I'm Waiting

Waiting seems to be the dominant theme in my life. I'm always on "wait" mode - and the curious thing is that I'm always on "go" mode while I'm in the "wait." You know what I mean, right? I am still moving forward and being productive for the Kingdom but I am also still waiting to see the manifestation of the things that God has for me. All the things. Not just some of them. 

And, even outside of the Kingdom things that I wait for, I'm having some personal "wait" items too. I'm waiting on a phone call that may not come. I'm waiting on a few phone calls actually. Each day lately, I'm watching the phone for news of a loved one that is in harms way and another loved one that is in transition. I'm waiting on my brain to kick in to make my new foreign language skills flow like a native...ummm...I may be waiting on that one for a while! Anyway, I could list my long list of what I'm waiting on but it really wouldn't matter. You've got your own list to contemplate. What are you waiting on? 

The interesting thing about waiting is knowing that in God's timing, if it's in His will for you, the waiting will end. You'll get the answers. You'll know how to proceed. You'll get that thing that you never dreamed was possible for you - when you wait on God! 

Now, I know a thing or two about pressing forward outside of God's will. Take it from me, you don't want to do that. The consequences are so much more than you could ever imagine. You may think you know what the consequences will be, but you have yet to imagine the severity of the consequences. Let me repeat - trust me on this one. It took me three years to recover from a bad decision I made. Could I have gotten out of it quicker? Maybe. Others have. But for me, it took that long. I never imagined that level of severity. So, wait on God. And again, I say, wait on God. 

One of the things I've learned in my waiting is to have a good disposition. That's key. Sulking doesn't make the time go by faster. Nope. Not at all. Sometimes sulking makes the time seem to go by slower. 

Instead, keep your mind and your heart focused on our Jesus while you wait. You'll never know the difference it can make when you spend a little more time in prayer and meditation with Him. 

So, wait with a smile. :-) Have confidence in our God to deliver that which He has promised. I've typed wait so much that now, I've got to pull out my ipod and listen to John Waller's song from the movie Fireproof..."While I'm Waiting"...Here's a link to the video on YouTube - or your can just watch it below. Enjoy! See you next week!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Random Thoughts on the "Spotlight"

It was my turn and their eyes were all on me. 

I felt small. Not in a good way - like I've been working out at the gym and can finally wear "those" jeans again, small. No, the other small. The kind where inferiority rules the day. The kind of small that makes you wonder whatever drove you to volunteer or consent to be put through such torture.

In my best southern, all I can say is "Y'all, I felt real small." 

What could I say to these folks. I mean truly - why haven't they all gotten up and run away? They didn't run. They sat there. They smiled. They listened.  

That day, I learned something about the spotlight. And now, I want to share it with you. 

I have never been a spotlight seeking kind of girl. I prefer the background. In fact, I tend to be the one casting the light on someone else. It makes me feel good to help someone else shine. But one day, God clued me in on an assignment. And when I felt that nudge from God to get out in the front - where the people are ... with those eyeballs all looking at me... to speak - to hold a microphone and let my voice be amplified for His glory - well, I told Him, "you got the wrong one baby!" 

Yea, wrong response, I know. But I liked the comfort of curtains and the darkness that inevitably goes with being behind the scenes.

God is so good - and persistent....

He knew what He wanted to accomplish in me. And so, with unmatched skill and precision, He yanked the rug out from under my comfortable space. Yep. And I fell on my behind. And with that thump, I knew why I'd lost with footing. Disobedience.

So I yielded.

Placed in the spotlight with the Lord as my guide, I tried my best. And of course,  I quickly came to the end of myself. I learned that it was essential to lean on God. He makes the spotlight bearable for those of us who don't like "that kind" of light. When we rely on Him, He can move effortlessly in our lives to bring to fruition that which He desires.  

When we rely on God in the spotlight, He gets the glory.

When you are in the spotlight, you have a voice and an audience. So use the opportunity well. Use it for God's glory. Our amplified voices point the worn and weary souls to Him. Our amplified voices bring Him glory and praise.

So, when you find yourself in the spotlight - and you will - be sure to give Him the glory. You may not be on a stage with lights and all of that, but you will be given an opportunity to give Him the glory. Be ready.

Be sure to let Him and others know that He is your banner. Prolaim the truth of your existence - you are sponsored by His Majesty. We need His support, His strength and His backing. In your spotlight, do not take any glory for yourself, but heap it all back to the only Righteous and deserving One. 

When you give Him the praise in your spotlight, all fear, nervousness and inappropriate smallness is gone. Trust me. On this one, I have personal experience and can testify that it's true.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries