A Review of Home by Anthony Evans Jr.

From time to time on this blog, I will write a review of some sort. I generally write book reviews. However, whenever music really grabs me, I write about it.

So, here I am, writing a review of “Home”, the latest CD from Anthony Evans. I’ve been listening to his music for years, - since his “Even More” days - so I confess up front that I am a fan and this review may be a bit skewed toward the fact that I really appreciate the way God uses him through song.

Anthony is a gifted singer. Not the kind of singer where you can tell that they’ve had some vocal training and therefore they want to show you all of their skill in one song. I confess that I don’t know if he’s been trained that way but my point is this - no matter what he sings, he makes it sound effortless. I believe that I would buy an album of him singing the phone book for no other reason than the fact that God has gifted him through song. He has given him an amazing voice and the whole world should hear it!

In fact, I am giving the “Home” CD as Christmas gifts - I purchased five for gifts and downloaded a copy for myself.

That being said, here are some praise points: In my humble opinion, “Home” is Anthony’s best CD yet. And that’s really a big praise from me considering that I was stuck on “The Bridge” CD for what seemed like a lifetime. It’s not always that he’s singing new or original music. It’s the way he sings the lyrics. Anthony adds an element of drama to the music that puts the listener into anticipatory mode. I listen with expectation that the next note or the next lyric is going to deliver me to some place that I wasn’t expecting.

If you look through his tweets and followers (he’s @anthonyevansjr), you’ll see that I’m not alone in this expectation. Many people tweet about what he’s singing being the very thing that they need in that moment of their lives. That’s ministry folks. His music does ministry.

I am particularly fond of a few songs on the “Home” CD. I L.O.V.E.  the “How He Loves” Interlude and song ... talk about drama there! And even though there are other versions of “How He Loves”, it’s worth taking a listen to Anthony’s version. It changed me. I also love “Take Over” with Tamela Mann. It’s such sincere worship. Just like “My Desire” - the CD opens with this song and the lyrics are so powerful and praise-oriented. It’s the right song that sets the tone for the entire CD.

One of the most candid and vulnerable songs is “Fighting for Me.” This song takes me to a place of my own vulnerability - when I try to hold on to the ever elusive feeling of control - only to realize that God Himself is doing the fighting and all I really need to do is to rest in the comfort of that knowledge. God is and always has been in control. All I ever needed to do was to get out of His way - He’s fighting for me.

I’m not going to tell you about every song on the CD. That’s your homework. Go ahead and purchase it for yourself...and a few friends...and be prepared for this music to minister to you.


My fingers have been touching keyboards. Keyboards at home and work. But not in an effort to write something inspirational for this blog. It has been a busy season in other areas of my life but God has brought me back here in this moment. I’m truly grateful. 
While I’ve been away, I have had several experiences where God continues to show His love and faithfulness toward me and those with whom I am privileged to call my brothers and sisters in Christ. Isn’t it amazing to meet up with someone who worships the God of the Bible? 
In this day and time, you can meet a crowd of people and they simply don’t believe - and aren’t afraid to tell you either! Just yesterday, I brought up Christ to someone and guess what - they told me they didn’t go to church. The implication from the conversation was they didn’t believe nor did they have a relationship with Christ. And when I asked why, they told me that they “just didn’t.” I invited them to know Him.  
You see, there are opportunities everywhere. And although I recognize that one single invitation may not be enough to bring that person into the ark of safety, it’s a start. And someone else will come along and do it again. God will see to it. 
He’s so very faithful to us.
Even now, as I prepare for the day, I have this one thought in my mind - faithful is my God. And since He doesn’t play favorites, know this today - He’s faithful to you too. 

See you soon!

Baking with the Boss!

TLC has a fan in me - I love the show Cake Boss with Buddy Valastro. In fact, when Buddy was on tour in my city, I went to see him. What a great show! 

Lisa and the kids weren't there - I guess they show up when they can and for those audiences, it's a special treat. But I have to tell ya, Buddy is one funny guy! He held my attention the entire time. You should check him out to see when he's coming to your city. I laughed and laughed!  

The show is really family friendly - I went with my sister - who is the greatest! I'm a fan...but don't tell her! I want her head to still be able to fit in the door. I thank God for her. She's warm and sweet - just like freshly baked cake!

It's funny how baking can be so therapeutic! Raw ingredients come together, poured into molds and forced into a heated oven so that it rises into a delicious and yummy treat! 

And we're like that too. 

We are raw ingredients ready for molding. God has to whip and stir us into a suitable batter, lacking nothing. And when He does, He pours us into the mold that He has created just for us. And then we walk through the fire of trails and tribulations on our way to maturity in Him. We just don't wait up mature once we get in right standing with the Lord. Just like a flour, sugar and eggs don't all of a sudden make themselves into a ready-to-eat moist cake. No, it's a process. And we are privileged to be able to go through it.

