I think I may have reinjured my ankle. That's bad because I have to travel before I will have an opportunity to visit with the doctor familiar with my ankle injury. Oh, the drama.
I went through muscle strengthening after finally getting an appropriate diagnosis when this first happened. That was pretty intense! And, I selfishly do not want to go back to those times. It was aggrevating but effective. Which is why I am a little puzzled as to why I am feeling that something is a little amiss now. I remember wearing a pair of flats on Thursday - they have a small platform as the base. Well, I was turning the corner and did so rather painfully. I remember thinking - wow, that hurt! But, the pain went away relatively fast. So, I didn't think much of it. But now, since then, I have been feeling the effects.
It's funny how we think that we are 100% healed from something painful only to find out that one wrong move will land us right back where we were before. This is what happens when we get well in our own strength - we are subject to reinjury and reminders. But, when we move on out of the way and allow God to heal us - then no weapon formed against us can prosper. We are healed through and through - most times even much better than we were before our injury. God can and does use others to heal us. The difference is reliance.
Who are we relying on? If I think back, I think I would have relied on the doctor's wisdom to heal me - not necessarily God working through the doctor. But now, I know that I need to rely on God Himself to heal me - even if He chooses to do so through the doctor.
So, bloggy buddies, please pray that this time, I rely solely on God for my healing. I know that He alone can give me the 100% recovery that I need!
oh girl-sorry to hear about your ankle. You are right on about dependence. I am lifting a prayer for you. Great post!
Much love,
I can truly relate to this one, I spranged my damage my ankle before a big event about a month ago. I was swolen so big and boy did it hurt. After, annoiting it and praying over it, and soaking in salt water, I went to bed and amaizingly the next morning the pain was gone. The swelling was still there but atleast it did not hurt and I could walk on it. God is soo good, even though it looked terrible, I did not feel a thing. That's how God works, he has a way of giving us peace that surpasses all understanding. Through him we are able to stand no matter how bad it looks...