To Include or Not to Include...Good Ole Saint Nick

My good friend's husband is a pastor in the Caymans. He frequently posts to a blogsite. I found this one pretty interesting and timely. It's called "Down with Santa Claus" I hope you will find it insightful.

Merry Christmas!

Just Remember

So, I'm into my Christmas songs now - can you tell? Fred Hammond sings a song entitled "Just Remember." It's on his album released in 2001 - Fred Hammond Christmas - Just Remember. What I like about that song is that he talks about family gatherings and cheer but his main point is that we remember Who this whole day is about.

So many times, in so many ways, even as believers, we turn Christmas into something about us. It's not about us. Our very existence has never been about us. We were created that we may give glory to the Father. That puts a few things in perspective. For example, I would love nothing more than to experience Christmas with my own family. I don't have a husband yet and neither do I have kids, so that is an impossibility for me this Christmas. That does not give me license to now drag around saying "woe is me." Instead, I have to put things into perspective and be thankful for the rich, plentious blessings that I do have. God has done soooo very much in my life. And, I don't have any doubt. I know it is by His grace and mercy that I have everything that I do have.

I submit to you, as we approach Christmas, to Just Remember, that it's not about you, neither is it about me. It's not about any of us. It's all about JESUS - the real reason for the season. So, come what may, just remember, that we are celebrating Him. Come, let us adore him!

The Solid Rock

I have a song on my heart this morning. The lyrics are: my hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness/ I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand / all other ground is sinking sand. Do you know the song now? It’s the Solid Rock.

I think it’s pretty neat when I wake up with a song of worship on my heart. It sets the day for me and lets me know that come what may, everything is going to be alright. At this time of the year, it would seem that everything is going to be alright anyway – it’s the Christmas season. Yet, for me, it seems like I’m caring a lot of weight right now. (not just from the scales either! J) I see the move and attack of the enemy trying his best to rob people of their joy and keep them in bondage. He’s able to do that when we are off our game – so to speak. He can do that when we stray away from our solid foundation, Jesus Christ the Rock.

It reminds me of America’s favorite pastime. Baseball. When we are on the base, we are safe. When we run out – we are on our own – and we face the attack of the enemy. I know that we cannot stay grounded to one location. But, as Christians, as we travel, we have the luxury and option to take our “base” with us.

I encourage you all to take the Lord with you. Walk or dare I say, run, with Him. Keep pace with His plans for your life and I guarantee that although at times it may be tough, we will all be the better for it. Trust the Lord – build your hope on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. Wholly Lean on Him.

Live in Peace

Albertina Walker sings a song “Please be patient with me. ” Some of the lyrics from that song are “Please be patient with me / God is not through with me yet / When God is through with me / I shall come forth, I shall come forth, I shall come forth as pure gold.” As children, my cousin and I would sing that song – mainly because we liked the beat. As I’ve matured, I see the spiritual application of that song.

We are to be patient with others knowing that God has an ultimate plan for each of our lives. This applies to the believers as well as the unbelievers. In fact, Paul urges in Romans 12: 17-21 a manner of patience with one another. He says:

“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengenance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing though shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” (KJV)

Despite what a person has done or is doing to you, we are to have a right relationship with that person – we are to be patient with them. If they are not talking right or doing the right thing, this does not give us license to join them in their wrongdoing. Instead, we are to pray for them and provide for them such that God be glorified. We are not to try to do things ourselves – you know we like to jump in and try to “handle” the situation when in all actuality, the situation is handling us. We are to give the situation over to the Lord and leave it there – even when we don’t understand it. Leave it with the Lord. Live in peace with one another and watch the Lord work out the situation, and when you emerge from whatever has been the source of frustration, YOU WILL COME FORTH AS PURE GOLD.

Give the Gift of Faith

As a result of my past, I have had the most difficult time expressing my true emotions. It seems, that by the time I’m comfortable with saying how I really feel, I’m too late. And while this has been a repeat pattern in my life, I am still not able to speed up the process.

In prayer, I have asked the Lord to help me. And, I’ve gotten better. I’m still not “fast enough.” For the past few years, I’ve lived my life behind a fortified wall of protection. But, now, due to a particular interest and the effort of a single person, I’ve been living life outside of the wall. Now what?

I feel alone, vulnerable and exposed for all to see. I feel uncomfortable outside of the wall, but on some level, I feel better as well - free. What can I make of this jumble of emotions?

Right now, I do not have the answers. I quite frankly am not sure of what to do. And, so, in this time, I’m going to do the best thing that I can do. Pray and wait for an answer from the Lord. The Bible tells us that God is not the author of confusion – therefore I have to find a way to silence these racing thoughts in my mind. The only way to do that is through utter submission to the will of my Father.

It seems that around every major holiday, there is an attack from my adversary. He always tries something so why I’m not aware and always caught off guard I’m not sure. I guess I need to open my eyes wider! But, now that I’m fully aware of what is going on, I’m determined to fight – on my knees – in prayer. Jesus came, lived, died and rose again so that I could have the access to the Father. I cannot think of a better gift to give Him for His birthday than to show Him my ever increasing faith. Times are emotionally tough for me right now, but I trust God. He is my hope, and my ultimate answer.

If you find yourself going through a bit of emotional roughness during this season, for whatever reason, I do pray that you will turn your eyes upon Jesus now. For He alone is worthy to be worshipped and adored. I pray that you will give Him the gift of your ever increasing faith.

Be Blessed!

Are you like Ahaz?

The Word from the Lord was so strong in Bible Study last night that I just had to share it with you today. I want you to be blessed just as I was! Here are my notes:

Go ahead, take a look at Isaiah Chapter 7. The quick synopsis is that King Ahaz was afraid. He was fearful because Syria and Ephraim were joined together against him. God sent Isaiah to tell Ahaz not to be afraid despite the plans of those plotting against him. Verse 7 says “Thus saith the Lord God, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass.” The prophet goes on to tell Ahaz “if ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” The Lord goes on to tell Ahaz to ask for a sign and he would give it to him. But, Ahaz, poor Ahaz, would not do it. He was so fearful. He gave up the opportunity to ask the Lord for a sign because he was either trying to be pious or he really doubted the sent prophet Isaiah. (v12). You can read the rest for yourself. My comments today rest on these verses.

Fear is often made to be a result of weakness. In Ahaz’s case, he was a weak king. However, in our case, in our weakness, our fear should drive us to the Lord. Recall how some of us only come to the Lord when we don’t know what else to do about a situation. Fear drives us to the Lord so in that sense, it’s healthy.

This passage is about someone that is essentially caught between a rock and a hard place. Have you been there? I have. King Ahaz has. He is trying to decide what to do – should he get help from Assyria or rely on the Lord. He can see and touch the help from Assyria, but he cannot do that with the Lord. It becomes a faith issue. God tells King Ahaz not to get help from Assyria but instead to get it from the Lord. He alone knows what we have on our minds and we are to turn it loose. We are to turn those things over to the Lord. When, not if, but, when we have problems, the problem will not last – it will burn out – so we need to be about the business of giving the problem over to the Lord and letting Him work it out. Again – this requires our faith.

