Blessing in the Pressing

A little man – and by little, I mean small in stature, brought a grand Word to awaiting ears at the first night of our church’s revival. His name is Reverend Dr. J. Vincent Terry, pastor of the Mount Peace Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. He retold the familiar story of the woman with the issue of blood. But there was something about the delivery that made the story brand new. Even though you knew where he would ultimately end up – with the woman touching the helm of the Lord’s garment – the path that we took to get there was nothing less than Holy Ghost inspired. Thank you Reverend Terry!

I personally needed a reminder of the goodness of God. I needed a fresh touch. And now, I have it. I give God praise for sending His servant our way. I praise and I worship God but I also have to do some self examination.

As a result of such examination, I saw some things. Lately, I’ve wanted to give up on a few things. I have frequently used the phrase, “I’m sooooo tired of xyz.”

Have you? Or am I standing by myself?

Well, if you have recently uttered that phrase, let me just tell you, there is hope on the other side of tiredness! This woman battled with this issue of blood for 12 years. That meant that for 12 years, she did not know the touch of another human being – no embrace – no nothing for she was considered unclean. For 12 years, she endured the practice of these medical doctors trying to figure out her malady – for 12 long years she got no conclusive answer – no healing – no nothing.

I’m sure she was tired, but she kept pressing. She kept going. Rejection after rejection – let down after let down – disappointment abounding – she did not give up.

So, when Jesus showed up, she pressed her way through the crowd. Can you see her – she didn’t run up on him – how could she for the press of the crowd – but just think about it ladies – think about how tired you must feel after 12 long years of dealing with this issue of blood. In my mind, she is weak but she still presses on – placing her full faith and hope in Jesus.

And when she touched the helm of His garment, she was made whole – restored health. It’s a blessing. She received her blessing because she kept pressing!

Therefore, we don’t give up when things get tough. As Christians, we need to gird up and stand strong and wait for God’s deliverance in our situation. He is faithful to us and will provide all that we need.

We don’t need to try to figure it out for ourselves or endure with the ponderings of others that do not serve the Lord. We instead need to just turn our cares over to Him. He cares for us and will help us.

There is a blessing in pressing your way towards the Lord.

Don’t have time for quiet time – press anyway. Make the time.
Don’t have time for corporate worship – press anyway. There is a blessing in worship.

Friends, there is a blessing in pressing your way towards the Lord!!!

Praying for Shia

It appears that Shia LaBeouf got drunk, decided to drive and totaled his Ford F-150, but the authorities said it was not his fault. They said the other driver ran a red light.

Various internet articles report on LaBeouf’s activities leading up to the accident. Some say that he was dancing all around at a nightclub and that he kept drinking whiskey shots.

This seems an interesting thing for a young man to do while he has everything at his fingertips. The box office loves him. He has been groomed by the likes of Steven Spielberg. He has appeared in movies with some of Hollywood’s “A” list and has blazed the screen in films like Transformers and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love me some Indiana Jones movies.

Back to Shia.

Oh, the media is really shining the light on this young actor. They have been waiting for him to make a serious mistake – to blemish the star that only they speak of – to fall off the very pedestal that they put him on.

I don’t excuse drinking and I don’t excuse endangering the lives of others.

But, let’s look a little further.

This wreck happened and while LaBeouf was physically intoxicated, he escaped without serious injury. Reports say that he will be back to work in a month after having surgery on his hand. His passenger Isabel Lucas (from Transformers) was not hurt either. The person that ran the red light was not hurt.

Seems to me after seeing a truck flip like his, after sustaining a hit like he took – to walk away says that there is indeed Someone that needs more recognition.

God protected the occupants of both vehicles. And whether this is a warning to Shia, Isabel and the other driver, I will never know. But, wouldn’t it be awesome if Shia were to speak to the press and say that it was nothing but by the grace of God that I’m able to walk away from this? Wouldn’t it be awesome if Isabel would say that even though the entire situation left her powerless – she wasn’t driving and she could not control the other car – that her life was spared? Wouldn’t it be awesome if the other person that ran that red light would say that God shielded him/her from harm as they careless ran through that light? Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone realized that these folks are alive today because of the sovereignty of God – even as they revel publicly in their sin?

