A Week-END Surprise!

Have you ever had one of those weekends where it just seemed like a continuation of your week? No down time. Go, go, go all weekend long? They kinda stink don’t they? Aren’t the weekends for rest and rejuvenation? Okay – well, in this society that is a bit of a stretch for the whole weekend to be centered on rest and rejuvenation, but I’m saying, at least one day, right!?!

Anyway, I was rolling all weekend long until Sunday evening when my body called a “time out!” We were done. Running on vapors. So, I positioned myself on the couch and waited to feel better.

I started coming around pretty good and then it dawned on me that I had not checked email. (I know. But keep reading.) So, I popped up – well, that’s a stretch too – I slowly got up and decided to make the effort to get the computer.

I’m sooooo glad that I did!!! There was one little email that was kinda important. You see, I had submitted a devotional entry to a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries called She Seeks. They had gotten back with me on Sunday night to let me know that they would indeed be running my devotional – this week! So, I made preparations to do what was required, including getting them a photo. And now, this week, my devotional will run.

Please pop on over to their site. Check out the devotional that the Lord gave to me to encourage us in His love:
http://sheseeks.org/2009/guess-who-is-into-you/ And then, jump into the conversation. Let me know what you think. I’ll be moderating comments all week.

To learn more about She Seeks, check out their badge on the right side of my blog. Scroll down a bit and you'll see it!

In His Service!

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Asleep at the wheel?

As a frequent flyer, I’m a little disturbed by the latest report on the news. It seems that there is a possibility that two Northwest pilots fell asleep in the cockpit. I’m not naive, I know that pilots will catch a nap from time-to-time but it’s usually not both pilots napping at the same time!

The plane was on autopilot so there was not any particular jeopardy as far as that goes – they would reach their destination, and in fact, it was a rather boring, straight path that the crew would have needed to follow. Well, follow they did – right past the destination. 150 miles past the destination!

In all fairness, it has not been proven that they were asleep. Instead, the pilots are saying that they were in a heated debate over airline policy. This makes some sense seeing as how Northwest is merging with Delta. But what doesn’t make sense is to overshoot your destination by that far.

This line of thinking brings me to my ultimate point and it is this – please pay attention! I’m talking to airline pilots, passenger vehicle drivers, motorcyclists – everybody on the road or in the sky! Pay attention. We are far too distracted and our distractions could be detrimental, not only to us but to others.

It does not matter to me whether they were asleep - albeit very disturbing – or even if they were bickering – again, very disturbing - what matters more to me is that they were not paying attention. It was an accident waiting to happen.

These two pilots are grounded pending further review. Good call. 150 miles?!! Seriously! So, we don’t have to worry about them. But we still need to be accountable for our own actions. So, when you jump into your vehicle today, be alert and be mindful of those that share the road with you. I know it sounds like a PSA but I’m just saying…

Have a great weekend!

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Good News on the News

Finally some good news on the news.

If we look past all the drama associated with what has been labeled the morning news, we find one story that makes me smile. One story that attests to the goodness of the Lord. For me, that one story was the Angela Montez. At gunpoint, she prayed to the Lord Jesus. The would-be-robber then handed her the only bullet in the gun and talked with her. She ministered to that young man. She was a witness. Check out her story,
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Call Him Now

Did you mom ever threaten to change her name because you were calling on her too much? Generally, when this happened, weren’t you desirous of something - be it her attention or you needed her help with something.

Yea- those were the good old days. You knew that even though she may have said that she would change her name if you called her one more time, secretly, she savored being needed. She savored that fact that you depended on her for whatever it was.

How much so is our Lord like that. He wants us to lean and depend on Him - calling out to Him when we want His attention or even when we need something. I don’t have a long post today - I’ve had quite a bit to say already and it’s only mid-week. Instead, I desire that you will take a moment and call on the Lord.

Call on Him. He’ll answer. And, you two will have good fellowship today - even in this brief moment. Call on Him now.

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Humanity Gone Wild!

I’m beginning to think that maybe I should take a break from answering my phone or checking my mail. But to do so, would just be a blatant denial of the fact that this world is in trouble. The phone rings with trouble. The mail brings news of trouble. I turn on the television and there is more trouble. It’s like the world version of humanity gone wild.

