Sometimes, in order to be in complete obedience to Christ, we have to make tough decisions. These decisions are tough not because we desire to do the wrong things, but they are tough because we desire to do the things that please others. We want their approval and we do not want them to be hurt in the process. But, we have a decision to make.
Will we do what the Lord has commanded, or will we step in and try to save someone else’s feelings?
While, in our nature, it is easier to try to step in to save someone from hurt, we have an obligation to do God’s work first. We have an obligation to be obedient to Him. So, we must do the hard thing.
Sometimes the hard things are letting that loved one go to find their own way and to experience the things that must be experienced if they are to grow in God. Let’s take a look at our biblical examples set before us. Abraham had to do the hard thing.
He decided to be obedient to the Lord. The Lord told him to sacrifice His son, Isaac. You know the story. In obedience, early that morning, Abraham set out to do the Lord’s bidding. And because God saw how willing Abraham was to do His will, even as Abraham reasoned in His mind that God had given Him a promise and that God would be able to restore His son, God stopped the sacrifice. He told Abraham not to harm his son.
What would have happened if Abraham decided that “no way, now how” was he ever going to sacrifice his son. Things would have been much different.
But, Abraham did the hard thing.
Obedience costs you something but the dividends you get in return from the Lord far outweigh any sacrifice you may have had to make.
Do the hard thing.
Whatever the situation, if God is requiring that you leave it alone – then leave it alone. If God is requiring you to take action, then take action.
Do the hard thing, and you will see that God is yet in control. Your obedience will be rewarded.
This post brought tears to my eyes because of it's truth. I love how God sends confirmation through you (Beams of Light Ministries). Keep sharing the beams of light into our darken situations.
You might enjoy "Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations"
Thank you so much for your post for " Do the hard thing." As a Christian woman I was struggling with a particular sin. I fell victim to temptation with someone I have fallen in love with only to find out he doesn't want to marry me, so I made the decision to end this part of our relationship, because I knew it was wrong when I did it, but the Holy Spirit really convicted me of what I was doing to not only my physical self, but more so to my spiritual self. I still love this man very much, but I love God more, and as hard as it is to lose that closeness with this man, it was harder losing fellowship with God, so thank you again for helping me to really open my eyes to how good God is when we trust in him whole heartedly and are obedient to his word.
I, too, was brought to tears by your post. I am reminded of relationships I have had to leave behind out of obedience to what God was calling me to. God is so faithful, and always blesses far greater in response to our obedience.
Someone had left a comment at my blog recently about how we look at the cost, but God is looking at our gain. I loved that! And it goes right with what you have written so well about here.
Doing hard things seems like such a sacrifice to my flesh, but God really is trying to get the very best to me. Thanks for this reminder!
Oh, and the book "Do Hard Things" that was mentioned by Kristie really is great. I am presently reading it and have been blessed and truly convicted!
These were the very words I needed to hear. I feel stuck in the middle of obeying my God or pleasing my mom. I have made the decision to obey, but living with her hurt feelings and lack of understanding is really weighing on me. It's not easy, but still it's right. I'm so grateful I stopped by for your encouraging word, God's using it. Thanks, Jill
Hi Sanja,
I'm visiting from Lysa's blog.
Doing the 'hard thing' is difficult. It's not easy to follow and trust that God will handle the ramifications of our obedience when it involves other people. Sometimes our 'yes' to God leaves others questioning our response, as they don't understand, and it can even lead to hurts. We have to know that when we respond in obedience to God, He will take care of all that is left behind.
Awesome post and an excellent call to be obedient to Him.
Just popping over from Lysa's to check out your blog and say "Congrats!" How exciting! :-) Love what you had to share, in fact, I recently wrote a post titled "I choose hard." There are definitely so many blessings when we do so. Thanks for sharing your writing and yourself. Sweet blessings, Amy in OR
What a blessing to stop by your blog!
Thank you for this important message.
I came by way of Lysa's blog. Congratulations on being on of the picks.
Many blessings,
Rena Gunther