Nine things for 2009

I've been watching television and have seen an onslaught of lists for 2009. Last night, I even saw an awards show of sorts for bad behavior in 2009. So, joining in with the other "listers" here are my top 9 of '09. 

Top could mean, "top of mind" or "top" like best or "top" like favorite. And, these are not listed in any particular order. See - I had to go and complicate things just a tad.

  • Hearing my godson's voice. He turned one this year and he's talking up storm - when he's not screaming something. So little, but so big at the same time. Adorable. 
  • The miracle of USAirways flight 1549. It's a miracle because of everything surrounding the incident - not just on the plane itself but that busy waterway, nothing was in the way - no ferry boats or anything. The path was cleared for that plane to land and everything went well. 
  • The return of my pastor to the pulpit after a four-month absence. It's a wonderful testament to the power of God. 
  • Retaining my job in this economy. Again, all God. Even in the midst of this economic climate, He has kept me happily employed and still able to travel. I even recently came back from a trip overseas. God is good. He keeps keeping me!
  • Finishing my family DVD by Christmas and getting it out in time for everyone to have it as a gift. My grandparents had a huge family and all are still alive so it became important for me that everyone be accounted for such that we may always remember.
  • Planning the fourth of July celebration that brought together the majority of the family. We had cool, team-oriented t-shirts, white tents, lots of fun and a great time. 
  • Getting intentional about my "every-now-and-then" writing. I still have a good ways to go on this subject, but I'll get there at some point. At least, I've begun again. And, I've decorated this space on my blog with a fresh design that has been months in the making. 
  • Recognizing even more fully God's continuing love for me. I know this sounds basic but it becomes more profound the more you have to deal with the aspects of life.
  • Recognizing how much more there is to learn - how much farther I need to grow and that even when I reach those gates, there will be more to walk through. The journey never ends on this side, but I realize that as long as I am focused on the Christ-side, everything will be alright. 
So, those are my top 9 for '09 - at least right now. I'm still noodling and may have an update later... 

I hope you close out this year doing the right things at the right times to ensure that God gets the glory.  

May your blessings extend into 2010! 
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Rest Your Body

There are times when I do not feel well. I am sure with the cold and flu season among us that this is a common feeling. However, there are times when I do not feel well and I can immediately figure out my symptoms and there are other times when I am not sure what the problem could be. 

Recently, I had one of those clueless days. All I knew was that I felt bad, but not bad enough to go to a hospital or even articulate the problem.

I should have taken this as a clue, but remember, I was being clueless. Anyway, after spending some couch time, I figured out that my nasal passages were causing me some issues. So, I sat up and begin to think about the best remedy. And, suddenly it came to me. 

Can I spell it Aretha Franklin style?....R. E. S. T.  I know, Aretha spelled out respect, but I need some rest. If I stretch just a little, I could correlate respecting my body to providing it with some much needed rest. 

Recently I traveled nearly 11,000 miles and then I also logged even more miles traveling around for the holidays. I did all of this traveling in the latter part of December, and the month is not finished just yet. Time for some R. E. S. T. 

And funny enough, I will rest when I don’t feel quite right. So, that’s the self-prescribed order for now and then if I still don’t feel quite like myself, I’ll make a move to get a doctor’s appointment. Let’s pray that that does not have to take place.

I say all of this to say - don’t wait until you don’t feel well to respect your body enough to give it the required rest it needs. If you will give it rest, it will give you the performance you desire. Many of you need to join me on my R. E. S. T. journey. I pray that you will.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Christmas Day Terrorist Attempt

Well, it would seem that some people had the wrong focus on Christmas Day. There was an attempted terrorist attack in Detroit. CNN reports that a Nigerian traveling to the US, with reported links to terrorist groups, set off an explosive device onboard a Northwest flight headed to Detroit. The terrorist's plan was foiled - the device did not work as planned and the terrorist was sieged by an attentive passenger.

Thank God for the quick-thinking passenger and the others that assisted. It reminds me of the familiar 911 slogan of "Let's Roll." I don't know why terrorist think it's perfectly acceptable to murder innocent people. In the name of who? what? Doesn't make sense to me. And to try to do this on Christmas Day makes it seem even more evil.

But thank God, evil did not prevail today. Evil did not have the last say on the day we celebrate the Lord's birthday. Instead, this terrorist is in custody. I would hope and pray that this terrorist would begin to know the impact of humanity that they tried to make in comparison to the impact that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to make and MADE. There is a vast difference between the two - much like the vast difference between love and hate. I hope you will join me in prayer.
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Keep the Right Focus at Christmas

It's Christmas Eve. What's on your mind? Are you thinking about the wonder of Christmas and the sacrifice of God in sending His Son, Jesus to us? Or, are you thinking about the gifts that need to be purchased and wrapped, food that needs to be cooked and trips that need to be completed?

Our mindset on this eve, gives us a good indication of how we will experience tomorrow. Before you misread this, I am not bashing gift-giving. In fact, I will be giving a few gifts myself. And, I will thank God for the privilege of having enough to share. But more importantly, I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that stops by the blog that it is essential to have the right focus. On Christmas Day, we celebrate the "birth" of our Savior; the Lord Jesus. Therefore, we should make sure that we honor Him. It's His "Birthday."

Everything may not be as you would prefer it to be, particularly with the recession and all the fallout associated with it. Or you may be away from home and not able to travel to be with family. Do not let these external things steal your focus from the most important thing - honoring the Lord on His birthday. If you will keep your focus on Him, everything else will fade into the background.