Today, I took a look at some things that troubled me. First, the balloon-boy was a hoax. Seriously, people? Seriously!! And to think that people were searching, worried, concerned and watching as the whole thing unfolded. I’m not going to even talk about the money that was spent because that’s not really my point. My question is this – how could a parent pull a prank like that. My answer – humanity gone wild.

Then I get the phone call that someone trying to live their life right is constantly barraged by folks trying to live their lives wrong. Instead of celebrating her good, they tear her down. Instead of lifting her up, they’d rather stomp her into the ground. What makes us so heartless? Humanity gone wild.

Then, I look at a newsletter that I received focusing on children living in impoverished conditions because I sponsor a child there. Y’all – it’s bad. Forget a healthcare debate here, they don’t even have the basics for survival. Long life is rare. Does the world care about the less fortunate? Not like it should. Why? Humanity gone wild. Caring more about our own needs than those around us.

I don’t know what to say about all this except for the very fact that we need prayer. I wonder if you will join me in praying for our nation and praying for this world. If you will join me, drop me a note indicating so. You can do so via our normal communication channels (Facebook, blog, email).

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Contemplations About Terminal Illness

I got some news that someone that I know is terminally ill.

I instantly felt helpless - speechless.

What do you say to someone as they come face-to-face with their humanity? What comforting words can you give that don’t sound forced, churchy, or completely like the rhetoric that is always given when someone tells you they are dying?

What words will bring peace? How do I even present peace when I’m racked with confusion? How did this happen? Why?

I know the reality, and you are probably screaming this to me through the computer. Yes, it is true that unless we be raptured, we will all face death, but knowing when you will die or how you will die takes on a certain sobriety.

I know that as Christians, we would love to say that we are ready to die. We proclaim our great faith and look forward to the other shore. But most times, this is said when we are perfectly healthy and able to move around at our will. But what happens when we are indeed sick? How would we feel if we were diagnosed as terminally ill? What would we prefer someone to tell us?

That’s been my thought process recently. And, I can tell you, I wouldn’t want to hear a bunch of rhetoric. I would want to be as realistic as possible. And in this reality, if my friend does not receive a miracle from the Lord, she will die. Plain and simple. I would want to talk about what I might miss and I would want to make my desires known. I would not want to ignore the elephant in the room, but instead, I would want to do my best to accept God’s will for my life. If I am to be terminally ill - If I am to be sick unto death, then as much as I would desire for things to be different, God’s will is more important than mine.

God is in control of all things. He has never lost control. So, if I am sick, then I have to deal with the reality of that sickness. He is able to heal me. But, healing me of that sickness may not be in His plan and purpose for my life. There might be a greater work at hand.

Realizing this, I would seek the Lord to ask Him what He would have me to do in my final days. Is my death a proving point for someone - is it the catalyst that will ultimately save a soul? How can I serve Him in my final days. These would hopefully be the thoughts that I would carry with me because I truly want to hear “well done, my good and faithful servant” from the Lord Himself.

While we don’t hasten to death, and while I know it can be a grim subject, I would ask that we would spend some time thinking about it today. We live life on full blast never slowing down for some time of reflection, until we are sick. Be different. Slow down now and think about what you want God to tell you. What is the message of your life?

My friend’s illness has not been in vain. Her death, should the Lord allow it, will not be in vain either. Because she is so very young, it has sobered me; humbled me; reminded me that we all have a certain number of days.

So, what do I tell her? I tell her the truth.

I tell her that she means alot to me. That she has shown me what love looks like in the midst of terrible circumstances. That she has been a light even when she didn’t know she was shining in my life. I would tell her that although it would never be my plan for her to depart this world so soon, that God knows best and what’s best. So, if she gets the miracle, great, but if God chooses a different route, then we will adjust. We will celebrate the goodness of the Lord. In all things, He is good! In all things.

And, I tell my friend, not to worry about the things that may happen in her absence, because God has a plan for that as well. I tell her, because I love her. Denial has no place in love nor reality. I tell her while I can.

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An Adoption Story

I don't know if you follow her blog or not, but if you do then you'll know exactly what I'm referring to. She recently adopted a child from Ethiopia and has just now received the child in her arms, as her own. Apparently there is a really big process involved with the whole adoption process. I don't know the whole backstory, but it seems that it is amazing how God was so in the midst of it all. She'll be posting this soon - I'm figuring once she hits a stride with her new routine.

