Sometimes the choices that others make hurt us.
Whether intentional or not, the hurt is still there.
We cannot change others or make their decisions for them. God gives us all freewill. Therefore, the only choices we can make are our own. We have to decide how we will respond to the choices of others that hurt our very feelings.
I want to encourage you today to do a few things when you find yourself in that situation:
1. Look to God. And, while this could be our first and last point, I will not stop there. We've got to look to Him because He is the one that knows the entire situation. He knows exactly how you are a feeling. He created you and knows how you respond to things. In fact, He knew that this situation was going to come before you experienced. He knows all about it and He cares. He is waiting on you to look to Him. And, when you do, you will find the strength and encouragement to move forward. When you hurt, He hurts too - He is not an insensitive God. But, He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. So, look to Him.
2. Recognize your worth. As a believer, you are a child of the King. So, no hurtful decision from someone else affects your worth in God's eyes. You are strong because your strength comes from the Lord. You can make it when you depend on God. You can make it when you recognize that you add value to the world because you are a Creation from God. He determines your value - not anyone else. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
3. Move forward. I have wasted YEARS of my life all because I couldn't find the courage to move forward after someone hurt me. God never intended for me to get stuck like that. But now, I have a testimony that says that resisting forward movement is detrimental on so many levels. It takes courage to move forward. But, it's available through God. Don't allow that one that hurt you victory over you for years like I did. Be better than that. Move forward with your life. By doing so, you give God glory. There is an old saying - if He brings you to it, He can bring you through it. Rest in that assurance today and move forward.
You do not have to lobby for somebody else's approval of you. God approves. That's enough.
You do not have to stay bound up because someone hurt you. Cry if you have to - but put your trust fully in the Lord and walk with Him. He'll never leave you nor forsake you.
And lastly, don't wear hurt like a badge or pendant. Get through it, with the help of God and cast it off. You don't need the weight or the stinch of it. Cast it off and leave it off.
I don't know why this was on my heart this morning, but hopefully and prayerfully, as you read this post, you will be encouraged to know that God knows and He cares so much about you. He loves you with an everlasting love and He is for you. He has a positive opinion of you and He wants you to walk in victory today.
So, chin up - dry your eyes - and keep moving to the glory of God!
Amen!!!This was awesome blog!!Let it go and let God have his way!!!Thanks i am indeed encourage for today!!!God still is in control!!!