Hey y'all!
Happy Monday! This is the day that the Lord has made and to tell ya the truth - I'm glad!
Yesterday, I kept my godson who is three months old. I had him for a few hours and can I just say one word to describe him...ADORABLE! Oh, did he show me his gums and just cooo - you know that made my heart melt. I don't see how folks can hurt little babies. Doesn't seem plausibe!!!
OH, if you get a chance, take a color analysis. My friend Kathy posted about it on her site, if you want to read my results. And the color analysis itself is here. Of course, I didn't pay for the full analysis - I think the intro paragraph of the analysis you get back is good enough. Nevertheless, I thought it was a fun and pretty accurate assessment of me!
Now, to the real post.
Everybody is talking about it - so I think we should too. The financial bailout. Now, whether or not we get to the root of who caused it or who was first to say that they solved it, even as it was bi-partisan, you know we'll hear about it soon ... "We were the first to ..." It makes me ill that we have grown folks running our government acting like school kids... "he started it..."
Okay, I'm losing my point.
Nevertheless, although I think watching the financial bailout come to a solution is a worthwhile exercise in fiscal responsibility and the dangers of greed and self-interest, I want to shed light on another area.
As Christians, I think this bailout should encourage us to tithe more. What safer place to put your money than in the Kingdom of God. Don't scrunch your face up - we cannot control what man does with the money - but if we are joyful givers and are giving the money in faith to God, then it does not matter what happens after it's put in the collection plate. That is to say, that the decisions are not on your shoulders. The persons handling the money will have to make an account to God. Your part is to give joyfully.
My next point is that everything we have belongs to God. So, don't get into a panic about your 401k or anything else. Give all your cares to God. He's the One that got you the job so that you could have the 401k anyway. He's the One that gave you the mind so that you could learn what is required for that job with that 401k. See where I'm going here? Everything belongs to God. Every bit of it. So, it doesn't do us any good to sit around worrying. Cast all your cares on Him...
Lastly, this is a great time for witnessing. I think that God is growing weary of America's ways. We've tried to take "In God We Trust" off of our money - and now we see what's happening. We've let homosexuality onto our main primetime stations and as a nation will allow such activity to be legalized into marriage. We have put the interests of the rich ahead of those of the poor. We send aid in billions to countries outside of the US but will not send that same support to our own tax-paying US citizens in Hurricane damaged cities - remember Katrina? How much more will God take from us? No one can know, but the writing is on the wall.
Hey Girlfriend! I'm glad you enjoyed the color analysis. It was fun and I do think it nailed you! ;-) Re: putting our money where it counts--absolutely. The only place where our money will be 100% safe and productive is to invest it into the kingdom.