The problem with King Ahaz in this passage is that he could not get past the physical to see the spiritual. We need to stay in the realm of the spiritual – stay focused on the things of God! You cannot be a momentary Christian – at least, I don’t recommend it. There are consequences to bear when we fail to trust God. Afterall, without faith it is impossible to please God.

If you will not believe, surely you will not be established. If you will not be sure, you cannot be secure. Or, simply put, unsecure equals insecure.

God is depending on us to be FAITHFUL and represent Him in all that we are going through.
So, those are my notes from Bible Study last night. It is my prayer that we take a moment to re-examine our lives and make sure that our faith rests solely in Him, for He alone is worthy!

Eight Grade Math

I was just surfing the web and I found this link and took the test. It is called Could You Pass Eight Grade Math. Loving the show "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" and often feeling that perhaps I am NOT smarter than a fifth grader (that was sooo long ago), I thought this quiz may be fun. In case you are wondering, I got a perfect score - 10 out of 10. I trust that you will too. If you take the quiz, be sure to post your results here. Come on' - you can do it!


It's Daily

And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. - Luke 9:23

There seems to be an issue facing believers. There is a movement afoot that suggests that there is no need to do much in the Christian life - God will do it for you - as long as you are faithful in delivering your tithes and offerings. But, the truth of the matter is, God will do for you exactly what He has already planned. Nothing more. Nothing less. He does not need to do more than He has planned because His plan for your life is perfect. He is not going to do less than His plan for your life because He will not violate His own nature. What He has for you is quite frankly, yours. To access what He has for you, you must first believe that He is.

Once you start down your own individual Christian journey, you will learn what it means to deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Him. It's not that the Christian life is a cakewalk. Instead, you will go through things - some of those things may not be so pleasant - but therein lies an opportunity. God will test you to prove you and produce in you a testimony. So, please, do not fall into the misconception that the Christian life is a cakewalk. Instead, it takes determination. You must pick up your cross - every single day - and walk in the steps of your Savior. Follow Him.

Peace is Available!

Whew! I’m back! What a trip. I have been in DC this week for a conference. I got there – felt sick…and it was cold. Snow Flurries cold. Today, when I left it was snowing. But, I felt decent – not great. But, in the midst of it all – sickness, cold weather, crowded security lines, rude passengers, delayed flights, long lines to de-ice the plane, – oh yeah, I was making a point – in the midst of it all, God rewarded me.

As the plane ascended above the fray of inclement weather, we cruised into some peaceful sky – which was very different from my arrival. On my arrival, the weather was – well, let’s say rough. Wind gusts of 40mph have a way of impeding your forward direction. Nevertheless, it was all good – hard landing and all. Talk about smacking a plane down on the runway! Today, once we reached our cruising altitude, it was lovely. It was peaceful. The thick fluffy clouds were like carpet and the peaceful blue sky with the sunset in the distance was like nothing I’ve ever seen. I took a picture with my cellphone camera. I hope that seeing this will remind you, as it did me, that peace is always available. We just have to look up!

The Faithful

I was talking with my Grandfather not too long ago. I generally will talk to him a couple of times per week. Our “conversations” go like this…I doing all the talking and he does the listening. No surprise there right? Anyway, on this particular day, I was discussing how I felt about a particular subject. I felt that it was unfair for God to xyz or allow xyz. The tone of our conversation immediately changed. My Grandfather, who is always kind and loving, got very stern with me. He schooled me right then on the fact that we do not tell God how to be God. He is sovereignly in control of all things and His will is perfect – even if I do not understand it.

It was in that moment that two things occurred to me. First, I recognized what the Bible meant when it refers to the “fear of the Lord.” Secondly, I recognized that my own fear and reverence for God needed a shot in the arm! Now, let me straighten things out for you a little bit. I fear the Lord – He is, afterall, my creator. But, in talking with my Grandfather, he spoke as a man that has walked with the Lord for such a long time and has complete confidence in the Lord – all trust – no doubt. At the end of my journey – when I am somebody’s grandparent – will my testimony and devotion be as strong as my Grandfather’s? I pray so – if not even stronger!

The only way to get there is to start now by really giving God His due. It’s more than showing up on Sundays and for Bible Study and Church Conference etc etc. It’s more than the things we do before others. I’m discovering that it’s in the secret places that our faith and adoration grows. It’s in those quiet moments with the Creator God.

As you spend time with your Father in devotion and quiet time, will you take a moment to really explore Who He is – What He is like and why it’s so wonderful to be called His own? That’s what I plan to do. And, I believe that will make this wonderful path all the better – our faith will increase as our knowledge of Him increases.

The Perfect Gift

Grabbing your money and car keys, you head out of your home. You are on your way to the shopping mall to purchase Christmas gifts. Reflecting on how much you love your family and how much you want them to have the things that they desire, you look at your shopping list: Apple iPod that plays TV shows - $350, PlayStation3 - $600, and for the big spender, a 55” High-Definition Television - $3500. All of these high-ticket items appeal to our senses and some of us are under the misunderstanding that because we have paid such a high price for these items, our love is instantly conveyed to the recipient of the gifts. Yet, as wonderful as these gifts are, they will never be perfect and they will never convey the kind of love that we all need. In fact, anything that we can purchase will never be perfect. The perfect gift is priceless.

What is this gift? The perfect gift is Christ. Recognize and appreciate His value and worth. God has given us His Son as the way of Salvation. For something to be considered a gift, it has to have a few components: It must be valuable and offered freely. However, it must not be some type of compensation for work done. Christ is our gift. He is more valuable than words can explain. He is offered to us voluntarily for God was not under any type of obligation to send a Savior to us just as we are under no obligation to accept Him. We have freewill. It was His choice and His prerogative to provide a way of escape for us. He did it because He loves us. Recall John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Our works will not get us into Heaven. And, as one writer says “when we have done all in our power, we are but unprofitable servants, and have done no more than it was our duty to do.” Christ is our gift. Apart from Christ, we have nothing. Who is apart from Christ in your life? Is it you? Is it your family member? Is it a co-worker? What gift will you give this Christmas? Something store-bought, that will perish, or something with eternal value? There is a hymn entitled “The Savior is Waiting” by Ralph Carmichael that speaks of the gift available to you:

The Savior is waiting to enter your heart – Why don’t you let Him come in?
There’s nothing in this world to keep you apart – What is your answer to Him?
Time after time He has waited before, And now He is waiting again
To see if you’re willing to open the door – O how He wants to come in.
If you’ll take one step toward the Savior, my friend, You’ll find His arms open wide.
Receive Him and all of your darkness will end; Within your heart He’ll abide.
Time after time He has waited before, And now He is waiting again
To see if you’re willing to open the door – O how He wants to come in.