Things Get in the Way

Lately, my fingers have been so glued to the keyboard as a requirement, that I’ve not had much time to write for the joy of it. 
As I look around me, there is so much that still needs to be done. So many words left to write in my research paper. So many things left unsaid in my journal. So much housework...well, you get the idea. Yet, at this moment, I’m writing just for the joy of it. Free form. No assignment. Just writing. I am desperately trying to get back to what I love.
I have always loved writing - even from my youth. I had an open love affair with pens and stationary...with my name at the top. I used to write poems all the time. And when I joined church, I wrote a bunch more. I wrote about my love for Jesus and the state of men - my own state as I learned more about sin and God. The words for those poems would just flow. Effortlessly. And I enjoyed taking dictation from my spirit and looking up some minutes later to a completed piece.
Back then, some of my sweet friends would always ask - what poems have you written lately? And I would always have a reply. I even wrote and read some poems for special days at my church. Those days were nerve-racking because those “special occasion” poems were always an edict on some type of behavior. Oh the pressure! 
Yet I did it. And looking back now, and the years that have since passed, I understand now completely why those poems were given to me by the Holy Spirit. They were warnings against what could potentially cause a riff or split in the church body. But they were ignored and trouble stormed the camp...so to speak. 
I stopped writing for a period of time. And in doing so, I lost the thing that gave me the most joy. Things get in the way. And when they do, we always have a choice. Will we subject ourselves to losing the thing(s) we love most to take care of the things we love the least? Think about it for yourself. Is there something that you’ve always loved from your youth and as you’ve grown up, life has gotten in the way of your actively being involved with that thing? Do you still love it? If you do, find a way to get back to it - and don’t put it off. It’s not for tomorrow - it’s for you today. 

Ugh...Stomach Pain

Last night, I had an issue....this is what I wrote in the middle of the night. I hope it blesses you.

I can’t remember when I’ve last had a stomach ache like this. Rousing me from my sleep. Keeping me up in the middle of the night. I can’t remember. And that a good thing. For it tells me that I’m getting to bed each night and getting solid rest. So one night - let’s hope it’s just one night - without the rest to which I’m accustomed should not cause much harm. Right?! 
And since I’m now wide awake - and keenly aware of pain - and the blessing of sleep, I find it fitting to offer up a prayer for those who face pain as a constant companion and who find sleep and a good night’s rest fleeting. 
Would you pray with me? 
Father God, I come to you now, wide awake and humbled. There are so many things that we, as your people take for granted. Health and wellness are two of those things. Thank you for reminding me of what it’s like to watch the midnight hours seep into the daylight hours. The hours intended for sleep quickly passing by. Thank you for reminding me of what’s it like to wish for sleep to come but to hurt so much that one knows that sleep will not come until the pain subsides. Thank you that I am able to feel the pain for it will help me to appreciate the pain-free days and nights to come. You are a blessing to me. Continually humbling me, Your servant, so that I can relate to others and carry your compassion within me. 
And with all of this praise and thanksgiving, for You are a merciful God, I come asking You for divine healing for those who are in pain. You created each of us, and You alone are able to provide exactly what each created being cries out for. You alone are able to mend what is broken and soothe what is inflamed. Therefore, I ask even now that as You search across the Earth, that You heal and deliver someone who is facing affliction in their body. Would you give someone a good night’s rest, free from pain. And would you allow them to know, even as they are waking up in the morning, feeling rested, that their rest was a result of Your power. Not a doctor’s medicine but Your power, alone. 

At Mount Bethel...

I was privileged to speak at Mt Bethel Baptist Church in Roxboro in August. What a time in the Lord we had! They are a beautiful group of worshippers. And their pastor is a wonderful servant of God. 

The Holy Spirit traveled with us - met us there - allowed us to be free in worship. And we served God together. We praised Him together. And everything was for God's glory. 

My pastor, in his generosity, sent the choir, musicians and bus to accompany me. You see, it was just as much their engagement as mine for we were asked to come together. And, Pastor allowed it.  I do not think I'll ever be able to fully explain, as a young minister, how very humbling that is. I still think about it and am humbled. For me, it's one thing to go off to an engagement by yourself; it's quite another thing to go off to preach with the church choir. I'm humbled by the numbers that drove the distance because somewhere in my mind, the enemy was telling me that only a few would show - most likely those that rode with me in my car. Not so. God sent all that were needed and then some and we had a great time in the Lord. It's not about numbers - but I'm writing this out to show how the enemy will use even what should be a good event to try to raise doubt, fear and insecurities. 

But I'm getting wiser when it comes to dealing with my adversary in that arena. I'm getting to the point where now, I'm not so concerned about every aspect and detail. I'm trusting God more fully now knowing that if He has brought me to it, then surely, He's going to see me through it. That's the confidence I have with God now. And I wish for you the same! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries
(c) Copyright 2011

Have you got your reservations?

It's been a good while since my last post. I've been swamped by both the good and the bad of life. I've preached three sermons in four weeks time, lost a childhood friend to death, grieved in ways that surprised me, took an exam with a splitting migraine, gained a new Christian friend, injured my foot and subsequently I now have two muscle strains, attended an initial sermon and learned a new recipe...all while still working a full-time job.

See,  I've been away, but I've not been sitting on the couch eating bon-bons, wasting the time away. Instead, I've been attending to the pressing matters of life. And I can't think of anything more pressing right now than to talk about our salvation in Christ. 

Maybe it's because of all the preaching...
Maybe it's because of all the loss...
Maybe it's because of all the grieving...

...but I want you to know that without a life in Christ, your eternity is not secured. Yes, I am a Christian. Yes, I believe in the Trinity. Yes, I believe in Jesus as the Son of God. Yes, I believe that He is the only way to God. I don't want you to be left out. So, my plea is this: make sure that you've secured your reservations in Heaven. And if you have any doubts to what I mean by that, please let me know. You can e-mail me here. And we can talk about it. I'll answer any question you may have about your salvation to the best of my ability. And if I don't know the answer, I'll find out. Sound fair? 