Keep the right focus and have a Merry Christmas!   
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A Miracle at the River

Miracles still happen. I was visiting my good friend when she directed me to this video on You Tube. A young lady, whose baby had been shaken by the babysitter, brought this baby to church. Watch the video and be blessed!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Even in the Silence

There used to be a television show that came on where the phrase “I wrote a song about it, wanna hear it, here it go…” It was very popular.

Do you remember it? I think it was called In Living Color. J-Lo used to be a fly girl (dancer). Anyway, lest I digress further, I am making a point.

The “songs” – better yet, jingles, were hilarious and were the subject of many a “water-cooler” and “lunch table” discussion the next day. As I’ve spent the last week traveling, I could imagine several jingles in my mind whether it be from the TWO times that TWO flight attendants spilled beverages on me, to the TWO sets of families traveling with 2-3 small, antsy, wanna-be-starting-something children, each, all around me, to the coughing and hacking and the joys of recycled air for 10 hours – oh the list could go on and on. And, I would write and sing you a song – except that I lost my voice somewhere over the Atlantic.

As a result, I spent yesterday in silence for the most-part. Just trying to let my body get back on this time zone and let my vocal chords recover. I was supposed to belt out a birthday tune for my mom, but let’s just say that frogs could have done better. My voice had left the building. It’s different spending your day in silence when that’s not your planned approach for the day.

But, I did remember something yesterday that benefitted me greatly. I can still pray in silence. I may need my vocal chords to communicate with others but I don’t need them to communicate with God. How great it that?!!

In the silence of the moments that ticked by yesterday, I thanked God for bringing me over 10,000+ miles within the week. Amazing. I thanked Him for delivering me from country to country, and state to state. I thanked Him for the relative ease with which I was able to navigate during my journey. You cannot convince me otherwise, God is good – even in the silence. I sang on the inside - even though nothing was heard on the outside. I praised Him for His goodness.

Today, my voice is coming back. I can be heard at a whisper. That’s pretty good. I thank God for that. I could really write a song about how good God is – and maybe one day, God-willing, I’ll take up the same vain as the psalmist and write a jingle that will endure.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Handle With Care

Call me crazy, but I believe that everyone needs to be handled with care. Now, don’t get it twisted from the start, I don’t mean to imply care as being handled with kid gloves. No, not at all. By care, I mean, with respect and courtesy. Not abusive. You get the point, right?

Sometimes, we can get busy doing our own things and forget to handle those around us with care. So, I have thought of a few guidelines that will help us restore “care.”

1. Remember that you are not faultless. You make mistakes. Yes, you do – go ahead and admit it. And, when you make mistakes, you should be quick to own up to them. Notice “quick.” No one likes to be around a person that will not apologize for their poor behavior. Why? Because that person has a pride problem – and well, pride is unattractive. We know what the Bible has to say about pride. So, don’t get caught up in that. Just apologize and mean it from your heart. For real.

2. Remember that others are not faultless. We established that you are not perfect. Well, guess what, no one else is either. I don’t care how much they may disagree – there is none righteous, no, not one! Everybody has made mistakes (past)and makes mistakes (present). So, be quick to accept others’ humanity and remember that they do make mistakes.

3. Be kind. It seems like this world is less kind by the minute. But, I have learned that it does not cost you anything to be kind to someone – and as a result of your kindness toward someone, you feel better – even if they “act a fool” go ahead and be kind to them. While they are feeling guilty about their behavior, you can feel good about your own knowing that you honored the Lord with your actions toward them. Don’t worry – once they repent, they will feel better too.

4. Don’t harbor grudges. Man, what a can of worms this one can be! I cannot tell you how many tiffs have been a result of a misunderstanding or wrong perception which led to an unnecessary and rather silly grudge. Wasted time - that’s all that was gained. And in the process, relationships were destroyed. There is always more to lose than to gain when you choose to harbor grudges. So, just don’t do it. Hear me now, don’t do it. It may feel good now, but it will hurt later. Be honest; confront the situation. Don’t hold grudges. Afterall, Jesus didn’t hold a grudge – and he knew that Judas would betray Him. If Jesus can serve with a man that He knew would betray Him, then surely you don’t need to be holding a grudge. I’m just saying…

At the end of it all, we have to love one another in a serious way. Love already implies a deeper sense of involvement. Love takes work. It always takes work. Real love is never easy. You have to work at it. So do. Do that. Work at loving one another. And, in your so doing, you will be blessed and those around you will feel the care in which you are handling them. And, although they may never fully acknowledge your generous treatment of them, you will know that you have done that which brings God the Father glory. And, that’s a good thing!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Choose Wisely

There is always an opportunity to glorify God if we will just open our eyes and look. And likewise, there is always an opportunity to glorify our adversary if we choose to as well. As I teach my students, you will either glorify God with your actions or your adversary. It’s always “either or” when you boil it all down to the basics. Only one will prevail.

Perfect example.

I was traveling. It was one of those long trips – which meant a long day ahead of me. On the first flight, I noticed that the flight attendant serving beverages did not seem too enthralled with her job. In fact, her outward facial appearance suggested that she would much rather be somewhere else. Her attitude when filling drink orders matched her facial expression. She was standing next to me, doing her job, when she allowed a drink to overflow from the cup – which in turn, flowed down like wild rain onto my pants.

Now, I had a decision to make. Glorify Christ or glorify the adversary.

If I had told her that she should have been more responsible and that she was lucky to have a job and that she would be getting a dry-cleaning bill from yours truly, my flesh may have been slightly satisfied but my pants still would have soda on them and I would still be wet. Worst of all, the adversary would get the glory.

