A Long To-Do List

Many are my plans during the week. Yet, lately, I've had more plans than action. Every time I cross something off my list, two more things get added. How does that work? And, I'm not even going to venture on the subject of "fair." But nevertheless, I still feel tied to the list of things to do, places to be, people to see. And it's then that I know that I need to regroup.

Time for some alone time with God.

Time to ask for help. And that's what I've done. I'm listening now to what God would have me to do and be about. I'm waiting for Him to "okay" my "list" of things to do before I add things to it of my own accord. And, so far, everything is going smoother.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and like your list of things to do is growing as tall as you are, then I encourage you to take your list to the Lord and listen for His voice. He'll tell you what to do and what to let someone else handle.

Have a great weekend!
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God will Judge

The wonderful thing about God is that He sees all. And He knows all. He is Sovereign and not one thing escapes His attention. Not one car horn tooted too long and too loudly by a frustrated, road-ragy driver. Not one negative thought that marinates on our membranes but never escapes our lips. Not one rumor spread like wildfire. Not one iota. Nothing escapes His attention. 

Don't get nervous. God created us and He knows that none of us are perfect. None of us are righteous. No. Not. One. We all mess up. And we will all face judgement. 

That's why it's peculiar to me that we like to judge one another. We love to roast each other (not in the fun way that you do at birthday parties). No, we like to toss somebody on the flame and see how much we can cook up about them. That's disturbing in light of Romans 2. 

From my trusty KJV, Romans 2:1 reads "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O Man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." 

And the church said "AMEN" while the rest said "OUCH!"  

I encourage you to spend some time in the rest of Romans 2. It's only 29 verses long. You can read that in your carpool line or on your break or in your private time alone with God. It matters not where you read, only that you read it. 

If I had to summarize it, perhaps I'd do it this way: 

vs 1-16, God will give just judgment to each person according to what He has done 
vs 17-29, God is interested in circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. 

You see, God will judge men by their work and their hearts - both Jews and Gentiles. So, then that means that we should not spend time trying to do God's job, but instead spend time doing our own. I've heard it said by a profound and prolific teacher, "All are guilty before God when He sees our heart." So let's work on getting our hearts right. Our own hearts. And let's leave the judgment to the only righteous One. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Becoming More...

Back in March, I was featured on Lysa Terkeurst's blog. Lysa is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. It was, in my eyes, a big deal, simply because I wrote what I felt upon reading her book, Becoming More Than Just A Good Bible Study Girl. I just spoke from my heart. It's like getting rewarded for something that you get great pleasure out of. 

On that day, when Lysa announced that I was going to be featured, she mentioned that she would send me a prize. That was like a cherry on top of an already delicious dessert. So, I waited to see what the mailman would bring. Well, I'm happy to report that last week, the mailman did indeed deliver. 

Lysa sent me her DVD to for Becoming More... I cannot tell you how surprised I was to receive such a wonderful gift. And now, I'm thinking of and praying on a creative way to pay it forward. God has enabled Lysa to be such a blessing to me, and now I want to bless others as well. Stay tuned. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

An Extra Prize!

Don’t you just love it when you make a call about one thing and find out about something else? I do. It’s like getting an extra prize in your cereal box or doing a two-for-the-price-of one deal. Exciting!

Well, come to find out that one of my family members through marriage is getting promoted. He’s in the military. I’m so excited for him. I remember when one of my good school mates was promoted to the rank of Major and invited me to his ceremony (he’s in the Army – I wrote about him in my Army Strong post). His ceremony was sooooo very nice. I really enjoyed myself. I’ll never forget it – even though I had to drive to what seemed like the end of the world to get there!

It’s always good to advance in something that you love to do. Oh yea, Chunk's mom is getting promoted too. She'll change ranks right before she deploys.

It’s such a blessing to see tangibly how God moves in the lives of my family and friends. And that, I guess, is in some ways, yet another extra prize. I’ve got prizes flowing from every corner. Isn’t that just fantastic? And guess what? You do too!

We can choose to look at each opportunity we face as a hindrance, obstacle or something equally unpleasant. Or, we can make a decision to look at every aspect of our lives and choose to see God working in them. Maturity, though hard-won, has taught me to choose the latter.

I hope you will join me in viewing every situation with the right perspective. I hope you will see that it is so much better, and peaceful, to look at each situation with an eye towards God – looking for the extra prize, and seeing His hand in it.

Happy Thursday Y’all!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Where do you want to spend eternity?

