Have you ever heard someone shade the truth? This is, have you ever had someone tell just enough of the truth to seem credible but then they spin it to their own advantage? If you are looking for an example of this, turn on the television. It’s campaign season and it just seems that shading the truth is the mode de jour.
The problem with shading the truth is that it is lying. It’s not turning things to your advantage. It’s not fair. It’s not the way things should be done. Do not be deceived. A half truth is a whole lie.
So, what can we do when it’s time to pick our leaders. Do your own research. Don’t cheat off somebody else’s paper by letting them fill you with their spin. Do your own research and find out for yourself. When it comes to politics, don’t just rely on factcheck. That’s been found to be misleading too. In such a tight election, you need to do your own research and vote the way that you are led by God to vote. It does not matter what somebody else thinks or feels. You go into the voting booth alone. And, it is in that booth that you will make your own choices.
I encourage you to make sure that you have really done your own research and not settled for the reports from political pundits or the local barbershop. Do your civic duty and research the candidates to see where they really stand.
My state has early voting, so I did my due diligence in research and now I’ve voted. These last minute news items coming out about the candidates don’t bother me. They are just last minute attempts to get votes. But, in this campaign season, after having done my due diligence, and counted the costs for both sides, my decision is made and cannot be changed. My ballot – submitted. My sleep – peaceful. I wish you the same.
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