The Perfect Gift is waiting on you, or your family member or co-worker to choose Him. If you already have the Perfect Gift, share It. Heaven has enough room to accommodate all that want to come. If you do not have the Perfect Gift, you only need to ask for it. It does not cost you anything – the price has already been paid in full. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. You will have received the Perfect Gift!

Do it His Way

As I listened to Dr. David Jeremiah a few days ago, he made a powerful statement. He said:

“Do what God has asked you to do today.
As you do, things will become clearer.
When you refuse to act on what you know,
All that you don’t know paralyzes you.”

He was speaking to me. I like having a plan and then executing but sometimes in our walk with the Lord, we are not going to be able to map out all of the steps. Instead, we have to simply put our trust in God and do as He requires.

As we wholeheartedly lean on our Father, He will begin to reveal things to us – our paths are illuminated as we walk. I tend to think about lights with motion detectors. (My neighbor has one that I set off every time I'm in MY driveway!) If we stay away from the controlled area, the light stays off and it is dark. If we move towards that area, the light comes on and we can see our way. That’s how it is with our Father God. If we come close to Him, He will show us the way.

But, there are times when even knowing that the answer lies in coming closer to the Father that we refuse to do so – perhaps we are sharpening our rebellion. Perhaps we are recalling what it means to be stubborn. Either way, Dr. Jeremiah warns, that if we refuse to act on what we know to be true, then we will be paralyzed by what we don’t know. That takes the form or fear, worry, anxiety etc. So, if you find yourself in a position where you don’t know what to do – remember that you do know Who to run toward. In RUNNING towards the Father, we enter the light. In sitting idle, refusing to do it God’s way, we paralyze ourselves.

Thanksgiving, My Favorite Time of Year

It’s almost TURKEY TIME! Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. I like it because it’s all about recognizing the most important things in our lives – family and spending time with people we care about just for the sake of doing such. There are no gifts to give or anything like that – it’s all about spending time together. That makes me so very happy! A little quality time goes along way!

Therefore, it is my deepest and most sincere hope that you will make time to spend with the lover of your soul – Jesus Christ. We have so much to be thankful for and without Him – well, where would we really be? I hope that you will invite Him to your thanksgiving festivities as well. He’ll be happy to provide a protective covering over your food but He’d also like to be apart of your conversation. He wants to be involved in your life.

Soooo, have a fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday. Give thanks to our God for family and friends and provision. All that we have is all because of what He gave on Calvary’s cross.

Be Blessed!

His Peace

I’ve had two-back-to-back marathon weekends! Both were not originally planned that way. In fact, this weekend was to be the “cleaning out” weekend. A few blogs back I discussed my pack rat issues. I’ve run out of good space and need to clean up! I did purchase the appropriate bins (yard sale, keep, throw out), but I was not home long enough to put them into use.

It seems like everything is going on. We are starting the new fiscal year at my job – which means several projects for me, we have started a new Bible Study at church (Isaiah) – which means a review that has to be completed and turned in and we, as a country, are entering into the Holiday shopping season – which means figuring out who to buy for and what to buy – and I don’t particularly like shopping unless it’s for electronics. I could go on and on – and so could you. Life is not getting more simplistic – it’s doing the opposite. But, I’m not worried. I’m not consumed by the fact that every time I cross something off on my list, something else pops back up to take its place. I have a peace now that I’ve never had before. Wanna know my secret?

Well, it’s not really a secret. It’s the source of my strength. I’ve called upon God to organize my schedule and give me better time management. And, in doing so, and trusting and relying on Him, I can get what needs to get done accomplished for that day. Everything else goes back on the list for another time or someone else will step up and take it off of my plate. I’m not looking for a task-free list. I’m just looking to do what’s right in God’s sight.

As the Holidays approach, and the busyness of the season kicks in, ask God to help you with your schedule too. There’s a reward in asking for His guidance. He will give you His perfect peace.

Watch and Pray

I counted three dead animals in the road today on my way to work. Three furry little creatures were not able to make it to the other side. As I drove past, careful not to hit them, I began to wonder why there were so many. I do commute to work but these animals were all in a concentrated area. All three were recipients of a deadly interaction with the road and a multi-ton vehicle.

It amazes me how, as a prosperous nation, we quickly overlook such events. And, perhaps, in light of the week I’ve had with the death of a fellow co-laborer, I’m a little sensitive. But, these creatures are God’s creation. There is something to be gained by taking a little time to reflect on the fact that something that was here is no longer here.

Sometimes, I think that some of my activities are sooo very careless. I’m not watching and being alert as I should. Perhaps these furry little animals were struck because of the time change from daylight savings time to standard time – they crossed as usual but didn’t take into account that something was different. Perhaps by an admitted large stretch of my imagination, they and the drivers were “careless.” Perhaps they were not watching as they should. My point is this: we have been lured into a false sense of security. We need to watch and pray, but at times, that seems like the last thing we do. It should be the first.

We need to watch and pray. Although we may not be trying to “cross the road” we are trying to make it into Heaven. We need to watch and pray so that the subtle tricks of the enemy do not have the opportunity to rob us of our reward. Watch and pray so that our loved ones make it into eternity with us. Watch and pray so that we flee from hurt and danger.

We need to stop depending on somebody else to “do something” about the situations and circumstances ravaging America. Who is standing up for God? The elected official in Georgia is being called “crazy” because he dared to call a prayer session for rain in the midst of their drought. Who is publicly standing with him? We need to watch and pray. Don’t you recall a time when homosexuality and promiscuity were not suitable for primetime television but now, that’s all you see. More and more television programs are embracing this lifestyle of illicit sex as okay – when God clearly says it is not. And, then we wonder what happens when someone, something or some belief lies dead in the figurative road of life – Christians need to watch and pray.

As many times as we have “crossed the road,” each day is a new one. We are to be careful – we are to watch and pray. This applies not only to ourselves, but to our loved ones. God desires that not one be lost – we need to extend the umbrella of Christian love to our brethren – we need to make ourselves available to help them make it to the other side in a spirit of community.

Will you join me in watching and praying? It begins on the inside – in your quiet time, alone with God. Watch and pray.

Be Still

When our lives are hectic and running at full blast, we have just enough time to do the basics. We do not have the quality time to do reflective thinking – in fact, we are not thinking or being strategic – we are being tactical – we are movers and shakers getting things done. And, not to say that this is all bad. It is not. The things that we attempt for God will require us to invest some time – particularly if we want it to be done well for His glory. But, in our fast-paced lives, we can only cover the surface. God calls us to a deeper relationship with Him. He doesn’t want surface and superficial when it comes to relationship. He wants deep.

How then do we get there? By taking a moment to slow down the pace and be still. In my slowing down and having a moment to let my mind catch up, I noticed the cluttered condition of some of the rooms in my house. I was in such a whirl-wind that I didn’t know how it got that way. (I’m never there – who cluttered up my house! J - joking) But, I suspect, it came from me being so busy that I just put things in places that were out of the way so that I could keep moving.