It does not yet appear that any of those involved in this incident know the Lord. But, God still loves them. They are still His creation. And they deserve an opportunity to come to the Lord – you and I got our opportunity to come to Him. Aren’t you glad you did? Me too!!!

So, my thought is this. When you see or hear about them on the news, would you pray? Would you ask God to introduce them to someone that knows Him and is not afraid to talk about the One and Only Savior? You never know what the power of collective prayer can do or how it may appeal to Heaven.

So, here is our young star, on the verge of grand success and power in the film world – desperately in need of God’s power in the spirit-realm.

Join me in praying for Shia LaBeouf, as well as Isabel Lucas and the other driver.

My Doctor's Report

Good news. I have a diagnosis for my main issue (skin sensitivity) and tests are being run to prove or disprove some lingering issues – like why I have a reaction after eating shrimp but I test negative for a shellfish allergy. I rejoice today because I know that God is able! He is a healer!

So, I have a request of you. Will you stop what you are doing right now and just give God the praise! He’s worthy!

The Super-Sensitive Skin I'm In

Today I am going to see an allergist. Apparently, my super-sensitive skin has been freaking out as a result of something – I just don’t know what. Never the less, I will make the journey to the doctor’s office today and see what he can tell me.

Skin is indeed an interesting thing. Over the years, it has been something that we as a nation have judged each other on. Skin color. Funny thing is, we don’t get to automatically choose our skin color. It’s not like shopping for a new outfit. Once you get it, you’ve got it. And, there is nothing wrong with it no matter what color it is. I know this because God knit us together in our respective mother’s womb. He chose. And, call me crazy, but I’m just not bold enough to think that anything that He does is wrong.

I was listening to a newscast not too long ago – in the year 2008. A reporter asked a restaurant patron of a small town if skin color was important in the presidential election. And, guess what? This patron and others in this restaurant said that when it came to the president of these United States of America, that skin color did matter. Of course, I disagree – and so did some others watching the newscast – all of different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Blatant racism is not as widespread as it once was. I thank God for that. But, it is still lingering around in some parts of our country and of our world. Some people are really upset about it – like my skin freaking out, they are having a reaction – but I don’t know why. Why is one skin color perceived to be superior? How does that make any sense? Particularly since we don’t choose! It’s amazing to me. I wonder what would happen if we were to take our sensitivities to the Lord in prayer. He’s the great physician and He is able to heal everything that ails us whether it be outward or inward, mental or physical, visible or invisible – He can heal our land.

He can heal my skin too. So why am I going to an allergist? The answer is simple. I dare not try to choose the method in which God will heal me – He may work through this doctor or He may not. But, I’ve been given the green light to go and therefore, I am going. God works in the manner in which He chooses. And, well, call me crazy again, but I’m still not bold enough to think that my way is better than His. I simply believe my skin will heal and my affliction will end. Glory to God!

Hey, they're glad too!

I know that I've been on this "glad" thing pretty much all week, but, aren't you glad? Joking.

Shekinah Glory Ministries sings a song entitled "Jesus" and I have to tell you, I've been humming and singing this song all week too. So today, on this Friday, even though I'm posting later than usual, I thought I would share the lyrics to this song and if I can find it on Youtube or Godtube, the actual song. Read through these lyrics and be blessed!

I'm so glad
You died for me
I'm so glad
You shed your blood for me
I'm so glad
You rose for me
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
Sweet Jesus--Jesus

I'm so glad
You died for me
So glad
You shed your blood just for me
So glad
You rose for me
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
Sweet Jesus--Jesus

