Navigate Your Way to Him

Have you ever gotten really pumped up about something?

I mean, really super duper excited...ready to explode with joy?

Have you ever felt like you were walking on air - like gravity didn't know your name or how to find you? Like nothing could hold you down?
And then reality struck and struck hard? No more floating on the clouds. No more super duper excitement. No more nothing.

Have you ever been disillusioned? Lots of doom and gloom in your emotional weather forecast.

Well, let me tell you, I've been down that street too. And, if you are lost on the disappointment highway, I've got a roadmap for you to get you back on the street called Straight that will take you to the highway to Heaven.
First, get your GPS out. That's your Word of God.

Plug it in to power it up. That means, yes, you do have to open the Bible and read it to know what's in it. Just because you go to church does not mean that you know what's in the Bible - especially the portions that are waiting to be read just by you.

Now, that you are plugged in to your power source, key in your current address. That is - tell God about your problem. Tell Him what sucked the wind out of your balloon. Tell Him what has stolen your joy.

Wait for the instructions ....

Here they are...step one, turn to Psalm 42:5-6
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.

Follow this for a few miles until you hear another prompt...

Oh, here's one now...step two, turn to Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his sins does not prosper; but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Tell God everything. He already knows but He wants you to confess it - yes, even that...

Follow this for a few more miles until you hear another prompt...
Oh yes, here's another one...step three, turn to 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

It's all about perspective, trust, obedience - FAITH. Times will get hard - everyday is not an easy day. But, with God you can make it! Believe this!

Now, if you look up, you will see the signs for the highway to Heaven.

Stop holding your head down. You have to look to Him to see which way to go. And, He is not dwelling around at the top of your sneakers or in the dirt. He is God. Look up to Him - not in a proud or boastful way, but in an expectant way because He has what you need for life and liberty. Besides, how are you ever going to see with your head in the ground?

Each path is unique from this point and nobody gets there the exact same way. But, be encouraged to know that even when you lose your way, get knocked off the path or simply give up on finding the way, you always have a GPS system at-the-ready that will lead you back to God - the Holy Bible.

So, don't fret when you get turned around on your journey or when something comes along to attempt to steal your joy and drain your excitement. Look to your Heavenly Father and His gift (the Bible - basic instructions before leaving earth) and He will get you back on the right path.