Isn’t that how we treat God at times? We put Him somewhere out of the way until we can get around to Him – so that we can keep moving. And then we have to wonder why things are falling apart for us – well, when things get rough enough, we will, as my Grandmother used to say, “sit down somewhere.” In doing so, we open ourselves up to hearing from the Lord.

God wants a deep relationship with us. But, like all relationships, you have to want it in return. There has to be mutual interest and commitment. Make no mistake about it, God is committed to us. Be still long enough to commune with the Father.

Here’s a little something to remember:

If you continue with being “on the go”,
True intimacy with God, you may never know.

Get still. Spend time with Him now. Pay attention to Him now. Love on Him – right now. He’s worthy of our praise and our worship. Hallelujah! We give Him the highest praise.

Utilize the Time

We buried a fellow co-laborer in Christ today. He died as a result of a tragic car accident. Suddenly his life as we knew it, gone. Suddenly, a wife no longer has an earthly husband; two daughters no longer have an earthly father. As I sat and watched the family demonstrate oodles and strength and reserve as they laid their loved one to rest, I was struck by the certainty of death and the shortness of life.

I was moved to rethink the way that I've structured my life. I spend what seems like endless hours working. Sometimes, I work so much that I lift up my head and so much time has passed me by. And, while I gain something from my work, I lose something too.

I lose time that I could have spent with my family and friends. Life is so fleeting. We all have an appointment with our Lord that we must keep. And while we cannot change our appointment time, we can change what we do while we are waiting. I challenge you to take a moment to evaluate the way you spend your time. Check to see if you really have a good work-life balance. If you are out of balance, like me, pray for direction from our Lord to get back into alignment. It's worth the effort. I believe that the family today could show strength for a number of reasons but I have narrowed it down to two: #1, they know and trust God but also #2, they spent time together - they had a great family life and my departed brother knew the importance of work-life balance. If we could all be so wise.

Lord of the Harvest

We have to get them out of the ground before the first hard freeze. So, I made my way to Greensboro to dig the sweet potatoes out of the ground with my Grandddad. This is our third year doing such. This year, we had six rows to harvest. We share the garden tool and take turns digging the rows. It’s really just an excuse to hang out with each other while unearthing God’s creation. It’s one of the highlights of my year.

Last year, we didn’t have much of a harvest. My Grandmother would say it was because my Granddad didn’t cut back the vines. My Granddad would say that it was because it was so hot. The year before that, our first year, we had more sweet potatoes than we could stand. We were up to our elbows in sweet potatoes! So, this year, with the drought being soooo extreme, we didn’t plan on seeing much come out of the ground, but we enthusiastically went forward to see what the end would be.

Well, guess what?! We had some really huge sweet potatoes. My “prize winning” sweet potato that I personally dug out of the ground was 18 inches around. WOWZERS! And, of course, it got me to thinking about the goodness of the Lord. Here we are in an exceptional drought but God make provision for my Granddad and me. We had a fantastic time – each row just seeming to produce larger sweet potatoes. So, here’s my application: even when things around us seem dry and withering, with God on our side, there's something growing in places we cannot see, and as a result, we will be victorious - we can do what seems to be the impossible. With our Lord, we can emerge “big” and triumphant because we stayed connected to the vine – from which comes all of our strength and nourishment – just like those big ole sweet potatoes.

I praise God for allowing me to spend time with my Granddad, and I especially thank Him for being kind enough to show me once again that He is Lord of the Harvest – my provider and sustainer. He's got our times in His hands. So, let's stop looking at the external factors, and dig a little deeper in our relationship with Him. Our spiritual lives could produce "prize winning" results.

Well, the Lord knows my heart...

Lately, I’ve been hearing a resurgence of the “well, the Lord knows my heart” excuse that we use when we don’t want to do something just as the Lord has commanded. We are too ______ to do ____________ but, “the Lord knows my heart.” And, that statement is true. He does know our heart. And, He knows exactly what’s in it. He does not give us more than we can handle. Instead, we chose what we will handle.

The Lord created our hearts. He knows every single thing about us. But, just because He knows does not mean that He approves of what is in our hearts. We need to stop making excuses for why we refuse to do things and start making time to do the things of God. I was at the gym yesterday (yes, I was actually working out), and I saw a slogan on a t-shirt that said “I don’t make excuses, I make time.”

So, fellow believers in Christ, will we make the time? How about that devotion time? Private bible study? Commitment is lacking in our lives. Will we make the time for God? It’s funny, when I was in the midst of my mess, (the valley I’ve been writing about), God was first and foremost on the tip of my tongue. I praised Him. I talked and communed with Him. He showed me things that I would not have seen if I weren’t otherwise in tune with Him. He did this because He loves me. He showed me the route out of the valley. Now that I’m not dwelling there in the valley, I find it amazing how I must “remind myself” to keep that same intensity towards God. It is so easy to be swept away from the relationship that we start with God. We start with fire and then flicker out because we don’t feed the flame. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Join me in starting each day with God – entering each conversation or situation with God – inviting Him to be with us along the minutes and moments of our day. God is faithful to us. He loves to fellowship with us and desires that we fellowship with Him.

When God does examine our hearts, my prayer is that within He finds a great passion for Himself and the fruit of the Spirit in full harvest - not an obsession with anything else. Take out your stethoscope; it’s time for a heart check.

Looking in the Mirror

I looked in the mirror today.

I know that's a strange statement considering the fact that we all look in the mirror every day to brush our teeth, comb our hair etc. But today, I really looked. I was not examining a new pimple from my latest bout with adult acne. I was looking at me - beyond the surface. And guess what, I saw/realized something.

I am God's creation. And that's a wonderful thing. He is constantly molding and shaping me into His likeness. Every time I really look in the mirror, I see something new. Lately, God has been building my faith. I've been traveling to low places and climbing steep mountain sides. With the help of God, I made it through! And now, as a result of my recent experiences, I look in the mirror and I see that my eyes look brighter and my face has a certain glow - not brought about by skin products - but by the assurance that my Father loves me! He cares for me! And, that knowledge just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy! I'm glowing as a result! I did notice another gray hair popping up - but I'm counting that as joy too! That MUST mean that I'm gaining wisdom along the journey. :-)

For a period of time, looking in the mirror reminded me of what I am not. But, now, trusting and loving God as I do, looking in the mirror reminds me of Whose I am. Everything else is of little consequence.

Will you look in the mirror today? Try it and let me know what you see!

That's When He Blessed Me!

