Do not lie to me. That's a pet peeve of mine that God is helping me with. I get really irritated when someone lies to me and I know that they are lying right as the words are coming out of their mouth. Don't get me wrong, I also get rather annoyed when I have believed something only to find out later that the whole thing was a fabrication. There is no reason to lie - not one. Telling the truth, even when it is not good news, is essential.
Lying is nothing new. But it is something that must be identified and stomped out in the life of the believer.
Why is it so hard to speak truthfully? Well, it really isn't. What gets complicated is telling a lie to cover another lie and another lie and so on and so forth. Lies build bridges to eternal damnation. Truth appeals to Heaven.
Speaking the truth in love is healing. Speaking the truth in love is life.
We can get mixed up when we get out of synch with God.
Take this example: We try to spare somebody's feelings and end up telling a lie.
End result: the person does not have hurt feelings but you have sinned. Not good. What if God was prompting you to tell that person the truth in love but you, in your own assessment, decided what was best for that person - to lie to them instead to spare their feelings. You have just interfered with God's business. It's not your business to decide what is best for someone else when God has given you a directive.
He directs us to be truthful in our speech. Tell the truth. And, do it in such a way that it can be received well. Ephesians 4 tells us to speak the truth in love!
Our speech should be loving and it should be kind.
One of the greatest things we can do for others is to show them love by giving them truth. It is when we are ready to be truthful that we can impact the world for Christ with a strong and powerful witness. So, go ahead, speak the truth in love when God gives you the go-ahead. Let God set the pace and timing - don't lie and try to do things on your own.
I like to say this - when God sends the mail, all you have to do is deliver!
Be Blessed,
Amen girl! Love that.
Much love,