Time is ticking...
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Fight For Your Peace

My guy WASN’T the only scoundrel. Humph. Imagine that.

You may chuckle, but I’m telling you, this was a revelation to me, courtesy of the Lord Jesus!

The adversary of our very souls will always try to convince us that we are alone in whatever situation and/or struggle we are going through. I thought I was alone; The only one who had experienced such a cruel and heartless deception. But now, as many others have shared their stories with me, I know without doubt that I am not alone. Never was. Just deceived – again. Honey, the mean ole devil wants to isolate us so that he can whisper doubt, fear and discouragement in our ears. He wants our undivided attention so that we will continue to think about the things that hurt us, disappoint us and discourage us. That’s the sweet spot for our enemy. If he can get us feeling that low, then he can continue to kick us in the gut.

And that’s why we have to do better.

We, in our grief, will often times turn inward. We want to be alone with our sadness. We want to crawl up on our beds and just lay there, being baptized with our tears. We find comfort in taking off any presentable clothes, putting on our jammies and laying on the couch, watching Lifetime Movies about other scorned and deceived women, with our Kleenex box in hand. The kindred of the hurt and helpless lures us. Don’t let it.

Open the blinds and window dressings; let the LIGHT shine in and learn to RESIST the attacks of the enemy!  

I don’t know what has happened to you. And I’m too bored with my own story to tell it again regarding what happened to me a few years back. The details just don’t matter anymore. What does matter is knowing who is behind it. And that’s the devil. Christian sister, know this, people can be used for good or for evil. And sometimes, deceptively, the evil masquerades around looking like it’s good. That’s why we have to be perceptive. But that’s another post for another day.

For now, just know that when you have a "hurt" or something is beating you down, don’t crawl into bed right off with the bon-bons, potato chips and Diet Coke. Stop long enough and think about who is behind it and decide right then and there who is going to get the victory in the spiritual battle that you are about to fight.

If you want to concede, then just crawl into bed, and call up a bonafide prayer warrior to help you. You can do better than this, but if that's where you are on your journey, at least turn to a mature Christian for help. But if you want to fight and stomp that mean joker in the head, then rally your spirit and get down on your knees and pray to the Father who sees.  Thank you Lord for the privilege! Know that you are not alone in what you are about to battle. Know that since God is for you, then the world against you still doesn’t stand a chance. And know that God wants you to have life and have it more abundantly. He does not want you lounging in your pit of despair. Don't get comfortable there!

Fight for your peace. I know that sounds strange, but just do it. And if by chance, you get knocked down, that’s alright, get back up. You may be down but you don’t have to be out. To borrow a phrase from my pastor, Reverend Daniel Sanders, that got me through some tough times,  “you can’t lose if you don’t quit.” When you get tired, call for some godly reinforcements, but don’t give up. Don’t quit. Fight on your knees in prayer. Fight with your worship words to the air. Set the atmosphere for victory and you will defeat the adversary. Resist him and he'll flee. You can do it, because as a child of God, you are never alone. You have a Comforter, the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” – 1Peter 5:8

C'mon Christian. Stand up now. Stand on the Word of God. Stand on His promises. Stand on His truth. It’s time to fight!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The New Tenant

Candidly speaking, birds like me more than I like them. There. I've said it.

Maybe I should really say that they like my things more than I like them occupying my things.

I used to think that birds were ultra cool. My dad has always had a fascination with them. His Aunt Sarah did too. Part of the reason that my dad has the career that he does, flying folks around, is because of birds. They flit and fly and well, you know what birds do.

Nevertheless, I always regarded birds as those things that never stood still long enough for me to really study them. You know what I mean. They fly away right when they catch your eye. Carefree, floating on a breeze.

One year, a bird build her nest on my front porch. I thought it was cool to be able to observe the whole egg hatching process so closely. But what I originally thought would be fascinating quickly turned into  a chore. In two words, I'll say "bird poop" and you can figure out the rest.

So, imagine my surprise when I found, just this year, a bird hanging out in my outdoor dryer vent. Really? C'mon Mr/Mrs. Bird. That could not have looked like a good place to be. Nevertheless, I called my dad to "rescue" my dryer vent from the bird drama before there was an opportunity for those "two words" to be streaming down the side of my house...again.

I found myself all clear with the birds until last week. Here is what I saw...


...isn't she gorgeous?!

My non-bird-loving-self just adores THIS bird. There she is just perched up on the straw that she's collected from somewhere. Hanging out. Peaceful.

And then it struck me. How many times do we say that we don't like something and then out of the blue, God gives us an opportunity to appreciate it. It's all His work. All His creation. And all for His glory.


So, hopefully, this tree will provide some comfort to its new tenant. And maybe just maybe, I'll get to see one of her offspring soon. God cares about all of His creations. We should too.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Dangers Seen and Unseen

The sky was clear and the green light beckoned. It was an early Sunday morning. I began to cross the intersection when mid-way, I looked left. A Ford Explorer, black, with a big grill and passengers in both the front and back, was speeding toward me.

Running through the red light.

I thought, “my God” but before I could get my two-word thought developed, the traffic violating Ford Explorer was slowing down. The driver, applying their brakes. I made it through the intersection safely because of God.

He was protecting me in dangers seen and unseen. Had He not, I would have had the side-curtain airbag getting real personal with my face, along with the grill of the SUV in my side. Undoubtedly I would have been injured. That SUV was rolling faster than the speed limit and coming through the light as if it weren’t there at all. But God! He spared me. Saved me from imminent danger.