Neal Roberson sings a song entitled "That's When You Blessed Me" that always seems to come along at just the right time - it always ministers to me! He says that when we give things over to the Lord, that's when He blesses us. When I examine my life, I can attest to this. For me, it has been somewhat of a power struggle to turn things over to the Lord (as if my solution is the better one! - HA!). But, I'm learning - when I release my cares to Him, He will take care of them. Let me say it this way - when I submit to His will - then He moves in my situations. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother/sister/loved one. His will is perfect! And it's when I move out of the way, He does the seemingly impossible.

Over my past few blog entries, I was in a rough spot. But, because I gave things BACK to the Lord, (I realized that I really couldn't fix it - and my attempts were just making a messy situation worse), He moved. And, He did so quickly. I've seen the hand of the enemy and I'm looking at things with new eyes. Not from the valley but from the high view and perspective of Heaven.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord. So, I thank Him and I thank you - your prayers petitioned Heaven on my behalf. God heard. God moved. To God be the glory!


Life is Worth the Living!

It’s Friday! I’m feeling pretty good about life right now. Not too much about my situation has changed, but I am still encouraged. God is handling everything concerning me. So, I can lift up from the issues that I have and simply live. Life is worth the living.

I flew home last night. My flight was delayed, then my valet (planeside luggage) was misplaced when I got to my home airport. And to top it all off, when I got ready to pay for parking with the automated machine such that I would not have to wait at the cashier line, my ticket would not work. Indeed, God had worked a wonder with me in Boston, and my adversary was not pleased. My response was one of faith. I even began laughing because I could see the enemy’s hand.

Life is worth the living. So, on this Friday, I will press forward in the plans that God has for me. I will not give up neither give in. Life if worth the living!!

From the 26th Floor...

I am optimistic today. I am a recipient of new mercies from God. Grace is abounding in my life. As I looked at the view from my hotel room this morning, I was inspired. I am in Boston, on the 26th floor. From this vantage point, I can see for miles. It got me to thinking. God has a perspective of our lives in which we cannot imagine. He knows everything about us – and knowing all of this, He still cares for us. While I may have been low down, deep in the valley only able to see a few paces in front of me, God looks over the expanse and sees everything there is to see concerning me. He can see for miles – literally and figuratively. So, there is no need for me to worry about things that I can’t see – I just need to rest in the assurance that God is for me and He is with me. He said that He would never leave me nor forsake me. So, I’m leaning and depending on Him alone. I surrender the urge to “control” my circumstances. Instead now, I recognize and confess that I cannot control these things. I’ve had the wrong focus. Looking out the window from here suggests to me to keep my eye on the real goal – to keep my focus Heavenward. If I stay entrenched and focused on one street or one block, (ie one situation or circumstance) I will miss seeing the majestic view of God’s plan for my life. Life is indeed worth the living with my hope properly placed in God.

It’s funny. I really didn’t want to make this trip to Boston. But, in being here, I have gained more strength for the journey. I will continue to press forward. I am making new strides and I am connected to my Father in a new way.

And, if you are wondering, no, I do not have tickets for the world series. I’m a few grand short! Yes, tickets are really going for thousands. But this trip has been a spiritual homerun!

Yours and His,

My Heart Condition

I’m stressed and my body is beginning to show signs of the pressure. I noticed that I’ve been having consistent headaches – abnormal headaches. I decided to take my blood pressure. Let’s just say I was way out of bounds – out of normal limits. That’s a clear indication that change is needed. Hypertension runs in my family.

I started back on an exercise routine. Three times a week. That’s about all that I can realistically do. For months now, my gym fee has been little more than a non-tax deductible, charitable donation. I was not being a good steward of my funds nor taking good care of my body.

Now, I’m dealing with the consequences and my body has sent out a cautionary yellow flag. I yield. And, in doing so, I’ve been doing some soul searching. Well, what I mean is that I’ve sat down with God to have a few conversations. You remember that I mentioned this in my post entitled Weeds! In doing so, I recognize that I have a heart condition. My heart, much to my surprise, is not where it should be with God.

How do I know? Upon spending some time reading some the Bible and some other Christian materials, I have been reawakened to the fact that what is in my heart will fly out of my mouth – and that is not always a good thing. A change is required. I have to have the ambassador’s approach to my life.

God calls us to surrender our own lives – lay down our own will and desires –to pick up His and be effective ambassadors of His kingdom. There have been many times lately when I was an ambassador of my own kingdom and not His Kingdom. It was God’s grace and mercy that has led me back to being His ambassador. And, it’s that same grace and mercy that is prompting this heart examination. I pray that as the spirit leads, you too will examine your heart, to ensure that you are the ambassador of HIS kingdom. Ah! Refreshing water for my trip through the valley. (see the Though the Valley post)

An examination of our heart will surely relieve tension brought about by the “stuff” of life. I’m taking steps to improve the condition of my heart. I will exercise it spiritually by practicing God-glorifying things and keeping my motives pure. I will keep in synch with the Spirit to make sure that I am doing God’s will and using each opportunity provided as ministry – especially those opportunities that would seek to frustrate me. That takes the focus off of my kingdom and onto His kingdom. I am determined to get my heart in tip- top condition with the aid of the Spirit dwelling within. Thanks be to God for this wonderful opportunity. And now that I think of it, I thank Him as well for the valley experience – I already feel stronger than I was coming in.

Thank you for your prayers. Keep praying!


Through the Valley

I struggled and strained against this. It's not exactly how I wanted to live out this period of my life. I want to do fun and exciting things. But, alas, I submit to the will of God. I am in the valley. I tried for a period of time to pretend that I was not here. I made my surroundings seem "normal." But, we all know, there is nothing normal about a valley situation. That's why it's a valley. It demands a response. For me, this valley demands a response of faith. I'm being tested.

I never was one for testing. I don't like test - especially the standardized test like the SAT and GMAT. However, they are requirements for the degrees that I wanted and now have. And so is this test. The difference - my instructor and proctor for the test is the One and Only Living God. And this test, when passed, will launch me into my next season. The get out of the valley, this test is a prerequisite.

The thing about this test that I detest the most is that it is an uphill battle. I've got to climb to get out the valley and I'm also faced with opposition. So, I have to fight (on my knees in prayer). I'm faced with faceless villians attacking me - you know "that kind." And, I'm also faced with the physical manifestations of opposition through people being used by "that kind." I've run out of options within myself - as God knew that I would. And, know, my faith MUST come in.

I'm in a spiritual fight of faith. I pray that as you read this post that you will partner with me in prayer that I stand strong on my faith and that my faith in God will increase. Afterall, all things are possible to them that believe. I believe that God is going to work this situation out. And, I know that however He works it, I'll be satisfied with the end result.

Remember me in prayer,


3,2,1 Blast Off!

This is a long post - but, I think (of course) that it's worth the read...

On July 26, 2005, I was in Orlando Florida on a business trip. This was also the day for the NASA launch of the space shuttle Discovery. The talk all morning long was on the pending launch. As time drew near, employees of the facility grew increasingly excited and turned up their radios to share the news of the pending countdown. The plan was that ten-minutes before the launch, everyone interested would go outside and look towards the sky for when the shuttle would fly past us. I too was excited. I’d never seen a space shuttle blast off in person. I’d only experienced it on television. Now that I have, there is nothing like experiencing it first hand. It got me to thinking about my own spirituality and that of all professing believers.