"She" is Renee Swope. I've had the distinct pleasure of meeting her and she is just as genuine as they come. I like Renee because she is not one of "those" women caught up in her own. Instead, she desires to reach out and help others. She is real - admitting her struggles and celebrating Jesus in her accomplishments. And, well, without getting on a whole soapbox about her ministry to women, I thought instead that you may as well just check out her link and decide for yourself. Her she is in her own words:


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Me and the Boys

I’ve been hanging out with a few furry creatures. They are my fav little pups - and they know it too. They prance into my house, strutting their stuff, waiting to be adored. And, right on cue, I tell them how wonderful they are. They’ve got me trained.

They spent a few nights with me and I am blessed because of them. Yes, I’m slightly allergic to them, but they demonstrate to me how to love unconditionally. They demonstrate to me how to have fun in almost any situation. They love to play and make themselves at home wherever they are.

We played with tennis balls and tug toys, and made up games. They chased each other around my furniture too - definately funny. And, best of all, we took naps together. Me on my couch and them on the floor near me. Animals can teach us something if we will just look and see the lesson.

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Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” - Proverbs 27:6

The voice on the other end of the line begged me for a response. Pleading, she wanted to know my opinion. She wanted me to tell her if her view of the situation was right. I did not want to tell her - because she was not right. Instead, I wanted to comfort and console her. But, she pressed me. Backed me in a corner. Beseeched me. And, with hesitation for her fragile heart, I sent up a prayer and let the words roll as gently as I could.

I tried to convey to her a few key elements. Unfortunately, she was not right. Scripture did not support her position. She had indeed acted in the flesh.

I was not ready for her backlash.

I guess by now though, I really should be more comfortable with this type of situation. It is not easy to come face to face with the stench of our own sin and unrighteousness. Simply put, although we may beg and plead, we really don’t want to know the truth. We would rather believe our own lie - I mean, we would rather believe our own version of the truth. The question we fail to ask ourselves is “at what cost?”

Sometimes, we reject those that tell us the truth. We don’t want to hear it. But again, “at what cost?” Is it better to distance ourselves from the people who make us confront the impurities in our lives or is it better to simply face the matter? So many times, we run from the truth that is in place to free us. We run from the embrace of a real friend who is not afraid to tell us the truth, right into the arms of the enemy that desires to kiss us with deceit. How intimate the embrace of the adversary when we avoid the gentle hold of the Savior.

When we reject the truth dressed in love from a friend and decide to backlash ourselves into the arms of a waiting deceiver, it is not the friend that we hurt. Sure, they will see the error of our ways and may be hurt by our dismissal, but the real damage occurs within us because we have rejected wisdom from a friend.

Sometimes, as Christian friends, we have to say the hard things. Sometimes we have to be willing to risk hurt feelings so that the gospel is advanced. There is no room for compromise in the Kingdom of God. If your friend is telling you something that is truth but hurts your feelings, look beyond the messenger and thank the Savior. Your friend is being faithful in delivering this message to you. It’s now up to you to pray about the guidance your friend has given you and then move forward into that which glorifies the Father in Heaven. Your friend is not trying to hurt you - only help you. Faithful are the wounds of a friend.

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They Walked Away

Last night, as I was relaxing in the fibers of my beloved couch, I got a phone call. The caller gave me a belated birthday greeting and told me how she walked away from death.

She was on her way to a retreat when her tire blew. The vehicle spun out of control and flipped four times. One passenger was thrown from the vehicle.

At the time of the accident, there were no other vehicles on that stretch of highway except the two other vehicles that were following this one. A miracle for a busy stretch of highway.

The ambulance and rescue personel responded - having to cut the passengers out of the vehicle. No one was seriously injured. They all went to the hospital to be checked out. Everyone ultimately walked away. A miracle.

When I think about this caller, and all that happened, I give God the praise. You see, she could have been killed in this accident, but God had anther plan. They all walked away. It makes me wanna sing “Count Your Blessings.” For we only have to look at the photo that was released to see what God has done!

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What will you choose?

It’s been a good week. I thank you for stopping by my blog! On Monday, my fish died. I blogged about that on Tuesday. And, while it has been an adjustment for me – I’m okay. My Godmother’s and Grandfather’s birthdays are this week. Joy! What a blessing they have both been to me.

It has got me to think less about my own personal circumstances and more about the circumstances of those around me.

