What a weekend! I went to see Body of Lies, the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was interesting – and violent at times. My verdict – good but not great.
I also went to the Parade of Homes event this weekend – again, good but not great. Multi-million dollar homes were not staged. I guess it has everything to do with the economy. But, still – a little bit of staging goes a long way.
But, when I went to church on Sunday, well, it was great! I taught Sunday School, prayed with the Ministers, participated in the worship service, taught the Spiritual Disciplines class, and then had a chance to hear local candidates state their positions at the candidates forum. When I left church last evening, I was pooped! But, in a good way.
I rested on my couch and watched a bit of television in between taking phone calls and flipping through a magazine. Sunday was great, even as I began to feel a little bit sick. I think that was from sheer exhaustion. I think my body was telling me enough was enough.
And, that’s what I want to remind you of today. We can do all sorts of things to fill our weekend. I should have done more cleaning but I spent most of the weekend away from home. Nevertheless, whatever it is that we engage in, we should do it full-heartedly. Sunday was the best day of my weekend – not because it was so jammed packed, but instead because it was a day of corporate worship and being in the Word for the majority of the day.
Have you had a day like that recently – where you set aside the majority of the day just to worship Him and study His Word? In days now where some churches have 3-4 services per Sunday, it’s hard to get a full day in of worship unless you stay for all the services. What was so special to me about Sunday was the teaching of the Word, which meant that I had to study the Word. I recall the hours spent – and they were wonderful. I want you to know that feeling too. So, even if you don’t plan on teaching anyone anything anytime soon, study anyway. Spend time with the Lord in study of His Word. Stay before Him in study as long as you can. And, when you do, He will give you an audience to share your knowledge with – a co-worker, a stranger, a class – you just never know. You will never leave your time of earnest study of the Word saying that it was good but not great! That’s a guarantee!
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