I was talking with my Grandfather not too long ago. I generally will talk to him a couple of times per week. Our “conversations” go like this…I doing all the talking and he does the listening. No surprise there right? Anyway, on this particular day, I was discussing how I felt about a particular subject. I felt that it was unfair for God to xyz or allow xyz. The tone of our conversation immediately changed. My Grandfather, who is always kind and loving, got very stern with me. He schooled me right then on the fact that we do not tell God how to be God. He is sovereignly in control of all things and His will is perfect – even if I do not understand it.
It was in that moment that two things occurred to me. First, I recognized what the Bible meant when it refers to the “fear of the Lord.” Secondly, I recognized that my own fear and reverence for God needed a shot in the arm! Now, let me straighten things out for you a little bit. I fear the Lord – He is, afterall, my creator. But, in talking with my Grandfather, he spoke as a man that has walked with the Lord for such a long time and has complete confidence in the Lord – all trust – no doubt. At the end of my journey – when I am somebody’s grandparent – will my testimony and devotion be as strong as my Grandfather’s? I pray so – if not even stronger!
The only way to get there is to start now by really giving God His due. It’s more than showing up on Sundays and for Bible Study and Church Conference etc etc. It’s more than the things we do before others. I’m discovering that it’s in the secret places that our faith and adoration grows. It’s in those quiet moments with the Creator God.
As you spend time with your Father in devotion and quiet time, will you take a moment to really explore Who He is – What He is like and why it’s so wonderful to be called His own? That’s what I plan to do. And, I believe that will make this wonderful path all the better – our faith will increase as our knowledge of Him increases.
What a good testimony. I pray to to be the same.