As professing believers, do we share the good news? Do we live broadcast lives or do we keep the greatest gift to ourselves because we are ashamed. It’s interesting, even after tragedy in 2003, the NASA space program went forward. People rallied around the new launch and the shuttle blasted off. But, what happens to you and I when we have a disaster or tragedy? We try to sweep it under the rug and hope that either nobody knows or that everyone will quickly forget about it. We do not always recognize that our situation is an opportunity to share the good news. Our tests give us the basis for our testimony. Even when we initially fail, upon the moment of success we can recount how good God has been and share what His relationship means to us. We always want to share at revival time but what about the other 51 weeks of the year? What keeps us from sharing the good news? Jesus said in Matthew 28 :19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” We’ve been commanded to share the good news. And we don’t have any reason not too. We don’t have any reason to be afraid because verse 20 follows up and says “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.” So, that lets us know that when we go to share, we have been given instructions about what to do and most importantly, Jesus says that He will be with us always which literally means “all the way” or you can also look at it as meaning "perpetually, incessantly, invariably, at any and every time.” So, there’s no need to fear.

Perhaps the main reason that we don’t share the good news like we should is that we have gotten altogether too casual in our walk with God. We only “tune in” when something is going on. I think back again to the shuttle launch. On an ordinary day, employees would not have their radios tuned in and would not be talking over cubicle walls and hanging out at the copier conversing about whether or not the launch would be scrubbed or go forward. No, on a normal day, they would stick to their normal routine – absent the radio piping in information about the activities of NASA. And, perhaps that’s the way we approach our relationship with God. As long as everything is routine, we do not perceive any special need to “tune in”, but if something is going on out of the ordinary, that’s when we turn into God’s best friend, calling on Him, begging Him, and pleading with Him. He is the news at the copiers of our lives. He is the one that gets the attention. And, it makes me wonder – is that fair to God? Do you really think He only wants to hear from you when you need something? Do you only want to hear from that relative only when they need something? When we accept Christ, we become part of God’s family. If we had to stand up and introduce our brother Jesus, what would we say? What adoration could we heap on Him? Would we have to use a shovel or a spoon?

And, perhaps you know enough about Him that you could use a shovel but at some point, we get distracted in the pace of life. We lose time and lose our zeal for God. The great thing about God is that we can always get recharged just for the asking. In prayer, we get recharged. In study of the Holy Scriptures we get recharged. In fellowship with strong believers, we get recharged. In worship, we get recharged. And, when we get recharged, we need to go out and share our spiritual energy with those who’ve lost the way or have yet to find it. We have a commandment – are we operating under it?

As we go out to share the good news – let us do so with great enthusiasm that flows from our heart and spirit. The employees had great enthusiasm as we watched that shuttle ascend into outer space. We watched and we cheered. We were amazed at what we saw and the evidence of the experience lingered in the form of an excited glow throughout the remainder of the work day. No one had done anything but watch. NASA and its multitude of experts by the grace of God did the work that day. And, the same holds true everyday for us as professing believers. We have not done anything but watch either. Through our spiritual eyes, we journey back thousands of years ago. We have watched Jesus come to Earth, dwell here, teach here, leave instructions for how to live here, we watched him die here and rise here. So, what are we doing while we’re here? We should be sharing the good news, watching for His return and cheering for the souls that are being added to the Kingdom. Our salvation was free. We can at least do as He commands.

What would happen if we do more than accept Christ but get on the launch pad of His desires for us? We would blast off into a spirit-realm that literally touches the Heavenlies. I don’t know about you, but that sounds good to me! 3…2…1…I’m blasting off!


I’ve got weeds y’all. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I put a lot of time and effort into maintaining a nice green lush lawn. I got that from my Dad. If you make the investment in a house, you should also make an investment in the yard. It “frames” the house.

Well, where I live, we are experiencing an “exceptional drought.” Apparently that’s the worst category. Pray for rain! Because of the drought and my busy travel schedule, the lawn is parched. My grass is no longer nice, green and lush. In fact, in some spots, the lawn is bare. The grass died due to the harsh conditions – extreme heat – no nourishing and cooling rain. And now, I see weeds encroaching in my grass!

It got me thinking. Could it be that my spiritual life is being played out in my yard?

There are cycles in my life that I have to guard against. I can be red-hot for God or I can be a lazy Christian and sometimes I fall somewhere in between. Don’t gasp. I’m not alone. My “status” in this area all depends on how much quiet time I spend alone with God.

Lately, I’ve been slack. I’ve put several other “important” and well-intentioned things before my devotional time with God. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still praying and studying. But, I’m talking about real quiet time – where I am still enough – long enough to hear my Father speak to me. Quiet time!

As a result of neglecting my quiet time, the “harsh” circumstances and conditions of my life have presented a drought-like situation for my soul. I need the nourishing rain of a long conversation with my Father.

I’m going to seek after and pray for the rain in my spiritual life that the ground of my heart may be saturated with praise for God. I finally understand the saying “My soul thirsts for thee.” I know that grass – having a personal relationship with God – is the best defense against weeds. I’ve got weeds in my yard but I don’t want weeds in my soul.

I’m taking steps now to remedy my “scheduling” situation such that I will be a woman of God that pleases Him and that has an intimate relationship with Him – sans weeds!

Afterall, He comes first! But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Desire Wisdom

I thank God for many things. Right now, at the forefront of my mind, I thank God for His WISDOM.

I just had a conversation where I was seeking guidance and direction. [sidebar – why do we ask the question when we already know the answer?] Anyway, knowing full well what I needed to be doing, I indulged my flesh a little. I complained. I questioned. I reasoned. I’m sure that God laughed at me.

I thank God for the ministry of Rick Renner in writing a daily devotional. Do you want to know what Renner wrote about today…wait for it…WISDOM.

James 1:5 says “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

Essentially, James tells us that we can come directly to God for wisdom and He will give it to us, without severe reproach or criticism.

Renner says that when a person lacks wisdom, it nearly paralyzes him because he doesn’t know what to do. Well, I don’t want to live my life paralyzed due to lack of wisdom. When I recognized that God had directed me right back to the same answer that He’d given me before I engaged in my conversation, I knew what I needed to do AND I did it. I went to God for WISDOM. If you are seeking guidance and direction in ANYTHING, I pray that you will go boldly and confidently to God and ask Him for wisdom. He will give it to you freely – you can believe that!

To Sum It All Up...

In these ministry posts, I have tried to emphasize what real love looks like. The series Falling In Love with the One directed its readers towards a relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the One. The only One. When He becomes our priority and the center of our attention, everything else falls in its rightful place. I have discussed this through several posts.