Lead (Choir just repeats Jesus)
Help me say
Sweet Jesus
The precious name
of Jesus
The powerful name
of Jesus
How he loved me
I won't ever know
How he cared for me yeah
The precious name of
How he loved me in spite of me
The name, the name Jesus
It's so sweet I know, I know, I know
Oh I love the name
What you did for me on Calvary
No man would have done
But you loved me in spite of me yeah
You loved me just as much
To be hung there and died
You were thinking just of me
What a God, what a God
Budda couldn't do it for you
Confucius couldn't do it either
God is
He's God all by himself
The name, the name, the name of
The precious name
How I love the name, I love the name of
When I think of his goodness & all he's done for me
I can't help but give him glory
He is God all by himself
Come on give him glory
At the name of Jesus demons must flee
That's the kind of power he's given us
We can speak to that sickness and it will leave
That's what he said in his word yeah
He said I've come to give you life more abundantly
That's what he did at the cross for you & me (REPEAT 3Xs)
But I'm so glad he rose on the third day
With all power in his hand
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
The powerful name of
The precious name, glorious name
The name of Jesus yes it is
No other name I know
I'm talking about Jesus
How he loved me I'll never know, I'll never know
Yes he did
He loved me in spite of me
Cause he knew I wasn't fit to die
He died just for me
He said I can handle it daughter
I took care of it on the cross for you
I took care of it, bore it on the cross for you
Nobody but Jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of Jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of Jesus
The precious name
The precious name of Jesus
No other name I know
No other name I know
I can't help but worship
The music don't even have to play
For me to give him worship
The music don't even have to play
For me to give him worship
How I love him oh yeah
How I love him, oh yeah
How I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him
how I love him, I love him
How I love him, I love him, I love him
See I don't need a dance partner cause I've got Jesus
When I think of his goodness & what he's done
When I think of his goodness & what he's done
I've gotta give him glory
Glory hallelujah
Bless the lord

Oh look, I found it! Now that you've read through the powerful lyrics, check out the song now:

Now, who wouldn't serve Him after all that He's done for you and for me! Aren't you GLAD!!!


Be Glad

Recently God has been placing "be glad" in my spirit. So, out of obedience, I made it my business to "be glad." Some would call this the power of positive thinking. I call it the result of obedience - I'm glad.

I was glad when I woke up - after having slept really well. I am glad that I found comfort in a new gym that has a non-judgemental policy - I have picked up a few pounds and even my clothes are asking me what's up. (it's okay, you can laugh). I am glad that I can go to the gym and workout in a new and supportive environment.

I am glad that I met a personal goal at the gym on the elliptical. That piece of machinery always gets the better of me - but look who is laughing now! I am glad, glad, glad!

Now, when I lay myself down after working out, I'll see just how glad I am when (and if) I wake up...joking! Sore or not sore, I'm still going to be glad!

The Merriam Webster defines glad this way: having a cheerful or happy disposition by nature.

Now, aren't you glad??

Count the Costs

Recently, I was watching television and saw two game shows that essentially promoted humiliation in order to win a monetary prize.

One of the producers of one of the shows said the contestants were like "lambs to the slaughter" and then he chuckled. The commercial advertisements for the other game show revealscompletely embarrasing takes with the hosts of the show being two snide commentators.

These shows are new to the airways and apparently have good ratings support - or else they would not continue to be on the air. So, what's my problem?

We are to esteem each other in love, not mock each other and make fun of one another. These shows promote the opposite.

My second problem - what length are we willing to go to in order to win a paltry sum of money. The cash is a big amount but paltry when you really count the costs.

If I consider the cross, where Jesus bleed, hung and died, then I could never be a contestant on these game shows. If I consider the cross and realize that Jesus has taken all of my humiliation and shame to it - then why would I willfully incur more embarrassment. If I consider the cross and the fact that because of Jesus' work on it, I am now a co-heir to the Kingdom, why would I play myself on television for a few bucks that I cannot take with me upon my death.

I wish these contestants would consider the cross - count the costs and realize that whatever it is they are doing this for will never amount to just fully trusting in the Lord and letting Him work out every situation.

For every action - count the costs.

Today has been a GOoD day!

Today has been a good day. I think about everything that God has allowed me to experience today and I just have to take a praise break and say thank-you!

Today, I woke up after a peaceful night’s sleep. You see, the night before, I had a nightmare but after praying specifically last night against unpleasant dreams, I slept through the night last night with no problems. I woke up rested. I give God glory.