The society we live in says we can do what we want, when we want. We have that "Burger King" mentality where we think we can have everything our way. And, while that may be true for some things, it is definately not true regarding the Kingdom of God. You cannot do any and everything that you want to do and still expect to get into Heaven.

This is how I know, I read Galatians 5 with particular emphasis on verses 14-21. Pasted below is the New Living Translation version of the passage. I chose this translation because it makes things very plain. The King James Version is good too, but I didn't want you to get tripped up on some words if you are not familiar with the verbage from that time. In other words, I just want to make sure you can see this text as clearly as possible - and if you have another translation that's even clearer, feel free to paste the reference in the comments section below.

If you can see yourself in this passage then you know you’ve got some work to do. In fact, if we are all honest with ourselves, we have visited these areas in our past even if we aren’t there now. 

So, as I’ve said, you cannot do anything you (your flesh) wants to do and still think you’re going to kick your feet up in Heaven. Don't be deceived. You cannot live according to the flesh and reap the reward of the those who live according to the Spirit. No, your flesh (and mine, and everybody else's that plans to go to Heaven) will have to come into submission to the Spirit.

Read the following Scripture and know that: (1) it’s time for a change; time to get right with God or (2) thank God that you have been changed and these are no longer your activities. Then finally, PRAY for your family, friends and our nation because these items ensnarl them in ways in which they do not realize.

The passage reads:

    "For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

But if instead of showing love among yourselves you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another.

So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves.

The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict.

But when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law.

When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, your lives will produce these evil results: sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activities, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God."

So now the real question becomes, "where do you want to spend eternity?" You cannot have it both ways.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Loves You

I was telling a good friend about some things that I am facing. I love talking to her because she always views my situations through the lens of the Bible. 

When I told her how I was feeling and my new determination, she listened. And, then she affirmed me by showing me an even deeper way of looking at my circumstance. She told me that God loved me so much that He saw fit to keep that situation from me. Here I was thinking that maybe I'd done something wrong and was being "punished" in some way and she  showed me the protective hand of God by removing me from that situation. 

When I took a minute to look at everything, I could hardly speak. God loves me that much...it's amazing, for surely I don't know why He does. But I rest in the assurance that He does.

So, as you make your way through this coming week, know that no matter the circumstances you may face, God loves you. He has always loved you, and He only wants what is the absolute best for you. So trust Him. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

We the People

I woke up with a heavy heart today. Not because it's tax day. I get a refund! Oooooooo yeah! But, instead because of the status of our country. So much divisiveness. So much political gamesmanship to advance a party or a person instead of a people.

Last I checked, we were supposed to be about "We the people." Instead, we've got camps of folks, pointing fingers at other folks. We've got people dedicating themselves to talk about and demean other folks. Some even make a career out of it. I don't want to hear any talk about freedom of speech. I want to hear talk about mutual respect and being able to talk about the issues without attacking the person. What happened to that? 

What happened to our moral compass. America used to have one. There used to be a time when you didn't have to legislative being your brother's keeper. But now, in times where my fellow countrymen are more concerned about money and their own families and futures that they don't have time to consider anybody else's. That's not the way it was awhile back. It seems like we are no longer in anything together. We are always against one another. That's troubling to me. We need to pray. 

Consider this from Matthew 12:25 -Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Let's get intentional about learning how to be inclusive, not exclusive; bi-partisan, not my way or no way; loving, not hateful, so that we can really stand up and say "We the people..."  

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Army Strong

I got the news last week that everything is a go and that two of my friends will be going downrange real soon (they are deploying). They are both in the Army. One is a mother. She has a 1 year old son. She will be deploying for 15 months. It’s a hard concept for me to get my mind around but she’s done it – she’s Army strong.

She has made all of the preparations for her child and has done everything possible to ensure his comfort while she is gone. The way that she has handled herself up to this point directly signals to me that she is relying on the Lord. She has not thrown a pity-party. She has not expected anyone to lavish sympathy on her for her plight. And when I attempted to, she would have none of it. She is a soldier. Army strong. And, about her business.

My other friend is not deploying for as long but it will still be a considerable period of time. He will leave the comforting arms of his new bride. But he hasn’t complained either. He's a soldier. He’s Army strong. He has been making phone calls and preparations to ensure his wife’s comfort while he is away. She has not been emotional. She married a soldier knowing this day was coming. She is Army strong.