Instead, I asked her to pass me a napkin. She did not. Instead, she wiped down the seat where I sat as the liquid penetrated my pants and now my skin was wet. It began to feel personal – even though it wasn’t. She just didn’t want to be there.

Nevertheless, she was indeed making it a bit more difficult than I had wanted to deal with on the first of three flight segments to my journey. Nevertheless, I reached onto her cart, got napkins and blotted my pants. She snarled at me. Eager to move on to the next passenger, she blankly stared at me and simply said “you okay here?”, to which I replied, I’m fine. It will dry.

Now, had this been a few years earlier when I was much younger in my walk with the Lord, I guarantee you the conversation would have been much different in a not-so-good kind of way. But, thank God for growth. Instead of yelling and making a fuss, I remained calm, took care of the soda spilled on my pants and on the seat and then proceeded to wrap myself up in my coat so that with my body heat, my pants would dry quicker. God got the glory.

Every day we wake up, we have a choice to make about how we will respond when things happen or when people act as people do. I urge you to consider your responses and choose to glorify God.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Letter

Words cannot express how happy I am right now. You see, last night, when I got home, I had a special treat in my mailbox. Oh, and when I opened it – the sheer joy is unspeakable.

I sponsor a child through Compassion International. And, yesterday, I got my very first letter from my sponsored child. She wrote me!

Oh, I held the letter right to my heart! As I devoured every sentence of the translation and cherished every single picture that she drew for me, my heart burst open, right in my chest.

It is simply amazing the way that God orchestrates things. I had long been curious and hesitant about child sponsorships, but out of obedience, I relented to God’s will. And, now, He has turned obedience into a blessing. I hope and pray that the continuation of this relationship will be just this sweet as its beginning!

I am not the only one that has received a letter – through Compassion or through another ministry. But I am thankful that now, I have my first letter from my sponsored child. And even in my excitement, I realize that there is a far better letter. Far better because it was inspired by God. This precious letter is called the Bible. It’s rich and deep and more meaningful than any other letter you’ll ever receive. It’s God’s letter of love to you. And, I pray that you will be MORE excited about His letter of love to you than I am about my sponsored child’s letter to me. I know it may be hard to do, but stretch! Get to that place! And you will be blessed.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Will Your Future Family Line Love God?


Family Line.

That’s the thought that’s on my mind this morning. During Sunday School yesterday, we discussed the linage of Jesus Christ. He had some folks in his family tree that did some rather unsavory things. It’s comforting if you think about it, since we have some folks in our family tree that have done and do some unsavory things. Think I’m wrong, look in the mirror. Thank God for repentace! Yet, while I am looking into the past to see what’s there, I am also looking into the future to see what could be.

This weekend, I had the high privilege of being a conference speaker with Christians United Church of Christ. This was their first Youth Conference and everything went well. I know that God had His hand in every part of the event since the messages that were given, all related, one to the other. I had never met the other conference speakers, Elder Tarry Deaver and Minister Joseph Frierson, Jr. Upon meeting them, instantly, we felt like family. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. One family in Christ.

We labored before the youth to draw their minds on key elements about their faith and the importance of living a “right now life” that will help them receive “eternal life.” Seeds were planted – and watered. We can only pray for the manifestation.

And that’s why looking to the future is so important. While we do not know the number of our days or even if we will live long enough to finish this blog post, we do know Who holds the future. And because we know Who holds the future, we have a responsibility to those coming behind us to present and introduce them to Him.

I shutter to think what life may be like if we stop raising up strong boys and girls who will turn into strong men and women for the cause of Christ. So many of our youth have already fallen by the wayside, following in the unsavory patterns of those who have gone before them.

We have to be different. We have to look to the future and what could be, and prepare our youth with the knowledge that they need. The real knowledge of the Savior. And in so doing, establish the Kingdom in our own linage, producing a family line that loves and reverences the Lord Jesus.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Deer and Me

The world wants to talk about Tigers, but I want to talk about Deer. As far as I am concerned, Tiger Woods, whether predatory or not, is not my business. What he allegedly does with women other than his wife, is also not my business. It's just another example of humanity lived apart from God.

I dare not pull out the long list of politicians and actors/actresses and other celebrities who have failed in their personal relationships - in the full view of the public. My only hope is that through all of this, that these men and women will seek Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him. That's all. End of story.

But, I do have another story I want to share with you. It's about a deer. No, not the kind at the North Pole. But the kind that run around Auburn-Knightdale Road. That's where it all went down.

I was leaving the parking lot, accelerating up the hill, driving cautiously, a young deer ran out in front of me. I hit the brakes hard. He ran in front of my car from my left side, crossed, and when he was on my right side, turned back like he was going to come back across the street and hit my right side. BUT, HE DIDN'T. He must have heard me screaming "LORD, JESUS" and decided instead to run into the woods. Now, I'm just saying - my nerves didn't need that.

I had just been in my word and I was reflecting on the goodness of the Lord when He showed me just how good He is. A visual demonstration. When I got to a safe location, I called back to let others know to be on the lookout but when I got home, car safely parked in the garage with no deer dents, nerves slightly tattered as I recalled visions of a young deer in my headlights...I had to praise the Lord.

I had to send up a pure SHOUT of praise to God for His goodness; His hedge of protection all around me. Oh the Lord, He IS good! OH and His precious mercies endureth forever!

So, if we want to be talking about something, let's talk about how the Lord kept me and how He keeps you, even when danger is lurking - He is a keeper. That's something to talk about!
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Monk Series Finale

The Monk Series Finale is coming in a few short days. I cannot believe it. I enjoyed Friday nights with Mr. Monk. Ah...another good, clean television show coming to an end.