Today, I got dressed – by myself – no assistance needed. I thank God for the activity of my limbs and still clothing me daily in my right mind.

Then, I left the home that He gave me and jumped in the car that He provided for me to come to a job that I only have by the grace of God. I can testify that He is a mighty provider! Everything I have is sufficient to meet my NEEDS! I serve an awesome God.

All day long, I have been working – to the glory of God! And this evening, I will work more – again to the glory of God. I have the God-given ability to think and to produce for the benefit of my company, yes, but more importantly, for the benefit of my God.

And lastly, as I simply prayed over my lunch today, I became a witness for the Lord. Oh the opportunities that He gives to us!

So, today has been a good day. Precious Lord, I tell you THANK YOU!!!

My latest Godtube Find...

Sunday, I was browsing Godtube and came across this video. I thought I would share it with you for all of you that are familiar with the R&B Singer Rihanna. This is a "Christ Remix" of her popular song "Umbrella." This artist is named Coffey.

Here are his lyrics:
I gave you my heart,
In exchange for a brand new start
Lord then you made me clean,
And you set me apart.
See I was in the dark, you're the bright and morning star
And oh with your amazing grace,
You put a smile upon my face because,

When the Son died, he didn’t die forever,
Put him in a tomb and 3 days later,
He died on the cross and he rose again
Dipped me in his blood and
He washed away my sins, sins, sins…eh
Thank the Lord I’m born again in…eh
Her daddy been gone, her mama left when she was 7
Stuck with relatives she didn’t know is there a heaven.
I wish I could grow wings and fly away from this place,
Is what she told me, wiping tears from her face.
But every time you cried the Lord felt your pain,
Put a fist in the air if you ready for change.
The race is not given to the swift or to the strong,
You got to endure, I’m telling you to hold on.

I'm Currently Reading...

I feel pretty good about what I'm about to tell you. My great friend Kristie is married to an awesome man of God. He is faithful to God and he is faithful to his family. I admire his dedication to both. Every time I see him, he looks more and more distinguished. Not in an arrogant sort of way, but as a man that sits at the feet of our Lord and learns of Him - and as such reflects the character of Christ. He is a compassionate and wise gentleman, willing to help wherever he can. I had the opportunity to chat with him some months ago regarding a paper that I was writing for my school work - a course in Biblical Counseling. He took the time to explain his position and answer all of my questions. He is such a valuable servant for the Kingdom of God! Therefore, I just had to tell you about something that I'm so excited about....
I'm excited about this book that this man of God has written. It is called "What is a Healthy Church Member?" And although I have yet to finish the book - I just started reading it today but it is already fantastic - I think you would do yourself a great service to look into getting your own personal copy.

Ah - you may be asking his name at this point - it's Thabiti (thuh-BEE-tee) Anyabwile. He's the senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Grand Cayman Islands. This book has the endorsement of John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, D.A. Carson etc., if that type of thing is important to you. Hence, you can rest assured that this book is spiritually and Scriptually sound. The forward is by Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC, a powerful church that I had the opportunity to visit as well. By the way, did you see Dever's comments in the Wall Street Journal on July 3, 2008 - Simply powerful - here's the link if you didn't get a chance to read it.

So, my point is simply this - this author is anointed and appointed for such a time as this. I am quite sure that the entirety of the message in this book will not only serve to convict but also to challenge and to help me to grow even further into being a healthy church member that can and will serve God with my utmost ability. And, I'm not the only one that feels this way - here are some comments that you may find useful from those that have read the book in its entirety.
It is my sincere hope that you will add this book to your collection. You can find it online nearly everywhere, Crossway, Amazon etc. Happy Reading!

Picturesque Appreciation

I realized after my post on my new appreciation of wood, that I had not taken that many pictures. Unfortunately, I realized this while watching my images download to my computer now that I'm back in the USA. I guess, you will just have to take my word for it. :)
I did take some pictures that I hope that you will enjoy!

Look at the architecture of this building. Nice huh?

This bed was on the second floor is my room. It had an adjoining wood deck off to the right (behind the curtains in the far right corner).

I thought once or twice about having a meal here but decided against it. The wooden chairs were beautiful as you can see - such craftsmanship went into everything you see here.

