So, I'm into my Christmas songs now - can you tell? Fred Hammond sings a song entitled "Just Remember." It's on his album released in 2001 - Fred Hammond Christmas - Just Remember. What I like about that song is that he talks about family gatherings and cheer but his main point is that we remember Who this whole day is about.
So many times, in so many ways, even as believers, we turn Christmas into something about us. It's not about us. Our very existence has never been about us. We were created that we may give glory to the Father. That puts a few things in perspective. For example, I would love nothing more than to experience Christmas with my own family. I don't have a husband yet and neither do I have kids, so that is an impossibility for me this Christmas. That does not give me license to now drag around saying "woe is me." Instead, I have to put things into perspective and be thankful for the rich, plentious blessings that I do have. God has done soooo very much in my life. And, I don't have any doubt. I know it is by His grace and mercy that I have everything that I do have.
I submit to you, as we approach Christmas, to Just Remember, that it's not about you, neither is it about me. It's not about any of us. It's all about JESUS - the real reason for the season. So, come what may, just remember, that we are celebrating Him. Come, let us adore him!
Amen! I was out today shopping and was really "feeling" the me-it is about me-syndrome. Some from me but much more out there in the world. It was really sad. It is about Jesus.
Much love and Merry Christmas!