I cannot believe it’s October. It’s October and I’m still not wearing a coat to work in the mornings. What’s really going on people!?! Global Warming? End-times? What?!!
Okay – on to my point. I had a conference call this morning so that’s why I’m running behind in posting (plus the fact that I slept past the time I was supposed to get up so that I could post early. Sorry! Wink, wink…)
Yesterday, I nearly lost my cool. It’s like that when you birth something and somebody else tries their level best to take it away from you. I was crying and upset and couldn’t understand it (and I still don’t ) but like Patti LaBelle said … ou oou ou ou oooooouuu I’ve got a new attitude.
I spent a rather significant amount of time receiving wise council. And, well, now I’m set to do what must be done. With my face set towards God, I will step back and give God room to work the way that He intends.
You see, what happened to me yesterday is not a surprise to God. He’s seen it done before at the hands of the same people. God does not like "ugly" behavior. God sees, He knows, He cares. And, He handles folks too – He will repay. So, therefore, why should I get in His way? He is going to work this thing out in a way that gives Him the glory. And, I’m not going to interfere with it.
Now, knowing me, you recognize already that you are going to have to keep me in your prayers, right? It’s hard to turn something loose that means so much. But, whether it be at the hands of a thief or at the hands of God, when it’s time to let go, we’ve got to do just that. Let go and let God have His way in our circumstances and situations. We say that from time to time, and now here is the test.
If God intends for me to receive it again – since He’s the one that gave it to me and allowed me to prepare and present it, then I will have it. But, if this is the end of the road per the intentions of God, then it’s the end of the road. It’s really that simple. Somebody else cannot keep what belongs to you if God ordained it for you. So, please pray for me as I walk in faith, trusting God that He will restore me during this time. I grieved yesterday for the thing God allowed me to birth and now I have to trust Him, NOT man, with the growth of it.
Sowing seeds and watching others enjoy the harvest can be hurtful but obedience is better than sacrifice. My life is full of this same testimony we share. Hard work and sacrifice for others to enjoy the fruits of our labor is part of Christainity. This is an example of being a servant for God. Yes, I will continue to keep you in my prayers.