And finally, this was the view from the deck on my first floor in my room. Beautiful, eh? I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!

Prayer Request

And just where has the time gone! Whew!

I'm been doing some tangible ministry work this week and therefore, I am behind in my blogging. I do apologize for not writing until now.

I believe now that we are living in the end times. The intensity of demonic forces is stronger than I've ever seen it. This week, I have heard stories of many things - things that break your heart to know. We have to get our minds rightly focused on our God. Too many of us are falling for the lies of the enemy and believing his false report.

Without digging deeper right now, I want to ask you to do something for yourself and for those who identify themselves as Christians. I want you to pray that we all do the following things:

1. Pray that we go to the Lord and ask Him to show us who we are right now - expose the lies of the enemy and the sin that lurks beneath the surface.
2. Ask the Lord that He show us who we are created to be - we are His workmanship - Help us to see how far we are from the mark set for us.
3. Ask the Lord to help us become "A+" students of His Word - we need to know the "Basics Instructions Before Leaving Earth"
4. Ask the Lord to help us become "A+" doers of the Word - we need to apply the principles to our own lives
5. Ask the Lord to help us where we are weak, chastise us where we are wrong, give us discernment where needed and help us to endure in a spirit of obedience to Himself.

I could go on, but then, I don't think you'd read the whole post. My heart desires that you pray, pray, pray.

A Capella - Amazing Grace

Hey - this is an A Capella rendering of Amazing Grace. I think it's pretty nice. I hope you enjoy it! There is a dispute on You Tube about the artist - so, I am leaving that part off. Anyhoooo - enjoy!

Celebrate Your Family!

I am doing a Bible Study with my friend Angela. We just started the study this week and I have to tell you - I'm really enjoying my time in the Word in this new way. The study is called Abundant Grace: Lessons from the Family, and if you are interested, I believe that you too can be a part of this pilot study. Go to her website here and sign up by letting her know that you are interested. This week, our study has taken us to an examination of our own family as well as an examination of those in the Bible. I bet you can guess who was part of the study... you got it, Abraham.

I love examining his life. His life is such ministry to me because Abraham experienced God in many powerful ways. His faith and trust and devotion to God blows my mind. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to be Abraham. To become a father in his old age - to stand on the promise - I'm talking about Isaac instead of Ishmael here. But, to be able to see a miracle walking around each day - Isaac was a miracle. And, then to have to turn around in obedience and lay Isaac down for the sacrifice. I think I would have had an issue there quite personally. But, obedient Abraham went forward having faith in the promise still - believing that even if he slaughtered Isaac that God would bring Him back from the dead. Amazing faith!

The study does not end there. The next day we roll over into a new family setting. I won't tell you who in the event that you decide to participate. And, even if you don't, will you take a minute to examine your family, and praise God for each and every one of them? Yes, "that" uncle too!

Family is so very important. If there be any among your family cluster that stand in the need of any thing great or small, would you now take the time to pray for them and pray for yourself that God will show you exactly how you are to help them. They are your family. If they need salvation, pray for it, if they need a job, pray for it, whatever they need, pray for it! And you can also help in a "right-now" practical way, so please be sure to inquire of the Lord for that as well.
And, do not give up on your family members that may not be "acting right." Instead, have amazing faith in God to bring that situation about in a way that gives Him glory! Celebrate your family in prayer and practicality - they are God-given.

My growing appreciation for wood furniture

I opened my eyes in Germany today. What a beautiful country. This time, it's not too hot - not too cold. In fact, it's pretty perfect in temperature. God is so good.

I marvel at how we as people use the same resources differently. Remember when the majority of homes in America were made with solid wood through and through. Remember how wood was ornately carved and stained and became as much a feature of the home as everything else? Now in most homes, the wood is covered with siding and the other things, buried beneath some layer as to not expose it to the elements - and in some cases - to hide the inferiority/low quality of the wood. Now, it seems that the "expensive" and choice woods are reserved for designer homes or for public television (yes, I watch the shows where they make furniture with real wood...somebody has to). But not so here - here, in this place, the wood is the dominant theme.