I want to encourage you today to not take God’s hand of protection for granted. If you get in a car or other mode of transportation and make it to your intended destination, tell Him “thank you.” Then seek out other ways to let Him know that you appreciate the fact He’s not a God which slumbers or sleeps, but instead, He is always watching over us.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Revival 2011

Last week, my church was in revival. I always look forward to this time of year in the life of our church. We have guest speakers who will come in and impart the Word of God to us in their own unique way. This year, we had three speakers over four nights to share with us and as a result, I'm feeling more revived!

I don't know if you can measure a revival's real benefit collectively, but I can speak personally. My personal benefit can be summarized like this: I feel good. I feel strong.

This is not to say that I was feeling "weak" but I DID have some random things that were starting to weight on my soul. Now, I feel lighter. Like my soul can breathe. Isn't that something? I praise God for that. He knew what I was wrestling with and then sent a revivalist to show me the right way to permanently rid myself of that weight. God is good. All the time. And when we look up from our circumstances, taking our eyes off of ourselves, we'll see His goodness.

I won't soon forget this revival. It was right on time. Even thought I didn't realize that until I got my liberty. Wow God. Thank You for loving me like that!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A Review: Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones

I stood in the line waiting to have my free novel signed by her. Jenny B. Jones intrigued me. Small stature but big personality. Novel writer and E! TV watcher. Christian, sincere but not the least bit stodgy. A mystery.

She signed the book with my name, and a personal message of encouragement to me – with Scripture. She took the time to write to a woman she’d never met but whom she knew held a dream tucked deep. I would not shelve her book. No, I’d read it. And soon.

I peeled back the cover and read the Prologue. It was 10:30 at night. I figured I’d just get a few pages in before bed. I was up past midnight, tension building the whole time. And I had to work the next day. I was hooked. I woke up, read, dressed for work, read while my computer was booting, ate lunch, read and came home and finished reading. I read the entire book in less than 24 hours. This, my friend never happens to me. But I was so invested in Lucy…

Wait, I have to tell you the name of the book, right? Geesh. Okay, the book that the intriguing, award-winning author Jenny B. Jones wrote is called “Save the Date”. And I love it. It needs to be a movie so I can watch it. The story centers around a single gal named Lucy. I’m not going to tell you much more though.

I will say that I rooted for Lucy, and was taken aback by Lucy at times. I wanted Lucy to pull it together and I was surprised when she did. She did it when I didn’t think she would. I loved the way that Jenny wrote the story, allowing me into Lucy and Alex’s heart and mind. And although I was surprised at the ending, I still agree with it. It’s a solid and quick read.

Thanks Jenny. You’re one great story-teller!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God in the Details

There was a simmering and then there was a direct attack. Instantly, what had been a mild annoyance became a full-fledged assault on my stomach area. I ached horribly.

I did all the things I know to do but nothing seemed to work. Then the heat came. I was fanning myself in a nicely air-conditioned building. Cold-natured me was fanning. Umm, not good. I felt horrible and queasy. Houston – we have a problem.

I went to the water fountain but every step of the journey made me feel like collapse on the carpet was a better idea. God steadied me. I drank the water and returned to my desk. I coaxed myself – it’s the end of the workweek. You can do this. But my body had another plan. I double-over in pain and moved to my guest chair. It was lower – in case I fell. I began to pray and the move of God stabilized me yet again, but the pain was still there. Burning me. Stabbing me. I needed reinforcements.

I called my friend down. She was just a few desks away. God had it to be that she was not on the phone with a customer. She popped up and came down. It was God. And she prayed. But she didn’t leave. She stayed until I felt better. She was an example of Jesus with skin on. And then, I journeyed past stabilization to movement. The burning slacked off. The stabbing stopped. And just like I felt a descending, God allowed me to feel ascension. He raised me back on my feet. And now, I’m typing out this testimony. God stepped in and made the wrong in my body right. I’ve got a praise today because I am feeling much improved. God is in the little things. He loves the details. And I thank Him, praise Him and love Him for just that.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Susan Meissner's Shape of Mercy

Have you read the Shape of Mercy? I loved that book. So much so that I've passed it along to my mom. The cool thing about it is that now we can discuss it. When I read it, I couldn't put that book down! My mom is reading it as she can slot it in to her schedule, but it's so masterfully written that she can read it and put it down and still remember what's going on when she picks it back up again. In fact, we were discussing it last night and she mentioned a portion of the book that I instantly recalled. I can't even remember what I ate a few days ago but I can remember what happened in The Shape of Mercy! Seriously! 

I met Susan Meissner and was able to spend some time with her this past weekend at SheSpeaks. Now, this is not to say that we're now best buddies or anything, but she allowed a natural, easy-going conversation to take place between the two of us. She's not the least bit pretentious. She's kind-hearted and a good listener. To know me is to know that I can engage in random conversation from time to time. She allowed it. She didn't seem perturbed. I was talking about Delta Airlines and when I like to board the plane for goodness sakes! She allowed it. 

So, I want you to allow yourself to experience The Shape of Mercy and the gifted writer, better known as Susan Meissner. She's on Twitter - @susanmeissner. And her website is: www.susanmeissner.com. After you read the Shape of Mercy, there is a blog that keeps the story going if you're so inclined. 

