and charming...handsome and successful...he is everything we could ever hope for wrapped up in a six-foot, two-inch tall masculine figure etc etc. Everybody's dream man is different so you just feel free to fill in the blank there. But the real fact of the matter is that he really is a "dream" for most of us. We spend our single years in search of Mr. Right when the truth of the matter is, there is not one righteous - no, not one [Romans 3:10]... so why are we looking for him?

It got me to thinking that perhaps we are looking in the wrong places for the wrong things. Please join me over the next few weeks as we dialogue on falling in love with "the One."Let's give it a whirl!

[due to technical difficulties - this is a duplicate posting as I transition from one blog provider to another - thank you for your patience and continued support!]