It's Election Day!

Did you vote today?

If you didn't vote, and you are eligible to do so, stop reading this blog, and go vote!

If you elected to do early-voting, as I did, then you can relax and keep reading.

I am sooooooooooooooo excited today! I vote up before my alarm clock today. (that's a rare thing). I can hardly contain my election excitement. This is a historic election, ya know.

And, after having come from overseas and seeing just how much the world is watching our presidential election, it gave me even more excitement. C'mon America. Get out to vote!

My mind is so preoccupied with this election, and the excitement that it entails - seeing how the lines are forming at polling places and watching the candidates make their final appeals last night - man, I'm pumped.

I know that God will ultimately be the judge, but that does not make this any less important. I'm sooooooooo excited. Are you? Did you vote?