I’ve had two-back-to-back marathon weekends! Both were not originally planned that way. In fact, this weekend was to be the “cleaning out” weekend. A few blogs back I discussed my pack rat issues. I’ve run out of good space and need to clean up! I did purchase the appropriate bins (yard sale, keep, throw out), but I was not home long enough to put them into use.
It seems like everything is going on. We are starting the new fiscal year at my job – which means several projects for me, we have started a new Bible Study at church (Isaiah) – which means a review that has to be completed and turned in and we, as a country, are entering into the Holiday shopping season – which means figuring out who to buy for and what to buy – and I don’t particularly like shopping unless it’s for electronics. I could go on and on – and so could you. Life is not getting more simplistic – it’s doing the opposite. But, I’m not worried. I’m not consumed by the fact that every time I cross something off on my list, something else pops back up to take its place. I have a peace now that I’ve never had before. Wanna know my secret?
Well, it’s not really a secret. It’s the source of my strength. I’ve called upon God to organize my schedule and give me better time management. And, in doing so, and trusting and relying on Him, I can get what needs to get done accomplished for that day. Everything else goes back on the list for another time or someone else will step up and take it off of my plate. I’m not looking for a task-free list. I’m just looking to do what’s right in God’s sight.
As the Holidays approach, and the busyness of the season kicks in, ask God to help you with your schedule too. There’s a reward in asking for His guidance. He will give you His perfect peace.
As a self-proclaimed "piddler" who is expert at frittering away the minutes because of disorganization, I know the truth and power in quiet time with God. It's amazing how much more productive I am when His Spirit's had a chance to envelope me, then guide me the rest of the day. Love You! Have a great Thanksgiving!