#172 Come On Down!
I feel like I won an opportunity on the “Price Is Right.” I’m so excited inside that I want to give God praise on the outside! He is so wonderful to me! And, He does things that lift me and encourage me right when I least expect it and most need it! God is good like that. Let me tell you what happened…
Last week, I posted an entry entitled “Do the Hard Thing.” I got some really great feedback from some of you which encouraged me. Thank you. See how God moves!?! Amazing.
I’ve mentioned to you how much I enjoy reading Lysa Terkeurst’s blog. So, last week, she had a post to get to know the blogging community. Well, I entered two of my blog entries into a Mr. Linky that Lysa set up. She would be using selected ones for her radio broadcast and potentially for other opportunities around the P31 ministry.
Guess what, she is going to use the “Do the Hard Thing” post for a radio broadcast that she will do. Isn’t that exciting! Look – here’s the way that I found out… click here. Pop on over there and see for yourself...
Now, can’t you hear the “#172, Come On Down!” (Nevermind the misspelling of my name – once you click through, you’ll see it’s me!)
Thank you, God, for the opportunity to share Your message with those who desire to hear it. And, thank you, Lysa for such a great opportunity. And finally, thank all of you for your comments, your honesty and openness and your support!
I feel extra blessed!
Yours and His,
I'm so thrilled for you!