In “What is Love?”, the agape love of God was emphasized. If only we could grasp a picture of His great and undying love for us – we as a people, and we as individuals would be much stronger for the Kingdom of Heaven. I followed this post with “A Sure Foundation” which spoke on the emptiness that is assured without a relationship with Christ. To experience the fullness of His agape love for us, we have to have a relationship with Him. He has to be the foundation of everything that we do. With Him as a foundation, we are assured of success in the midst of all circumstances because we are leaning on Him and not on ourselves.

After those two posts, I directed readers to a post entitled “He is our Everything” which was a video link posted on Godtube. I pray that you experienced that post. It was wonderful to see a visual depiction of how straying away from Christ – chasing after the things of the flesh – will damage us and we have to fight our way through those situations to get back into right relationship with Him. And, He doesn’t sit by while we do this, He is right there with us, pulling us in. Powerful video. If you haven’t watched it, check it out in my August 27th post. As it relates to Falling in Love with the One – any relationship that takes precedence over our relationship with Christ is out-of-order.

Then I embarked on a much needed vacation – not from God – but from my daily routine. In doing so, I was able to draw much closer to God and experience Him in the Cayman Islands. The end result – I came home equipped for more ministry service. Take time to spend alone with God. We always want the typical “dinner and a movie” date, but the most rewarding dates I have been on have been with me and the Lord – allowing Him to minister to me – alone and away from the noise. In essence, get still so that you can hear from God. Get away from all of the distractions and you will surely have an encounter with Him that you will cherish.

“The Fruit of Cold Feet” encouraged you to press forward in ministry. Once you have gotten into fellowship with God and have begun experiencing His agape love for you – you are rooted in Him and have Him as your source and foundation, and you recognize that you don’t have to chase after Him because He is available and is your everything. You are spending time alone with Him (quiet time and devotional time) and serving Him in ministry (however He leads you). I encourage you not to get “cold feet.” Just do what He asks of you. He is faithful enough to keep you. All you have to do is to desire to be “kept.” Press on in His purpose for you. Our God is faithful. Whatever He says He will do, WILL COME TO PASS.

I’ve asked it once before, but I’ll ask it again – “Who wouldn’t love a Savior like that!?!” I hope that you are as in love with Him as I am.


The Fruit of "Cold Feet"

Over the years, there have been a great many things attempted for the glory of God. Over that same period of time, the things attempted do not equal to the things completed. There are a variety of reasons for why these great many things have not all been completed. Some of it is a result of realizing that we were on the wrong path; some is a result of someone else having already executed the idea wonderfully and we do not wish to add-on to it; and it could even be the case that somewhere along the way, we got the vision and also got “cold feet” in the execution thereof. It is this last area that we will consider in this post.

When we have high aspirations to do something good that will benefit the Kingdom of God, we can be sure to count on opposition – internally and externally. Internally, it may take the form of lack of commitment or even that we are “too tired” to complete the task set aside for that day. Externally, we engage ourselves in a multitude of activities that take us away from our main goal. Yet, beneath it all is another reason for why our aspirations are not taking the full shape that they should in the time that they should. We have “cold feet.”

How can we make such a diagnosis? Simply by observing. Here are some fruit (there are more I am sure) of “cold feet”.

1. Worry and Pride. If you complete this thing that will serve for the glory of the Kingdom of God, “what will people say?” Will they begin to think of you as some religious freak? Will they begin to avoid you for fear that you will want to witness to them about your God? Or, better yet, if we are not concerned about the opinions of others, we find ourselves concerned about the constraints this commitment will impose on our own lives. “If I commit to do this, then will I have to…” - you fill in the blank. These fears constrain us from moving forward – effectively stopping us “cold” in our ministry tracks.

2. Pacing and timing. If there is one thing that I know to be true, there is a time and order to things in the Kingdom of God. Sometimes, because of our “cold feet” we do not move when He instructs us to do so and thereby miss ministry opportunities. Think about it. The person that expressed something to you or shared something with you and you had a Scripture on your heart but because of whatever reason, you didn’t share this with remember… you missed a ministry opportunity. The fruit was ripe before us and we failed to harvest it because of our “cold feet”.

3. Sorrow. Perhaps sorrow is the ultimate end result of “cold feet”. Whenever we have “defrosted” our toes and gotten ourselves together, we recognize the opportunities that have passed us by – they parade by us in our memories - we begin thinking about the ramifications of our “cold feet” and begin with the “would have, could haves.” Ah – the fruit of “cold feet”.

Alas, there is a cure for “cold feet!” Instead of looking in the mirror at opportunities long past, I invite you now to make a commitment to Kingdom building. Cast down worry, pride, slackness and sorrow. As the series on Falling In Love with the One takes it form, I hope that you now know that the One that desires and deserves your attention is the Lord Jesus Christ. As the church, we are His bride. He does not desire that we have “cold feet” towards Him. Rather, He would that we commit to Him wholeheartedly.

Joshua perhaps said it best when in 24:15 he said “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” I do not detect any “cold feet” there!

I encourage you, as even I encourage myself, to make a daily commitment and reaffirmation to serve God with fullness and gladness of heart, being constant and faithful to Him – pressing on and through any insecurities that we have. Choosing to serve anything or anyone other than the Lord God first and foremost seems a most senseless conclusion – particularly in light of how we know that this whole world will end as told in the book of Revelation.

If you have started on this journey and have somewhere along the way gotten “cold feet” – will you take a moment to reflect on the goodness of God and His supremacy in your life? If you can’t seem to come up with anything that He’s done for you – do this one thing – breathe… in and out… in and out…. He’s given you breath of life – without which life is not sustainable. We all have so much to be thankful for and so little room for “cold feet.”

There is a song whose lyrics read “I have decided to follow Jesus …no turning back… no turning back. Do not let the fruit of fearfulness nor timidity which masquerades as “cold feet” hold you back from what God has for you. Warm by the fire of His faithfulness, and then get busy for the Kingdom.


I spent the last week in Grand Cayman visiting friends. It is wonderful how God provides for our every single need. He allowed me to meet this couple several years ago and since that time has allowed me the opportunity to be discipled by them – they probably do not realize it, but I watch their lives and the way they interact with each other. I am that oversized fly on the wall taking in their life experience. It’s not the usual routine with them. Their very lives are committed to God and you can find God in their daily lives without looking too far. By going to what is normally a resort destination, I was encouraged to relax, relate, release and recharge emotionally, spiritually and physically. I thank God for the Anyabwile Family. They hosted me with kindness, love and generosity in abundant supply.

Now that I’m back, I am focused on finishing up this series that we’ve begun. I’ll even tie it all together for you. These posts have not been random. They are all leading up to our major point in falling in love with the One. I pray that God will continue to supply the words for this message. And, I pray that you will interact with me via this blog and then send it out to your friends.

Check back soon!

He is our Everything!