If I could tell Susan anything, it would be, thank you! Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for penning such a masterful story.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

I Recommend Mary DeMuth

I have told so many people about my favorite Christian fiction author Mary DeMuth this weekend that I thought I should probably list some links to some of my previous posts in the event that these gals stop by my blog looking for the reviews and thoughts I mentioned.

You may wonder why I keep talking about Mary DeMuth and encouraging you to read her books. It's simple. She's real. I love that about her. I'm not trying to be stalker-like but she's a real, down-to-earth, no-need-to-fake-humiliy kind of woman. When she says that she loves Jesus and wants to make Him famous, I believe her. I don't think she's operating under any other motive and I don't find her the least bit pretentious or off-putting. She's the main reason I attended She Speaks this year. I wanted to hear what she had to say in the Story-telling sessions. 

I'm just telling you about her because she is rare. She writes fiction and nonfiction. Rare. So, if you've not read any of her books, check out Amazon. There's plenty to pick from. Since I prefer fiction over parenting, and free over all, I started with Daisy Chain. You'll recall, she gave that book to me, free of charge. Free y'all. And it was brand new. She gave me a free one and a conference room stuffed full of women, a free book too. Selfless wouldn't you say?  

Here's my review of it, along with some other good stuff. 

So, Daisy Chain is the first book of the Defiance, Texas trilogy. After all these years, I'm still talking about Daisy Chain, A Slow Burn and Life in Defiance. That should tell you something. It's a mystery that I didn't figure out until it was time to figure it out. That's stellar writing!  

I could go on but I won't. I will say this as a final point. If you enjoy solid Christian fiction, that is masterfully written, I recommend Mary DeMuth. I also will recommend others, so, stay tuned...

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The New Fiscal Year

Just like that, a weekend of intensity ended. She Speaks was over. I took one step out in the high heat and oppressive humidity and knew with certainty that I'd just stepped into the next phase of writing. I am not stranger to the She Speaks conference. I've attended multiple times - one might say that I'm a graduate that keeps visiting the school. I told many newbies (first time attenders) that She Speaks is like the start of my writing fiscal year. I get pumped upon the jet fuel that can help power my writing through the year. How far I fly depends on how well I manage my resources. 

So, here we go again. A new beginning. I know what to do. Now I have to do it. This is where the rubber meets the road. Am I ready? I guess we will find out. 

I know that some of you want to know what happened at the conference. I'll be posting the details in forthcoming blogs, so check back. I will also be mentioning some writers that I met for the first time - you will not want to miss that - trust me. So, hang tight. More is coming. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Back Then...

Flipping through an app on my phone, I came across something that sent me flying back down memory lane. I instantly recalled the despair I felt when this song first danced across my ears. I was in that situation at that time. The longing and wanting…the neediness that accompanies rejection consumed me. I remember feeling lifeless and devoid; paralyzed by the fear that somehow I was unlovable. Not cherished. Not wanted. And this song played right into those emotions, caressing them even, but after four minutes, it too was gone, still leaving me with the questions that haunted me. No resolution, just a slick R&B ballad.

I looked down at my phone, recalling all of this…and then the unthinkable happened…I laughed! I threw my head back and said “Thank You Jesus!!!”

What a hot mess I was BACK THEN to believe the lies of my adversary! I have since learned that relationships with people are important but the one relationship that I ought to nurture above all others is the one relationship that won’t leave me. I don’t have to worry about God changing his mind, calling me up and telling me it’s over. I don’t have to worry about God dismissing me from His presence. He wants me there. I don’t have to worry when I place my hope and trust in God. Amen! Aw c’mon, you know you want to say it with me – on the count of three, one…two…three…AMEN!!!!

With God, we don’t have to worry because He has not left us in our “back thens.” If we will but trust Him enough to build a relationship with Him, then we’ll see that out “back thens” where a time “back when” we put too much emphasis on others. We esteemed them higher than we esteemed our God. But when you flip that thing around and you esteem God as priority number one in your life, the hurt that would have come when people decide you’re not worth their time stings less. A whole lot less.

Why? Because when you have God, although you may be alone, you’re not really ever alone. If you allow it, He will walk with you and talk with you. He will be a friend that sticks closer than a brother…or a sister (to be gender neutral here!)  He loves you (yes, He does) and He cherishes you. He wants a relationship with you, YES, YOU!

He’s not around just to see what He can get from you. Instead, He is around because He loves you. You know that whole bit about Him laying down His life for you right? There is no greater love than the one that God has for you. None greater. So look, if someone in your “back then” left you “back when”, it’s okay. Let ‘em go. Some people are in your life for seasons. Others just don’t need to be in your life. Just let them go. You only make yourself tired trying to hold on to someone when they want to leave. Let them leave. And instead of allowing their departure to leave a void in your life, do something better than that. Remember God and then cleave to Him. Develop THAT relationship and see just how much He blesses you! You won’t regret it. And then one day, when you are flipping through an app on your phone and get transported back to memory lane, you too can let out a yelp of praise, saying “Thank You Jesus!!!!”

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

She's Back!

My godson's mother has made it back from a year of deployment. I am so grateful and thankful to God that He has kept her, along with her battle-buddies throughout the entirety of a year. In dangers seen and unseen. In hostile territory. And when I finally got my opportunity to look at her - to behold her with my own eyes, all I could do was smile. She's a real soldier but you'd never know it to look at her. You see, despite the hardship of a year long deployment and being away from her infant son, she doesn't look any older, any harder or anything more or less than when she left. She looks the same and she behaves the same.

