That's When He Blessed Me!

Neal Roberson sings a song entitled "That's When You Blessed Me" that always seems to come along at just the right time - it always ministers to me! He says that when we give things over to the Lord, that's when He blesses us. When I examine my life, I can attest to this. For me, it has been somewhat of a power struggle to turn things over to the Lord (as if my solution is the better one! - HA!). But, I'm learning - when I release my cares to Him, He will take care of them. Let me say it this way - when I submit to His will - then He moves in my situations. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother/sister/loved one. His will is perfect! And it's when I move out of the way, He does the seemingly impossible.

Over my past few blog entries, I was in a rough spot. But, because I gave things BACK to the Lord, (I realized that I really couldn't fix it - and my attempts were just making a messy situation worse), He moved. And, He did so quickly. I've seen the hand of the enemy and I'm looking at things with new eyes. Not from the valley but from the high view and perspective of Heaven.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord. So, I thank Him and I thank you - your prayers petitioned Heaven on my behalf. God heard. God moved. To God be the glory!


One Response so far.

  1. That is such a great praise!
    Much love,