Instead of talking about what she was going to miss out on, she has been encouraging her husband about the things they’ll do when he returns. (Married folk talk…okay!) To this point, she has not shed a tear and refuses to, in his words, “let on” that she’s thinking anything about the time that they’ll be apart from one another. She’s got him focused on the reunion.

While, knowing her, I am sure she will cry later, but for now, she will not show any fear or any worry to shake her husband’s confidence in her ability to manage for herself while he is away. She has a fascinating career to keep her occupied and activities and supporting friends to occupy her time. Quite frankly, his wife has it going on! She’s independent, yet supportive. She'll miss him for sure, but the way she's conducted herself is great. She's Army strong.

My friend and I talk about his wife and smile. She’s going to be alright. He will too. This is one of several deployments for him, but it’s different this time because now, he’s married. But he’s putting his trust in God. God will see him through.

I salute my friends as they make this trip downrange to face evil head-to-head. And I pray that it is God’s will that I will see my friends again, just as happy and healthy as they are now; full of life and joy, even in the face of trying circumstances.

Perhaps you know some Army strong folks. If you do, please take a minute to salute them. Send them your support and encouragement, even if they are no longer deployed. These disciplined, hearty and dedicated men and women are putting their lives at risk for us. What a mighty sacrifice.

I will be sending my friends care packages, because that’s what I do for my troops that I’m close with. But you don’t have to be close to send packages and letters. So, even if you don’t know any active Army (or other military), you can still send a letter of support – or even a package. These folks put their lives on hold for months at a time. So, please consider taking a departure from your regular schedule, and writing a letter or sending a package to our troops. They serve long and they serve hard. Here are some links where you can get some information.

To send letters: http://www.ourmilitary.mil/letters_messages.shtml
To send packages: http://www.ourmilitary.mil/send_packages.shtml

Please keep these soldiers in your prayers!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Monday! Monday! Monday!

Monday! Monday! Monday!

Why don’t people ever get excited about Monday!?!

Friday is always the “star” of the week, isn’t it? Well, in this economy, Monday is my friend. I’m happy I have a job – scratch that, I’m happy that I have a career that requires my attendance on Monday. I’m happy that I have an employer that values my contributions to the workplace. But more importantly, I’m happy that I have a God that looks beyond my faults, loves me anyway, and still makes provisions for me. You see, it’s God that has done all of this for me. He has given me a love for Monday, a love for my field and a love for Him.

So, Monday, let’s get this started! Make it a great day! This is the day that the Lord has made...let's rejoice and be glad in it!  

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Pray for each other

It's not hard to get offended. In fact, it's easy. The flesh indulges in the "right" to get back at someone for what they've done toward you. It's easy to let our minds traipse down the road of "I'm gonna get you sucka." The flesh wants to feel gratified - satisfied - glorified. And, therefore, if left to its own means, it will do everything to achieve these things. 

It's easy. 

But there is another way of handling a situation that is not so easy. There is a way that will bring about peace and joy; a way that will comfort your heart, even as you may feel offended. It's called prayer.

Sometimes, it's not so easy to lift up a sincere prayer for the person that called you out of your name. Why? Because your flesh wants to call them a name back. 

Sometimes, it's not so easy to smile when you know that person just lied to your face, or lied on you to someone else. No, the flesh wants to let that person know that you know. You might as well say "amen." The flesh wants to read that person the "right" act. But, that's when we must remember that there is another way. 

Sometimes, it's not so easy to encourage somebody when all that person wants to do is to discourage you. Your flesh may want to tear them down, while they are down. But, oh my Christian sibling, there is another way. 

What other way? Prayer.

Prayer can make the difference. Prayer can change things. Prayer makes us forget about ourselves and concentrate on God. And, when we are fully focused on God, there is no need to focus on revenge, or telling somebody off etc etc. Keep the piece of your mind that you were willing to give away. Pray for that person instead. 

A funny thing happens when we pray too. We leave better than when we came. We are refreshed because we know that it is because of the Lord that we are able to see things with such a fresh perspective. We leave knowing that there is no need to worry about the ill deeds of the other person - God says vengeance is His and He will repay. And, I don't know about you, but just knowing that my God has gotten everything under control makes me feel "A. Okay." 