I thought it was ending last season because of all the rumors that I heard. But, we were able to get a few more episodes in. It's really coming to an end this time. Mr. Monk will solve Trudy's murder on Friday. Last week, he opened her gift  (the one he has been holding onto for 12 years), and found a tape from Trudy inside. Indeed the end is near - the countdown, underway.

I'm disappointed that the show is ending but I also know that there is an end to all things. Ecclesiastes tells us for everything there is a season. A time to be born and a time to die. For this great television show, there was a time to premier and a time to end.

So, tell me, did you watch MONK? What was your favorite episode? You can reply here or send me a tweet - I'm @bolmin.  
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Day Before Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day! Whooooohooooooo! I love Thanksgiving. There are no gifts to buy. Nothing materialistic to do. Just enjoy family - that's the order for the day. Sure there is the whole cooking thing that has to be done. I love that part though.

I have been blessed to participate in several Thanksgiving Days. Thank you, Lord. Generally, we have adhered to the traditional set-up of visiting local family. But, I have also had the distinct priviledge of celebrating Thanksgiving in the Cayman Islands with my good friend Kristie and her family. Now, Kristie L.O.V.E.S. to cook. And she's good at it too!

That Thanksgiving, I was a little apprehensive about breaking with my traditional routine. I traveled out of the country of Thanksgiving Day. I was so exhausted - but hadn't cooked anything - all I did was wake up at the crack of dawn before the roosters... and sit at airports...and sit on planes. But, there was the adrenaline of the excitement that comes with seeing my friend Kristie - if you knew her, you'd understand. She is my dynamo! Then, because Kristie and her family are such hospitable people, there were other families there ready to have Thanksgiving Dinner with us too. What a Thanksgiving Day!! Definately a break from my norm, but it was wonderful - a welcome change.

This year, although I'll be local, I'm adding something new to the routine. There will be four house visits this year instead of my normal three. And, I will, out of sheer courtesy, eat at every single house! (LOL). And the experience will be fantastic - not because of any extravagant gift, but because of the priceless gift - spending quality time with people that I love and who love me in return - no matter what. These people have my back, love me in spite of, and pray for me on a regular basis. These people are my family. Thank you Lord!

  • I thank God that I have family and friends that know what Thanksgiving is really all about. No one has mentioned "Black Friday" all week - we've been talking about getting together and laughing it up!
  • I thank God for everything that He does - for everything that He is.
  • And, I thank Him for placing me in a family that despite everything - my shortcomings and my wrongs ('cause I do have a few), love me unconditionally. Real love is priceless. My thanksgiving for the Lord is endless.
I pray that you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. That you will look to the Lord and thank Him for all that He is doing in your life and in the lives of your family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

I'm thankful for "Chunks"

Because it's Thanksgiving week, I am writing about things I am thankful for. Monday, I spoke about being grateful that my Pastor has returned after a 17-week absence. Now, today, on a lighter topic, I will talk about my godson, Chunks.

Of course, that's not his real name, but I'm telling you, he's a mess. He is 32 lbs, 2.5 feet tall and almost 18 months. I know. He's a big baby but he's so special to me.

When I talking to his mom,  I could hear him in the background saying "Mommie!"- He wanted an apple. Which of course, he could pronounce the word "apple." He eats all kinds of apples - red, green - sweet or tart - doesn't matter. He'll eat them. And, he still likes learning words. He says "elbow" and a few other things now that he wasn't saying before.

And, with his cute self, if you ask him to point to his nose, he'll point to his mouth. And if you ask him to point to his mouth, he'll point to his nose! ADORABLE. He'll get it right later - maybe next week, but for now, he's in the ballpark and that's all that matters. How adorable is he? Well, not being biased or anything, (yea, right) he's perfect! My little fella. I love him and I thank God for his life. I pray that God will continue to bless him and nurture him. And, I pray that he will love the Lord and come to Christ at an early age - that God will watch over and protect him, and keep him in all his ways.

What about you? Do you have or know of some little person that you could thank the Lord for? 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Be Thankful for Your Pastor

I heard that it could all be going down on Sunday - the long awaited return of my Pastor to the pulpit. So, I started praying and asking God to please let it be so. I'm happy to report that it was so - our Pastor came back! It had been a 17-week departure - and God brought him back right on time. Some may say it was too long but I say that God's timing is perfect. It was right on time according to God's calendar.

I knew it would not be too much longer when our First Lady came back. She was a sight for sore eyes. Her presence encouraged me to know that everything was indeed alright. All along, the congregation received reports on the health of our Pastor letting us know that he was doing okay. But seeing her was the proof for me. Seeing our First Lady looking so happy and healthy let me know that everything was alright. I thanked God then for her coming back and I thank God for her now. I thank God that she is a wife - a real one - that lives up to her vows - for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. To me, she is wonderful! We are a blessed church to have her in our midst.

Sunday was extra special. The Pastor and First Lady were back and the church was lively and full of worship. I really can't express my gratitude to God for the great things I know He has done in all of us during this experience. I can't thank Him enough for returning the First family back to us in good health and in happiness. They came in and walked down the center aisle, hand-in-hand. Beautiful. As one.

In a word, I am grateful. 
Well, maybe a few more words: thankful, happy, expectant (of the great things that God will show us), blessed.

I am grateful for our Pastor and First Lady. I pray that God will continue to bless them both and through this experience that He will draw them even closer to Himself and each other - like never before!  I pray that you are grateful as well for your head of church. In this week of preparation as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, I pray that you will pray a prayer of thankfulness for your church leadership, particularly for your Pastor and family.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

John P Kee's "I Do Worship"

John P. Kee's "I Do Worship" has been in my spirit for about a week now. When I was preparing my message last week, it kept coming back into my mind - to the point that I got on iTunes and downloaded it so that I could have an authentic copy of the song.