I was a little concerned about her transition back. You hear so many stories about how war changes the deployed. Yet, from what I see, she's okay. I thank God for that too.

Thinking about her deployment and the year that she missed in her child's life reminds me of Joel 2. I know that God will restore it back to her. I pray that He will continue to bless her and I pray that she will run mightily toward Him for the rest of her life - no distractions - no looking back.

Of course, I thank God too for the other men and women serving in harm's way. I still know a handful of troops but now most of my friends are getting out of the military and moving on with their lives in other areas. But for those still serving, especially those with the repeated and long deployments, know that although I'm not a battle-buddy, I'm still praying - I guess you could say that I'm a prayer-buddy. And I pray that God will render them home as complete as they left, if not more.
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A Wondrous Thing

If I used my secular vocabulary, I would say “it’s the weirdest thing!” You see, I have been thinking about someone I knew a few years ago. We studied God’s Word together and for a season, we worshipped at the same church. And then, at the direction of God, our season together in the same circles ended.

Yet, for the past week, she has haunted my memory. Popping up when I least expect her. Remembering her smile and thinking about the graceful way she always treated people. I think back to our times in Sunday School and Bible Study when she would give comprehensive answers. She had studied and examined the Scripture. I remember the prayer request that her husband asked for when she was studying for the bar exam – which she passed on the first try. I remembered thinking that she looks like a porcelain doll – delicate. But I also recall her tenacity to know the truth of God. Where did she go?


I did a Google search for her and found her dwelling in Panama. She and her husband have set up a ministry there to help children. They left successful careers in the US to help those that have no voice. And all I can say is – “Praise God!” He called them out of their comfortable lives and placed them in a place where the living isn’t easy. And they obeyed for the love of God and children. It is not the “weirdest thing” that I’ve been thinking of her. It’s a “wondrous thing” because now, I know how to pray specifically for her. And I even sent her an email too – I’ll wait to hear back from her. But in the meantime, I simply tell the Lord “Thank You.”

I thank Him because He keeps giving me tangible examples of what ministry with abandon looks like. When will we all learn to live free of what we think is right and commit to God’s will and way? My friend is doing that; leaning not on her own resources, but instead depending completely on God. What an example!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Muir House: A Review

She's done it again. It is no secret to readers of this blog that I love the fiction work of author Mary DeMuth. I've recently read The Muir House, her latest fiction novel and I recommend it for your summer reading list. Seriously.

The notion of looking in your rearview to help chart your future, is a little not-like-me. Thus, at first, I really had a bit of a challenge identifying with the main character, Willa. But as I looked beyond my own thoughts and tried to synchronize with where Willa was in her path to discovery, I was ensnared in the story. Sometimes I rooted for Willa and other times, I verbally asked her what she was thinking. My dog can attest. Talking to a book. Yep. That was me.

But that's the wonderful thing about how DeMuth crafts a story. Once you're in, you're in. And you want to see everything work out for the character. I was hanging on until the end to see if everything worked out the way that I thought it should. Of course, I'm not going to give any indication of that now. You'll just have to read the book. I also noticed some parallels from the little that I know of Mary DeMuth through reading Thin Places. Willa has, at some level, some similar issues that Mary uncovers in her memoir. Maybe this latest novel is our seeing how free DeMuth, the author has become. At least in my little ole opinion.

I think this would be a good book to read with a group, really taking advantage of the discussion questions in the back of the novel. So, if you've got a bookclub, recommend it, or even if you read it alone, that's good too. Just read it.

Mary, job well done!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Four Days Dead

According to the book, “The New Manners and Customs of the Bible”, upon a death, there were certain Rabbinical procedures that took place. Of those steps, there were to be three days of weeping followed by four days of lamentation (or sorrow). These two events together comprised the seven days of mourning that the Jews observed. 
Again, according to this book, during the first three days, rabbinical thought suggested that the spirit of the deceased would wander about the sepulcher seeking an opportunity to return to the body. Friends of the deceased would visit the sepulcher for three days, likely to be close to the deceased. However, on the fourth day, when decomposition took hold, the spirit would wander no more and the faithful friends who had been visitors to the grave would grieve loudly. 
Now, you may wonder why I bring this up. And here’s the reason. When we look at John 11 and read the story of  Lazarus’ death, we find out that although Jesus received the news of Lazarus’ illness, he tarried. He didn’t rush to be with the family. He instead delayed his trip. Was he being harsh? NO. Absolutely not. He knew what He was doing. He was always in control. 
When Jesus gets to Bethany, Lazarus had been dead four days. Ah, now, you’re following me, right? And it would seem to those looking on the outside that there would be no way, now that the body of Lazarus has entered into the decomposition phase, to return him to life. According to Rabbinical beliefs, his spirit has “left the building” and is no longer wandering about the sepulcher. His spirit has left the grave site and is no longer seeking a way to return to the body. The friends and family would not be expecting to see Lazarus again. Instead, according to “The New Manners and Customs of the Bible”, these friends and family would have now moved to the point of lamentation. Yet, here stands Jesus with a declaration “Thy brother shall rise again.” (John 11:23) 
And then He goes on to say that He is the resurrection and the life. He has the power to resurrect the dead things in our lives, no matter how dead they look. Lazarus had been dead four days, yet when Jesus cried out with a loud voice “Lazarus, come forth” (KJV), he came forth, still bound in his grave clothes.And when Jesus gave the command for the garments to “loose him, and let him go”, they did just that. (John 11:44)
There is nothing going on in our lives that is too hard for God. There is nothing going on in our lives that He cannot remedy. But we first have to come to accept Him as our Lord. Many of the Jews that were with Mary, having witnessed this miracle, believed in Jesus. 
We may never see the dead rise or any miracle that is as awe-inspiring, but we have the Holy Bible and the promises of God to remind us of just how powerful He is. So, don’t sit down and give up when a situation looks hard, difficult or dead. Instead, send your petition to Jesus on your knees. He will get the message. And when He is ready, in His own time, He will come with your deliverance, just like He did with Lazarus. He will bring forth your answer and He stands ready to breath new life into your situation. 
Hold your head up now and look to God. He knows and He cares. He has not left you alone in that situation. Whether you’ve been going through it four minutes, four hours, four days or forever (it seems), know that God is not late. He’s going to be there, right on time.   