So, don't be so easily offended. Shake it off and if you find yourself in trouble, go to the only One that can help you. Take your issue to the Lord in prayer. He is faithful enough to meet you, help and assist you. Don't give in to the flesh, submit yourself to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you. Have a great weekend! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

It's Snowing Pollen

Help! It’s snowing pollen! 
Pollen is not my friend. 
My eyes itch, my nose is running and I’m generally miserable right about now. Everything is greenish yellow. All cars are covered like blankets with this fine particle. Even the road and sidewalks. Tires leave tracks it’s so thick. Pollen. Pollen. Pollen. 
I’m desperate for relief. 
So, I looked at the allergy alert found at pollen.com. Wanna know what I found out? I’m going to be suffering for a few more days. The pollen level is high (duh). High is ranked at 9.7-12.0. For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the pollen in my area will be 11.7, 11.0 and 11.7 respectively. Oh joy. 
Pray for us allergy suffers. Pray for rain. We need a break in all this pollen!  

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

When God Tells You "No", Praise Him

When God tells you "no", praise Him. 

I know that's probably the last thing you wanted to hear. But, that's the best thing that I can tell you. When we really want something that is outside of God's will for us, it truly is best to obey the Lord. Do not, let me go ahead and repeat that, do not, under any circumstances, go outside of the will of God. 

If you know the Lord has told you "no", accept His "no" as the final answer. There is no need to waste time petitioning the Lord, and going after Him with different angles. You know how kids approach their parents with the same question phrased differently? Kingdom kids do that too. Although earthly parents may compromise and change their minds because their kids are so cute and cleaver, God is not wishy-washy. If He said "no", He means it. 

So, how do you move forward after accepting the "no" from the Lord? 

I admit that sometimes I get stuck here. I hear "no", I accept "no" and then I ask, "now what?" 

The answer is to praise God. If you're praising, depression, sadness, joylessness and doubt can't wear your down. They can't even catch up to you!  

Praise in the midst of a disappointing "no" is easy when you believe in your heart that God knows what's best for you. You can praise God in the midst of His "no" when you accept that His plan for your life is much better and thorough than your own plan for your life. "No" is easier to swallow when you have faith and trust in God. 

You may not understand why God said "no." Sometimes, it really is not for us to understand, just to obey. So, don't get hung up on that. Accept that God's ways are not our own ways. If we could figure out what was best for us, then why would we need a Savior? We don't always know - but God does. 

So, the next time God tells you know, don't get mad, upset, depressed or dejected. Don't worry or obsess. Just praise God! Say to yourself: "While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being!" (Psalm 146:2)
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

When the Answer is "No!"


I don’t like the word "no."

It’s so definite.

So final.

But sometimes in life, we hear “no” whether we like it or not.

“No!, don’t touch that, it’s hot.”
“No!, come back this way.”
“No!, you’re not the apple of their eye.”
“No!, it’s not for you this time.”

"No" takes its variety of shapes and forms. But the sting of “no” remains the same.

When my godson was visiting, I had to tell him “no.” He wanted to touch the Aqua-globe that waters my plant. I, being the purchaser of said item, knew it was glass. I knew it was not a toy for him to play with. So, being responsible, I told him “no.”

He didn’t like my telling him “no.” He poked out his lip and scrunched up his face. He made a fake noise that resembled a cry (and watched for my reaction) but when I told him to come to me, he did. I picked him up, loved on him and told him that it may hurt him. I gave him a final hug and one of his own toys. Lighting McQueen to be exact. He left my lap happy. He never touched the Aqua-globe again.

Sometimes God does the same thing with us.

Sometimes, the things we want are not right for us. Sometimes, the very things that we desire are the very things that will utterly upset our world as we know it. So God tells us “no.” He, being the Creator of all things, knows what’s best for us. So, being sovereign, He tells us “no.” And then He invites us into His lap for comforting and encouragement before sending us back out with to focus our attention on things He approves.

When we listen to His “no”, we stay out of trouble. But if we venture out beyond His “no” then we invite trouble.

I hope that you will journey with me this week as I explore this two letter word. Look for more blog posts this week on the subject of "no!"

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A Letter from Rehema

I got a letter from Rehema, the child I sponsor through Compassion International. I love getting letters from her. She always wishes me well and tells me what she's up to. The cool thing about this letter is that I got a picture of her. It was so nice to see her. There is such a change from the first picture I got from her until now. 

It encourages me to know how well she is doing. I thank God for keeping this sweet child. I pray that He will continue to bless her life abundantly. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a child, I pray that you will consider a sponsorship through Compassion International. More information about Compassion can be found here. Let's do our part to release a child from poverty in Jesus' name. 


Copyright Beams of Light Ministries