There are wood beams in the ceilings and wood as the main architecture. Wood - beautiful wood! I never knew that I could be so excited about wood! But, that just goes to show you - we should always be open to new experiences.

What about you? Any new appreciations on your behalf? Let me know by comment below or email.

Disciplined Disciplines - Closing Post

We could go on and on about what it takes to make it the Christian journey successful. We could trade insight and testimonies about this thing and that, to God be the glory. But the main driver of your success is your relationship with God.

I named this series “Faith and the Long Haul” because I wanted you to recognize that going through difficulties and long stints of unpleasant experiences does not mean that God has abandoned you. In fact, He will never abandon you. Instead, when the road gets rough, the spiritual disciplines that you have within you should increase – just like that long road.

I like the spiritual disciplines because they give me a written out place to “start” in deepening my relationship with God. But, they are not set in stone – no one author’s list is the end-all-be-all list for every single believer. But, that’s the beauty of it. I will say that every list, at minimum, must include prayer and mediation on the Word of God – which of course also includes reading the Word of God. I also think fasting should be included. If Jesus needed to pray then we surely need to pray. If Jesus read and knew the Word of God, then surely we need to read and know. If Jesus fasted, then surely we need to do the same.... You see where I am going. If we are going to be like Jesus, then we are going to have to discipline ourselves to be that way.

I want to end this post by saying that I believe that each of you has what it takes to endure the road set before you. Have Faith. Take confidence in knowing that God loves you and wants the best for you. The best is God Himself. If we will take and learn of Him, and truly become His disciples then we can endure, even as Paul, looking at each turn in the road not as a hindrance or disappointment, but as another opportunity to give the Lord His due praise.

May God continue to bless you!

Keeping Perspective on the Journey

Sometimes the road seems long – too long. Sometimes the mountains seem too high. But, when you are connected to the One True God…all things are possible.

It is easy to get upset and quit when things get hard. I know because I’ve done it several times. (Don’t pattern yourself after my example in this area.) It is much more difficult to keep the right perspective when things seem topsy-turvey in your life. But, I’m urging you not to give up and quit. Instead, keep your focus on the Lord at all times, and especially when things get tough.

Psalm 18 lays this out for us and gives us some guidance on praising God for delivering us. You know that He will deliver you, right? So, since we know this to be true, the best thing to do is to praise Him all the way through our trials.

Vs 2 gives this praise: The LORD [is] my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, [and] my high tower.

God is this – and so much more. What things do you know to be true about God from your personal experiences with Him. Take the time to list them out now – or call them out. Exalt Him with your tongue right now!

Welcome back.

Vs 4-6 tells us about the difficult situation that David faced: The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, [even] into his ears.

David was in a tough spot. And, who did He turn to? He turned to the Lord. Who do you turn to when you are in distress?

Vs 7-17 talks about the strong physical action that the Lord took on David’s behalf (you should read it – it is better than an action packed thriller!). As a result of this action, David writes in verse 18: He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

Now, who doesn’t need a God like that? We all do – and there is only One True God. Like I said earlier, with Him, all things are possible. God can move in your situation and will move in your situation when you have faith and confidence in Him to keep the right perspective. Do not faint. Praise Him and cry out to Him in your distress. Stay righteous and holy before the Lord. Do not give in to the games of the wicked.

There are 50 verses within this psalm and I encourage you to read them all. I have only very lightly touched the surface by exposing just a few of the verses. But, there is soooo much more to be discovered here. Therefore, I deeply encourage you to read this psalm in its entirety. Then, you will cling to the Lord like never before. When you are going through the situations that come in your life, you will be able to say:

For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.

To God be the Glory!!!

Making Time

I love Independence Day. It's special to me - not just because of what it means for this country, but because it was the time that everyone used to get together when my grandparents were alive. All of their children came home. It was just done. And, it was like a huge family reunion.

My grandparents have gone home to glory now. And, their children do not all assemble themselves anymore at this time of the year. Time has a way of allowing us to get away from the things that we used to do in favor of other things.