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Out of the Box!

I was riding a bubble and then it burst. Splat. Whistle-noise. Thud. You got me?

Yea, it was fun while I was up there though. I ventured out and experienced some things that I had never bothered to experience previously. And, I laughed so much! And as I reflect on my journey, I’m laughing now.

Would I rather be afloat in the clouds still? Sure. But the reality is far different. You did read the “thud” part above, right? But the wonderful thing about it all is that I can rest confidently in knowing that I tried something new. I got out of my box and for a little while, I conquered new territory that was once off-limits to me (mentally, anyway).

God has given us so much. It’s a shame to never experience anything outside of our comfort zone. And by going outside of our comfort zone, I’m not referring to anything that’s not holy or God-honoring. Instead, I’m referring to the limits that we place on ourselves because we are too afraid to see beyond the experiences we know. I believe that God wants us to experience more than just the repetitive things that we see. Discover how grand God is by looking at the trees. He didn’t only make one type of tree. No, He stretched out before us various types of trees with different shapes, bark, leaves, root structures, height and, well, you get the point. God didn’t settle for just one plain vanilla tree. He brought us variety.

So, I encourage you today to set your sights on more than just what’s comfortable. Stretch yourself and include some variety. Whether that means learning Scripture in more than one translation or driving to the countryside to glimpse God’s beauty instead of just hanging inside the area you know, or whatever you choose, do something new that will give Him glory.

Now, you may say, “well, your experience ended with a splat.” Well, yes, it did. The splat was my word but it was not a bad experience. Maybe I should have used the word “pop”, but quite frankly, I just like the visualization of the word “splat”. In my mind, this particular experience is over, but just like paint splashing on the floor, I’ve been stretched – and I’ve got a broader experience to bank in my memory.  And, most importantly, I’m grateful to God for the opportunity to experience this new thing. Now, go on out there and experience yours! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Mourning and Living

It is true that we all mourn differently. The appearance of mourning to some will not begin to scratch the surface to others. Indeed, it is an individual thing and unfortunately, it is also a thing that most of us will have to do.

Having buried a friend recently, I mourn the loss of my friend on this side of our existence. But I know that my friend has gone home. And one day, I will see her again. So, in that, I am content. I have peace about the situation.

In other situations, peace has not come so readily. I have lost others and mourned their loss and some of those folks are still alive. Mourning is a companion to death but mourning also has many other companions. We can mourn dead relationships, dead dreams, dead opportunities, dead…well, you get my point.

Over the past few years, I’ve had an opportunity to mourn in some of these areas. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that it has been a quick process for me. In fact, it has not been quick in the least. At times, my mourning has consumed me. Why? It’s simple; I refused to accept the finality of the situation. I turned my head away from the death certificate and I would not accept the reality. In short, I lived in denial of the truth.

It’s hard to let go of the very thing you don’t want to let go of. But when it is dead, you must unfurl your grip and turn it loose. I wept at the bedside of disappointment; kneeled at the grave of my dreams; and clung fiercely to evaporated hope. I travailed in my will. But when it was all said and done, I still had to accept the very fact that the relationship, the situation, the dream and the opportunity were dead. With a signed DNR (do not resuscitate) order from God, the Father.

Healing came as it always does. But it came when I released my will and accepted God’s will for that relationship, situation, dream and opportunity. I’ve come to know in a very personal way that God’s will is truly what is best for me. And it’s what’s best for you too.

If God is tugging on your heart to let something slip away – and He is asking you to stop trying to breathe life back into something that He wants to let pass away – do it now. Don’t waste another moment trying to resuscitate something beyond it’s expiration date. For in the end, you’re going to have to let it go. Mourn if you need to, but not forever. Don’t keep clinging on to mourning for some indeterminate amount of time. Let it be.  Ask God for His peace and contentment. God has left you here to live. Enjoy a vibrant life, even if it’s not the one you planned. Be encouraged to know that God’s will is the best will for your life and be willing to live in the reality of that truth.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