I rarely am appreciative of all the junk email and email forwards that come my way. But, last week, I got a link to an online video that is absolutely fantastic. You must view this video. It brought tears to my eyes and I am so appreciative - primarily that God inspired the actors in such a way, that before that He sent His own Son for me (and you) and that people are grabbing hold of this video and pushing it out to the masses. Well, here's my contribution. Watch and be blessed!

Now, who wouldn't love a Savior like this?

A Sure Foundation

A friend, whom I love dearly, asked me a question recently that caused me to pause and think. Essentially the question they posed is "why do I feel empty when I have everything that you are supposed to want?" I paused because it is a question that resonates, at some point, in all of our lives. This question comes around to challenge us - you can fill in the blanks for yourself. If you have ________ then why do you still feel _________.

I believe that it goes back to our very foundation. What have we been building on? If it has been anything other than Christ - our rock and true foundation - then of course, it cannot stand when the storm winds of life begin to blow with Hurricane Dean category five speeds. Neither can it stand with the wind gusts of a normal day.

Imagine building a house of cards on a table. Each move to place a card is made carefully and diligently. Yet, when someone bumps the table, the cards go down - kaput! Why? Because they did not have a firm foundation. Thus, all of our effort was for naught in placing the cards because we failed to secure a firm foundation. When trials come (the bump) we will struggle as long as we have our foundation built on anything other than Christ. We cannot find fulfillment without being rooted and grounded in Christ.

I am reminded of a hymn "The Solid Rock" whose verses read this way:

My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

So, whether it's a career, a relationship, a material possession or whatever, if it is built on our own efforts and not inclusive of Christ - look for the bump of the card table - it's on sinking sand.

Jesus teaches about those who build houses on rock and sand - read His teaching in Matthew 7:21-29.

Our fulfillment in life comes from a real relationship with Christ - spending quality time with Him. Without that relationship we will always feel like something is missing. And, truthfully, it is. Only a true relationship with the living God can fill the void in our lives. Whenever we totally submit to His will and direction, we will receive the love and joy that He died to give us.

John 10:9-11 says: [9] I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. [10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly. [11] I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
Consider today tearing down anything that does not find its existance in Christ. Bulldoze it with the Word of God. Level it to the ground so that nothing of it remains. Clear the ground - destroying the remnants of anything that takes you away from Christ and then pour a new foundation - build on Christ - the Solid Rock. In doing so, we find joy, peace and tranquility despite any other situations.

Ponder This: What keeps me from putting Christ first? Why do I let it? Did it die for me so that I could live and have rights to everlasting life? Then again, ask yourself "what keeps me from putting Christ first?"
Be Blessed!

What is Love?

Well, there is good news and bad news.

The good news is that love does really exist. The bad news is that not many people know what it is. How can I say something like that? In a country where the divorce rate is roughly 50%, I believe I have a good argument. Love seems to be elusive. In our society, numerous attempts are made to emulate love, but true love is rarely found. Instead, we defer to cupid or some other iconic figure never desiring to go past the surface. Do you ever wonder what's beneath the surface? I do.

After spending several years alone in what I call a healing and transforming period, I have come to learn a few things about love. Mainly that if it is real, it is SELFLESS. The Bible tells us: love suffers, is kind, does not envy, is not conceited, does not brag, does not behave unseemly, does not clamor to have its own way, is not easily provoked - does not think evil, rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things - LOVE NEVER FAILS. Of course, this is from 1Corinthians 13:4-8a.

That passage is a favorite at weddings. If I compare the divorce rate to the Scriptures, it would seem to me that there is some miscommunication - a misunderstanding at least - of love.

God is our role model for love. He sent His only Son to die for us out of a love for us. And Jesus loves us. He was faithful in His assignment to redeem us. While He walked among us, He gave clear examples of how to walk in love. The Holy Spirit loves us. He never leaves us comfortless.

Notice that none of this mentioned how we feel. Love is action. So, despite how you feel, will you prayerfully consider putting love into action - not just today - but every day.

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Due to technical difficulties, I had to switch blog vendors. Please note the new address for the Beams of Light Ministries blogsite : Please bookmark it and check back often. Also, be sure to take the poll on suffering!

Let's Give it a Whirl!

Blogging seems to be all the rage. Many of the folks in my writing circle have blog pages [weB LOG]. They utilize them to keep themselves in the rhythm of writing. And, alas, so will I. But, to keep it interesting and ministry related, you will find information on falling in love...with "the one." It's a new message that I'm developing that will utlimately be included in that book that I've been writing for oh so long...

Anyhooooo - Hollywood has got us all twisted up thinking about this mystical creature. They would have us to believe that he is romantic and charming...handsome and successful...he is everything we could ever hope for wrapped up in a six-foot, two-inch tall masculine figure etc etc. Everybody's dream man is different so you just feel free to fill in the blank there. But the real fact of the matter is that he really is a "dream" for most of us. We spend our single years in search of Mr. Right when the truth of the matter is, there is not one righteous - no, not one [Romans 3:10]... so why are we looking for him?

It got me to thinking that perhaps we are looking in the wrong places for the wrong things. Please join me over the next few weeks as we dialogue on falling in love with "the One."Let's give it a whirl!

[due to technical difficulties - this is a duplicate posting as I transition from one blog provider to another - thank you for your patience and continued support!]

Latest News

I share this information with you to keep you informed about the events with the ministry. We ask that you pray for each of these events and praise God for these opportunities with us.

  • February 20, 2010 - Youth Conference - Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Church, Fayetteville, NC. For conference details, please contact Elder Tarray Deaver.

Speaking Topics

This page is under development - please check back!

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I love books! And, from time to time, I find a MUST READ. This is an avenue for me to share my booklist and for you to do the same. As you come across a book you think is fantastic, leave a comment telling us about it!

Here are mine:
  • Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth
  • A Slow Burn by Mary DeMuth

  • Becoming More than A Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst

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Contact the Ministry

We pray that you have enjoyed your time on this site! Writing from the heart is not always an easy task, but it is very rewarding knowing that what we have shared has blessed you in some way. If you would like to correspond with us, please know that we are always happy to hear from you!

There are two ways to interact with us:

  1. Please leave your comments at the blog posts that you read. It encourages us to press forward. You can do this by clicking on the "comments" text link.

  2. If you would like a more personal interaction, please write to We would love to get your email as well.

Again, thank you for your support and we'll chat soon!


About the Ministry

Beams of Light Ministries is focused on helping women heal from emotional wounds obtained through the experiences of life. This ministry is two-fold, healing through the power of the Holy Spirit by the written and spoken word.

[Through Writing] Writing is the passion behind the ministry. Currently Minister Sanya King is working on the manuscript for a book dealing with male-female relationships and the resources available through the pursuit of a real relationship with God.

[Through Speaking] Minister Sanya King will counsel with your ministry leaders to meet the needs for your church event. Whether keynote, conference, retreat or sermon, she will customize a message for you.