I will always remember those special times. And, maybe someday, the family will remember and we'll go back to those days. I'm not sad about it - I'm hopeful. I know that we all love each other still - we are still a family.

I believe that God looks at us that way too. We used to spend time with Him and now we have let other things get in the way. But I believe that He is still hopeful that His prodigal children will come back home at some point. And, when His children do, He will be most glad.

So, I encourage you today - that while you are making your holiday preparations and enjoying the company of your family and close friends, do not forget to spend time with your Heavenly Father. Make the time to visit with Him.

Happy 4th of July and may God Bless America!

Disciplined Disciples – Part Three

Christians are to be Christ-like. If you have read anything about Christ, you will automatically know that we have our work cut out for us. He was perfect in every way, and never sinned. We are far from perfect and sin is second-nature. But, we have hope. We have help. It’s going to take us the rest of our time on Earth to mature into Christ-likeness, but it is a worthy effort. As Christians, we want to be like Him.

Even as it will take us some time, we do not give up and neither do we give in. We must press in and hang in there knowing that the results are worth the effort.

Because our struggle is daily, we must read and study daily.


And, when you find a time that works, keep that time. It is easy to make excuses for why we do not read and study our Bible every day. But, the simple fact of the matter is that we need to be about Kingdom Business – and that involves reading and studying our Bible every day. Some of the things we get ourselves tangled in can easily be cut out if we would just read and study our Bible every day.

And while you do this, watch your attitude. It’s not drudgery; it is soul-fulfillment and a way to honor our Lord. And, that alone should make you very happy. You can do all kinds of studies and even invite friends to study along with you. You can do character studies, studies on geography (past and present landmarks), studies on keywords etc. The options are endless. But, the message is still the same – get in your Bible and stay in your Bible.

Disciplined Disciples: Part Two

Athletes become great athletes because they train. They practice. They do things over and over again perfecting it as they go along. They are dedicated.

Athletes become top contenders because they practice and train. They engage all of themselves into the process. Their mind is engaged – if it is not, they get injured. Their hearts are engaged – lots of contests are won not by skill or might but by heart. [You’ve seen the Rocky movies.] And lastly, their body is engaged. It has done these maneuvers so many times that to bend and flex, move and stop as required is now second-nature.

Athletes are disciplined.

Christians need to become spiritually disciplined.

We don’t have to look far to see an example of disciplined disciples. There have been many great “giants of the faith” whose work and lifelong evidences demonstrate their discipline. Just look at Billy Graham, Oswald Chambers, A. W. Tozer, Jay Adams, and because I’m reading his book, Donald Whitney. Look in your community at your faithful pastor and other faithful pastors. Look in the Scriptures and read about our Lord and Savior Jesus, and even Paul. Dedicated. Disciplined. And, while we can look at these people and see their efforts for the gospel, the most important place we can look is in the mirror. When you look in there, do you see a disciplined disciple?

Most of us would have to earnestly answer, “no.” Look over the list that you developed yesterday. See, we all have areas where we need more discipline.

But, that’s okay. We have to assess where we are so that we can know exactly how far we are away from where we need to be. Think of it as looking at a map. You know that if you are at point A and your goal is to get to point D, then you will have to go through points B and C. But if you are at point C and are trying to get to point D, then you know that you only need go through the steps to get to point D. Your distance is shorter (in this linear illustration.) Therefore, assessing where you are helps you with direction.

Now, once we know where we are, it’s time to do some training in righteousness. As Christians, we need to “train” and build our spiritual muscles. You can “train” by getting into your Bible. The children at our church are doing Bible drills quoting Scripture. I oft times feel like I need to join them. I don’t recall things from memorization that well – I never have – but something about a young child being able to quote Scripture motivates me – and, well, it actually encourages me! So, it’s time to put in the time with the Bible. Whether your goal is memorization or not, you must become familiar with your Bible. How else are you going to know what God requires out of you – which areas you are to be disciplined in – if you don’t read your Bible for yourself. You cannot always count on someone else to do this for you. So, please make a commitment to be disciplined in reading your Bible every single day – no matter what. Engage your mind, heart and body. This is your first step in discipline.