Restoring relationships can be tricky. Therefore, I try to make sure that I do not damage the ones that I have in the first place. Yet, this is not always easily accomplished. Our emotions, left unguarded, can be contributory to harming our relationships.
It is noted that the ones closest to us, generally are the recipients of our bad behavior. It is thought to be that way because those same ones we injure love us – and will forgive our tantrums. But why subject them to this mistreatment in the first place?
One word – sin. This is what it all distills to. No matter how fancy we make it, sin will always be the root cause for why we mistreat others.
I am not sporting a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) bracelet this morning, but the question is a good one. Disciples of His should want to walk His walk and live as He lived. Jesus did not go around mistreating people. Instead, He demonstrated love and compassion. Even in His correction, He demonstrated such (Martha and Mary). And, even in cases where He challenged others sins, He still left them with teachings that would edify the body, and for the willing, restore their relationships.
Lord, be it ever unto us, to live life that would be pleasing unto you – not throwing tantrums to have our own way, but loving others more than we love ourselves, every single day!
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