"I do worship" is a bold statement. One worth thinking about. Can you say that you DO worship Him for His goodness and His glory; for the joy inside His story; for the peace that He gives; for the freedom that He gives? Again, it's worth thinking about. Here's a video from YouTube that shows the group performing "I Do Worship." I hope you enjoy it!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

R.I.P. Little Shaniya

Seems like everywhere I turn, there is news coverage on Shaniya. I wish there wasn't because I wish that she was still alive. With every detail that continues to come out in this murder, I feel sick. It turns my stomach to know that there are people in this world who think it is proper to engage in sexual activities with a five-year old. This is a praying time - we live in a sin-sick world.

Little Shaniya was a beautiful girl. She looked happy - and I pray that for the time that she had here on this Earth, that she was happy. But, then I hear about the cigarette burns that marked her body. Then I see video of her being carried by a man whose intent does not seem so good. It makes me wonder about her last days - her last hours.

And then I think about how she was discarded like trash - just dumped in a wooded area and left there. How thoughtless! How careless! How cruel! Someone took her life from her - and then threw her away.

I can only pray that justice will prevail on this side of Heaven. I can only hope that the legal system gets it right this time. I know that in Heaven, God has already taken care of this. I know that vengeance belongs to the Lord. But, my flesh wants a little justice now - for Shaniya. So, I am praying that God will intercede in this case. That He will give the investigators wisdom and discernment that they may be able to do what is necessary to catch and convict this sin-sick killer. And then I am praying for the emotional wounds this senseless murder has caused to Shaniya's family members as well as those in her community who are tracking the events. I hope you will pray too!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

What are you doing with your life?

On Sunday, I had the opportunity to preach at my home church. What a privilege it was and I was blessed by the experience. One of the things I asked the congregation is something that I would like to ask you. What are you doing with your life?

In the anchor points of your life - your birth date and your death date, will it be known that you believed in the Lord? Does your life show any appreciation, gratitude and love for the Lord Jesus? These are things that I asked that should be pondered by us all.

And if we answer "yes" to these questions, what is the sign? We need to show some sign that we believe what we say that we believe.

If we say that we believe our God is holy and righteous - then our actions ought to reflect that belief. Meaning, if He is holy and righteous, then as His followers, we too need to be holy and righteous to the degree that we can on this side of Heaven. That means that we need to get into the Word and learn about Who we say we believe. We need to be students of the Bible and lovers of mankind. We can't love the Lord and not do right by others. Those two things don't agree.

Begin thinking about what your life has been composed of so far - your dash between the dates, so to speak. Does your life glorify God? If you can honestly answer "yes" - then great. Keep up the good work. But if you can't honestly say "yes", then start today by giving your life to Christ. If you have any questions about the free gift of salvation, feel free to contact me here.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Your "Soul" Source

You know what I like about Extreme Makeover Home Edition?

I like it's human value. This show is about real people with real stories, getting a bit of relief. It's just that simple. And sometimes, we need to hear some good news. I believe the show is successful because it encourages us to keep hope alive. Visually, every week, we can see how someone's down situation was turned into a positive.

Then you have a great host and co-laborer like Ty Pennington leading the effort. Seriously, how can you stay down with Ty around? Him and that megaphone, hand-in-hand, brings a smile to everyone's face (as they cover their ears of course.)

The only down side to this is that it only comes on once a week. Which makes sense for their program. You'll get no arguments from me there. In fact, you'll get no arguments from me at all in reference to the show. I just want to point out one thing. We cannot depend on this show, or any other show, which comes on at a certain time on a certain day to be our sole source - or should I say "soul" source - of inspiration and encouragement. That's too much pressure for one show to handle. You would come up empty every time if this show or any others was your sole/"soul" source.

I want to encourage you to turn to a "soul" source for your encouragement on a daily basis. It does not matter what time, this "soul" source is always available. The source that I reference is your Bible. That's the source that you need to turn to for your hope and encouragement. That should be your priority and your "go to". And shows like this great one, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, should then be a supplement to let you see that there are still people in the world willing to make a difference in the lives of others.

I pray that your study of the Scriptures this week will make a difference in the lives of people in your community.

Image from:

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A New Look for My Blog

Heeyyy! Welcome to my blog - I'm sporting a new custom design by EightCrazy Design and I hope you'll like it. I think this design matches the new direction of the blog. The way you'll see it may vary on Safari and FireFox vs Internet Explorer. The previous two feature rounded corners for the columns. Everything else should essentially be the same.

From this point forward, you can expect posts that are more focused on emotional healing and loving God. I will still post things that give you a peak into my world - that's a must for blogs. But more so than you finding out a little more about me, I want to point you to the Savior more often. He is the healer of all wounds - emotional and otherwise. I know because I have been a recipient of His grace, mercy and love.

Take a look around - I'm still getting everything together and shifting some things around, but in due time I'll have everything just right. And then, I'll move it again - of course!

I hope you like this new look.
I hope you feel welcome.
I hope you'll come back to visit!
Let me know what you think!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Renee Swope's Adoption Story

Renee Swope has adopted a baby girl from Ethiopia. I've been following her story here: When you visit her blog, you'll read about their preparation all the way up to their visit and return trip home. What a special family God has prepared for Aster to grow up in! Only God can handpick a family from North Carolina with a baby girl on another continent in another country -Ethiopia?!! The most recent post is about meeting Aster's birth mother:

Very moving story.

There are lots of pictures of baby Aster. This adoption is truly from God. This post is about meeting Aster's birth mom. It has touched my heart so very much. You never know who God will use to further His purposes.

I hope you will click over to Renee's blog - read and be blessed. And, leave her a note letting her know how adorable you think Aster is! She is soooooooooo cute! That alone should make you want to read about Aster and see her pictures. And, when you are done, thank the Lord and ask Him how He wants to move you beyond your comfort zone.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Stencil Says it All

After playing and winning a good Homecoming game - despite all the turnovers and just plain blunders, I headed to the restrooms where I saw this sign stenciled to the wall. Just makes me wonder about all the things that the cleaning - well, plumbing crew must have seen over the years that would make this sign necessary. There's a lot to pray for here...

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Praying for the Fort Hood Community

She’s okay. Praise the Lord! She’s okay.

My godson’s mother is stationed at Fort Hood. In light of all the drama that took place there yesterday, I thought I would update you all via my blog to let you know that she was in another part of the base, away from what happened.

So, now, we direct our attention to the injured and the families of those killed. No one really knows the thoughts that are running through their minds this morning, but God knows. He knows how to speak to their every concern this morning. He knows how to turn something destructive into something redemptive.

So, as we direct our prayers toward Fort Hood, let’s remember the injured and the families of those killed. Let’s embrace that entire community through prayer to God, the Father. He is able to turn tragedy to triumph.

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Wisdom Proved With Time

As part of a group, we do a daily devotional and share our thoughts with one another. Today’s devotion was so good, I thought I would share it with you. It talks about wisdom being proved over time.

I thought about how my grandma used to say that we (the worrisome grandchildren) would know what she was talking about after a while. Meaning that when we allowed enough time to pass, we would realize that she was wise and more importantly, we would realize that she was correct in the instructions that she had given to us.

And you know what? She was.

Sometimes we don’t like it when somebody tells us the truth. Yet, out of love, they overlook our immature feelings, and they do it anyway. And, when we grow up, we will realize that indeed, those words that they spoke were correct.

Here’s the devotional – please read it and be blessed!! I tried to provide the link to the page but I'm having a technical difficulty of two this morning. So, I'm going to paste it here but know that this is the property of the Blackaby ministries. Emphasis mine.

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Wisdom Justified

But wisdom is justified by all her children. (Luke 7:35)

The world is full of “experts.” There are people everywhere who want to convince you of the wisdom of their opinion. Yet God says that it is not the one who declares his viewpoint the most loudly or vociferously who is the wisest, but the one who is vindicated over time.

Wisdom is not proven by argument or debate. Wisdom is proven over time. Some people adamantly proclaim that their opinion is best. Regardless of how convincingly these people defend their viewpoint, time is the best judge of their wisdom. The result of a practice proves its validity, not how loudly it is promoted. When you seek to obey what God has told you, you will sometimes meet resistance and criticism from others who disagree with the wisdom of your actions. Your immediate response may be the urge to vindicate yourself. However, if you wait patiently, time will reveal the wisdom of your actions far better than you could through argument.

Through the ages, the wisdom found in God’s Word has been tested and proven true. It is critical that you measure everything you hear against the Scriptures. Trends in psychology and philosophy come and go, but God’s Word is timeless. Whenever you share an opinion in counseling someone else, make sure that it comes from the Scripture and not merely from your best thinking. As long as you base your life choices on the Word of God, time will be your defender and will validate the wisdom of your choices. If, over time, you clearly see you are wrong, ask God’s forgiveness and seek a fresh word from God through the Scripture. Then obey that word and watch to see God confirm His wisdom in your life.

Here's a link to the devotionals in total. Perhaps you'll bookmark this site and follow up with them as the Lord directs.

Make it a good Thursday!

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What is God doing for you this week?

It happened. You know my friend that has been terminally ill? She has gone home to be with the Lord now. I want to thank all of you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for the family and close friends. They will need your support through prayer.

Through all of this - I’m reminded that God is still good. I’m having a really tough week, but God is still so good! I just have to give Him praise! He knew what kind of week this would be, with death, deadlines and duties. And, He has been faithful. So very faithful.

Thank you Lord!!!

What is God doing for you this week?

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Happy Monday!!

Thanks to everyone that stopped by She Seeks last week. Boy did I have a good time over there! It felt good to read the comments and emails that came my way as a result of that article.

As you may know, rejection is something near and dear to my heart. I don’t want the people of God to waste time lamenting over dead things. If someone is too blind to realize your worth, whether it be in a male/female relationship, on your job, or some social setting, it is likely a blessing that they are so blind.

Too many times we want to run out and help them out by getting them the latest “see-me-for-who-I-am” spectacles. I'd prefer you do the opposite. Let them go. Let them be. God has a way of bringing to the forefront those who you should be in your circle. So, let God do the choosing. It’s better that way!

Random Thoughts:

This week is shaping up to be really busy, but I will be posting more. In fact, last week, I had planned to post more but alas, the best laid plans... things just didn’t work out.

If you think about it this week, please pray for my terminally ill friend. I visited with her this weekend and she’s in the hands of the Lord now, like never before. Pray for her family - for peace and strength.

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A Week-END Surprise!

Have you ever had one of those weekends where it just seemed like a continuation of your week? No down time. Go, go, go all weekend long? They kinda stink don’t they? Aren’t the weekends for rest and rejuvenation? Okay – well, in this society that is a bit of a stretch for the whole weekend to be centered on rest and rejuvenation, but I’m saying, at least one day, right!?!

Anyway, I was rolling all weekend long until Sunday evening when my body called a “time out!” We were done. Running on vapors. So, I positioned myself on the couch and waited to feel better.

I started coming around pretty good and then it dawned on me that I had not checked email. (I know. But keep reading.) So, I popped up – well, that’s a stretch too – I slowly got up and decided to make the effort to get the computer.

I’m sooooo glad that I did!!! There was one little email that was kinda important. You see, I had submitted a devotional entry to a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries called She Seeks. They had gotten back with me on Sunday night to let me know that they would indeed be running my devotional – this week! So, I made preparations to do what was required, including getting them a photo. And now, this week, my devotional will run.

Please pop on over to their site. Check out the devotional that the Lord gave to me to encourage us in His love: And then, jump into the conversation. Let me know what you think. I’ll be moderating comments all week.

To learn more about She Seeks, check out their badge on the right side of my blog. Scroll down a bit and you'll see it!

In His Service!

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Asleep at the wheel?

As a frequent flyer, I’m a little disturbed by the latest report on the news. It seems that there is a possibility that two Northwest pilots fell asleep in the cockpit. I’m not naive, I know that pilots will catch a nap from time-to-time but it’s usually not both pilots napping at the same time!

The plane was on autopilot so there was not any particular jeopardy as far as that goes – they would reach their destination, and in fact, it was a rather boring, straight path that the crew would have needed to follow. Well, follow they did – right past the destination. 150 miles past the destination!

In all fairness, it has not been proven that they were asleep. Instead, the pilots are saying that they were in a heated debate over airline policy. This makes some sense seeing as how Northwest is merging with Delta. But what doesn’t make sense is to overshoot your destination by that far.

This line of thinking brings me to my ultimate point and it is this – please pay attention! I’m talking to airline pilots, passenger vehicle drivers, motorcyclists – everybody on the road or in the sky! Pay attention. We are far too distracted and our distractions could be detrimental, not only to us but to others.

It does not matter to me whether they were asleep - albeit very disturbing – or even if they were bickering – again, very disturbing - what matters more to me is that they were not paying attention. It was an accident waiting to happen.

These two pilots are grounded pending further review. Good call. 150 miles?!! Seriously! So, we don’t have to worry about them. But we still need to be accountable for our own actions. So, when you jump into your vehicle today, be alert and be mindful of those that share the road with you. I know it sounds like a PSA but I’m just saying…

Have a great weekend!

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Good News on the News

Finally some good news on the news.

If we look past all the drama associated with what has been labeled the morning news, we find one story that makes me smile. One story that attests to the goodness of the Lord. For me, that one story was the Angela Montez. At gunpoint, she prayed to the Lord Jesus. The would-be-robber then handed her the only bullet in the gun and talked with her. She ministered to that young man. She was a witness. Check out her story,
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Call Him Now

Did you mom ever threaten to change her name because you were calling on her too much? Generally, when this happened, weren’t you desirous of something - be it her attention or you needed her help with something.

Yea- those were the good old days. You knew that even though she may have said that she would change her name if you called her one more time, secretly, she savored being needed. She savored that fact that you depended on her for whatever it was.

How much so is our Lord like that. He wants us to lean and depend on Him - calling out to Him when we want His attention or even when we need something. I don’t have a long post today - I’ve had quite a bit to say already and it’s only mid-week. Instead, I desire that you will take a moment and call on the Lord.

Call on Him. He’ll answer. And, you two will have good fellowship today - even in this brief moment. Call on Him now.

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Humanity Gone Wild!

I’m beginning to think that maybe I should take a break from answering my phone or checking my mail. But to do so, would just be a blatant denial of the fact that this world is in trouble. The phone rings with trouble. The mail brings news of trouble. I turn on the television and there is more trouble. It’s like the world version of humanity gone wild.

Today, I took a look at some things that troubled me. First, the balloon-boy was a hoax. Seriously, people? Seriously!! And to think that people were searching, worried, concerned and watching as the whole thing unfolded. I’m not going to even talk about the money that was spent because that’s not really my point. My question is this – how could a parent pull a prank like that. My answer – humanity gone wild.

Then I get the phone call that someone trying to live their life right is constantly barraged by folks trying to live their lives wrong. Instead of celebrating her good, they tear her down. Instead of lifting her up, they’d rather stomp her into the ground. What makes us so heartless? Humanity gone wild.

Then, I look at a newsletter that I received focusing on children living in impoverished conditions because I sponsor a child there. Y’all – it’s bad. Forget a healthcare debate here, they don’t even have the basics for survival. Long life is rare. Does the world care about the less fortunate? Not like it should. Why? Humanity gone wild. Caring more about our own needs than those around us.

I don’t know what to say about all this except for the very fact that we need prayer. I wonder if you will join me in praying for our nation and praying for this world. If you will join me, drop me a note indicating so. You can do so via our normal communication channels (Facebook, blog, email).

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Contemplations About Terminal Illness

I got some news that someone that I know is terminally ill.

I instantly felt helpless - speechless.

What do you say to someone as they come face-to-face with their humanity? What comforting words can you give that don’t sound forced, churchy, or completely like the rhetoric that is always given when someone tells you they are dying?

What words will bring peace? How do I even present peace when I’m racked with confusion? How did this happen? Why?

I know the reality, and you are probably screaming this to me through the computer. Yes, it is true that unless we be raptured, we will all face death, but knowing when you will die or how you will die takes on a certain sobriety.

I know that as Christians, we would love to say that we are ready to die. We proclaim our great faith and look forward to the other shore. But most times, this is said when we are perfectly healthy and able to move around at our will. But what happens when we are indeed sick? How would we feel if we were diagnosed as terminally ill? What would we prefer someone to tell us?

That’s been my thought process recently. And, I can tell you, I wouldn’t want to hear a bunch of rhetoric. I would want to be as realistic as possible. And in this reality, if my friend does not receive a miracle from the Lord, she will die. Plain and simple. I would want to talk about what I might miss and I would want to make my desires known. I would not want to ignore the elephant in the room, but instead, I would want to do my best to accept God’s will for my life. If I am to be terminally ill - If I am to be sick unto death, then as much as I would desire for things to be different, God’s will is more important than mine.

God is in control of all things. He has never lost control. So, if I am sick, then I have to deal with the reality of that sickness. He is able to heal me. But, healing me of that sickness may not be in His plan and purpose for my life. There might be a greater work at hand.

Realizing this, I would seek the Lord to ask Him what He would have me to do in my final days. Is my death a proving point for someone - is it the catalyst that will ultimately save a soul? How can I serve Him in my final days. These would hopefully be the thoughts that I would carry with me because I truly want to hear “well done, my good and faithful servant” from the Lord Himself.

While we don’t hasten to death, and while I know it can be a grim subject, I would ask that we would spend some time thinking about it today. We live life on full blast never slowing down for some time of reflection, until we are sick. Be different. Slow down now and think about what you want God to tell you. What is the message of your life?

My friend’s illness has not been in vain. Her death, should the Lord allow it, will not be in vain either. Because she is so very young, it has sobered me; humbled me; reminded me that we all have a certain number of days.

So, what do I tell her? I tell her the truth.

I tell her that she means alot to me. That she has shown me what love looks like in the midst of terrible circumstances. That she has been a light even when she didn’t know she was shining in my life. I would tell her that although it would never be my plan for her to depart this world so soon, that God knows best and what’s best. So, if she gets the miracle, great, but if God chooses a different route, then we will adjust. We will celebrate the goodness of the Lord. In all things, He is good! In all things.

And, I tell my friend, not to worry about the things that may happen in her absence, because God has a plan for that as well. I tell her, because I love her. Denial has no place in love nor reality. I tell her while I can.

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An Adoption Story

I don't know if you follow her blog or not, but if you do then you'll know exactly what I'm referring to. She recently adopted a child from Ethiopia and has just now received the child in her arms, as her own. Apparently there is a really big process involved with the whole adoption process. I don't know the whole backstory, but it seems that it is amazing how God was so in the midst of it all. She'll be posting this soon - I'm figuring once she hits a stride with her new routine.

"She" is Renee Swope. I've had the distinct pleasure of meeting her and she is just as genuine as they come. I like Renee because she is not one of "those" women caught up in her own. Instead, she desires to reach out and help others. She is real - admitting her struggles and celebrating Jesus in her accomplishments. And, well, without getting on a whole soapbox about her ministry to women, I thought instead that you may as well just check out her link and decide for yourself. Her she is in her own words:

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Me and the Boys

I’ve been hanging out with a few furry creatures. They are my fav little pups - and they know it too. They prance into my house, strutting their stuff, waiting to be adored. And, right on cue, I tell them how wonderful they are. They’ve got me trained.

They spent a few nights with me and I am blessed because of them. Yes, I’m slightly allergic to them, but they demonstrate to me how to love unconditionally. They demonstrate to me how to have fun in almost any situation. They love to play and make themselves at home wherever they are.

We played with tennis balls and tug toys, and made up games. They chased each other around my furniture too - definately funny. And, best of all, we took naps together. Me on my couch and them on the floor near me. Animals can teach us something if we will just look and see the lesson.

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Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” - Proverbs 27:6

The voice on the other end of the line begged me for a response. Pleading, she wanted to know my opinion. She wanted me to tell her if her view of the situation was right. I did not want to tell her - because she was not right. Instead, I wanted to comfort and console her. But, she pressed me. Backed me in a corner. Beseeched me. And, with hesitation for her fragile heart, I sent up a prayer and let the words roll as gently as I could.

I tried to convey to her a few key elements. Unfortunately, she was not right. Scripture did not support her position. She had indeed acted in the flesh.

I was not ready for her backlash.

I guess by now though, I really should be more comfortable with this type of situation. It is not easy to come face to face with the stench of our own sin and unrighteousness. Simply put, although we may beg and plead, we really don’t want to know the truth. We would rather believe our own lie - I mean, we would rather believe our own version of the truth. The question we fail to ask ourselves is “at what cost?”

Sometimes, we reject those that tell us the truth. We don’t want to hear it. But again, “at what cost?” Is it better to distance ourselves from the people who make us confront the impurities in our lives or is it better to simply face the matter? So many times, we run from the truth that is in place to free us. We run from the embrace of a real friend who is not afraid to tell us the truth, right into the arms of the enemy that desires to kiss us with deceit. How intimate the embrace of the adversary when we avoid the gentle hold of the Savior.

When we reject the truth dressed in love from a friend and decide to backlash ourselves into the arms of a waiting deceiver, it is not the friend that we hurt. Sure, they will see the error of our ways and may be hurt by our dismissal, but the real damage occurs within us because we have rejected wisdom from a friend.

Sometimes, as Christian friends, we have to say the hard things. Sometimes we have to be willing to risk hurt feelings so that the gospel is advanced. There is no room for compromise in the Kingdom of God. If your friend is telling you something that is truth but hurts your feelings, look beyond the messenger and thank the Savior. Your friend is being faithful in delivering this message to you. It’s now up to you to pray about the guidance your friend has given you and then move forward into that which glorifies the Father in Heaven. Your friend is not trying to hurt you - only help you. Faithful are the wounds of a friend.

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