In my sphere of influence, I make choices daily. In your sphere of influence, you do as well. Each moment of each day, we make a decision to either follow God or follow Satan. We make a decision to love God or love the world. Each moment of every day – the choice is our very own.

I choose to be happy for the years that I had for my fish – to God, I’m grateful. And, although there will not be anymore fish in my home anytime soon, I have wonderful memories of a very personable fish. There really was no fish like him!

Instead of choosing to think negative thoughts, I choose to think glorious God-affirming thoughts. I choose to think of what a wonderful God I serve – who happens to make glorious little fish with big personalities.

I choose to thank God for the opportunities that I have to live life and enjoy it to the full – even in the midst of bad times. I choose to think about others and not myself. I choose. You choose. WE choose. Thank you Lord!

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Jordan - the Created, my Beloved

I believe that God finds value in all living things. Each living thing has a purpose and each living thing is good – simply because God created it. Genesis backs me up on this. So, it is with a heavy heart that I report that Jordan, my beloved fish of 2.5 years, has died.

Now, some of you may be ready to trip out that I am posting with a heavy heart about a pet fish. But, that’s the difference between valuing the created because of the Creator and being casual about the created. I’m not indifferent to Jordan’s death. I do care. And, I believe that God cares too.

Jordan was a happy fish. He brought me tons of joy. He swam around in his tank with authority and devoured every good meal of yummy bloodworms and Betta bites. Towards the end of his life, he lost part of his vision and some of his color – I told him he was growing gray – an old man in fish years. During the last week, he also lost most of his appetite. I knew his time was coming and prayed that God’s will be done and that I would be able to accept it.

Every morning when I bound down my steps, bellowing out his name, he would greet me by the same side of the tank. But alas, not anymore. In yesterday’s mist and rain, I held a private service for Jordan and committed him to the earth.

I’m posting this private moment as a public plea for you to take time to value every created thing, pet fish or otherwise, if for no other reason than to reverence the Creator.

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Obedience is Better

He never runs low on compassion.

Jesus touched the man with leprosy and healed him. He showed him compassion with his touch. He made the “unclean” clean. And when He did this, He commanded this man, with a new lease on life, to keep this to himself and go show himself to the priest.

But, that is not what the man did.

This man, having escaped the loneliness of leprosy was joyful and happy and straightway went to tell everyone that would listen about what Jesus had just done for him. He disobeyed a direct commandment from the Lord. He disregarded what he had been told in favor of what he wanted to do. Oh, we must be so careful to always obey the command of the Lord!

Now, before we go and get all up in this man’s Kool-aid, we need to be reminded that we do the same thing.

I don’t know what miracle and/or healing has been performed in your life and I don’t know what instructions have been given to you from the Lord. But I do know this, many of the times when we are given instructions, we do not obey them. We do not follow through. All I have to do to prove this point is to watch television, look out the window, answer a phone call and if I’m really brutally honest, I can look in the mirror.

Why don’t we obey? Is it because we think we know better? Noodle on that.

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

I cannot imagine it. This is to say that my mind cannot form the mental strength to wrap itself around the reality of God’s love. He shows us such compassion that we do not deserve. No, we don’t deserve it. He gives us His grace and mercy.

So much grace and mercy!

I would that we would take a few moments to consider everything that He has required of us collectively as His children and individually as His servants. Now, with those assignments positioned in the forefront of our mind, think about obedience.

Where you and I have been weak, I pray that we would do better.

Where you and I have been strong, I pray that we will continue.

Obedience is key - it’s very existence, a subset of faith and trust.

If you say you love the Lord, have faith and trust Him then obey Him.

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My Pre-Birthday Celebration!

My birthday is coming up – and because I will not be in my office on the day of my birthday, some of my co-workers got together and joyfully trashed my cubicle. I’m telling ya, I feel the L.O.V.E!!!

There is confetti E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E with balloons and the other B-day paraphernalia. My spot has never looked so festive! Now, how is it that I’m supposed to actually do work when my desk screams party? I dunno – but alas, I guess I’d better figure it out. Deadlines, ya know!

Thanks for stopping by today! I would show you a picture of this fantastic insanity, but it would go against the confidential nature of my work - not to mention all the junk on my desk that I would hate for all of bloggyland to see. So, just use your imagination and think of the pink, green, yellow, red and blue festivity happening over here! Cheers!

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