"Altar'd" by the Power of the Resurrection

Blessings are available if we will seek them out. This weekend, my soul soaked in uncompromised Bible teaching at Providence Baptist Church. This event, designed for women, featured Jennifer Kennedy Dean and Melissa Greene (you may remember Melissa from Avalon). 
Jennifer Kennedy Dean was the keynote and she gave three Bible-based powerful sessions on having our flesh “altar’d” ... and yes, I spelled that right. The messages were right on time for me. We get so gummed up in our thinking when it comes to the flesh and when that happens, guess who gets the glory? The flesh. Yours and mine. 
Our flesh has to be placed on the altar because it is, as Jennifer says, the place where the power of resurrection meets our lives. 
Jennifer spoke truth so much this weekend from the flesh perspective. And I have to tell you that this flesh thing needs to be put under submission. It’s a hard fight to let the spirit rule, but it is definitely essential to allow this to happen. The flesh has to submit. And this is hard because it really does want to be its own source. 
So, how do we do it? 
The essential step is to take our flesh to the altar. We have to allow our flesh to be crucified. We have to allow God to engage the flesh and bring things out of us that we may not have even known were in us to begin with. And, as we take steps to strip away the contaminants of the flesh, we must continue to rely on God. He will change us and produce in us a resurrection where we can live our lives in an “altar’d” way. 
When the Spirit of God lives within us, we are no longer suited for the flesh. We are suited for His purposes - to be a container for life and not one for death. We are to glorify God, and not ourselves. 
So, will you head to the altar to be “altar’d”? 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Not Worthy

Watching Passion of the Christ always brings me to tears. This time, when I watched it, I had the “ugly cry”. 
I would tell you that I don’t know why but that wouldn’t be accurate. I know exactly why this movie, that I’ve now made part of my Easter Weekend tradition, humbles me. 
It is simple. Nothing complicated. But here it is in five words: “I know, I’m not worthy.” 
My humanity - my failings and shortcomings, have become all the more apparent to me as I continue my study of holiness. I thank God for that. Because as I continue to study Peter and study his instructions to the church of the Living God, I know I’m not worthy of the sacrifice that Jesus paid. He paid a dear price for my life - for my freedom. The same applies to you too. 
The spit, the scourging, the mocking, the pain, the beatings, the whips, the nails - all for me - what have I ever done to deserve this - nothing. I know, I’m not worthy. 
So, this year, as I watched the movie, with heart full and tears flowing, I know I’m not worthy - and that mindset gives me perspective ... humility. My life now is not about what I want to do, but what I must do, in obedience and in service to my God. For He is alone is worthy. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Power from Peter?

A gifted writer once said, “write what you need to read.” It has stuck with me for a good while. And what I’ve discovered is that I need to read something encouraging, full of hope and opportunity. I do not need to read something that is tragic or depressing or full of doubt. I need to read about David and Peter, Elijah and Paul. I need to know that in the midst of what seems to be a rough patch, God is there with me. Never leaving my side. I need to know that everything is going to be alright. That’s what I need to take from what I read. And I would venture to guess that it’s the same with many of us. We don’t need more bad news when we sit down to read. We can turn on the local news for that.

So, in the next series of posts, I’m going to focus on the good news. The things that spur us heavenward and encourage us in all things godly. And hopefully, it will spur you on to increased joy, better attitudes and to being better blessings to those that you encounter.

Today, since I’ve been studying him, I want to talk about Peter.

Yes, Peter from the Bible. You know – Simon Peter. That Peter. And from the outset I know you may be questioning how my first paragraph has now aligned with this paragraph but there is something that you need to read in Peter’s story.

When we first read about Simon Peter, Jesus is telling him to come after Him. And he did. He obeyed and became a disciple. And as we read his story, we come to find out that Peter was a mess! Just like some of us, Peter was rather impulsive and came across a little brash. He spoke without thinking and was extremely passionate, even when he was wrong. Are you drawing a character picture? Some of us will only need to look in the mirror. (If that’s you, smile and keep reading, please).  We could go on and on about how Peter did unruly things in unguarded moments or even about how he denied Jesus, just as Jesus said he would. But what is more important is what became of Peter.

Jesus renamed Simon Peter to Peter, which means “rock.” Rocks are steady, hard, solid. They don’t seem to be very descriptive of Peter. But Jesus knew what would become of Peter. He would go on, after Jesus’ ascension to do great things for God. Yes, this impulsive, brass Peter would end up representing the Kingdom of God well. What you need to see when you read this is that even though Peter failed and fell at times, he got back up and kept following. When he made mistakes, God’s faithfulness compensated for his unfaithfulness. As Peter’s zeal for the Lord began to be backed up on the solid, steady and hard foundation of faith and understanding, his ministry thrived. And as proof of his ministry success, we now treasure 1 and 2 Peter in the New Testament.

1 Peter is a letter of encouragement to the saints – even through suffering. For he says “Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind; for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.” (1Peter 4: 1-2)

2 Peter is a letter of warning and exhortation. We are to be vigilant and watchful for false teachers and to be students of the Word for ourselves. He writes “This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2 Peter 3:1-4).

But don’t be deceived. Be a follower. Your walk may not be perfect – no, scratch that – you’re walk will not be perfect, but you still need to know who you are following. Follow hard after Christ. Everything else is a lie.

You don’t have to quit the Christian life because you make mistakes. Instead, God has given us a path to repentance through His Son. Follow Hard after Christ. Think about this – God loves each of us so much that He sent His Son to die for OUR sins. His Son, Who is blameless and perfect and holy, took our penalty. He is the ultimate sacrifice. He died for us. So, the appropriate response from us is to now live for Him. Your walk may resemble Peter’s but even after knowing what Peter was all about, Jesus’ last words to Peter were “follow thou me.” Peter wasn't perfect but his life's example can be mined to give us power!

So, we are left with no excuses. We need to follow Him. Whatever you have done, take the path to repentance and follow hard after Christ.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries