From the 26th Floor...

I am optimistic today. I am a recipient of new mercies from God. Grace is abounding in my life. As I looked at the view from my hotel room this morning, I was inspired. I am in Boston, on the 26th floor. From this vantage point, I can see for miles. It got me to thinking. God has a perspective of our lives in which we cannot imagine. He knows everything about us – and knowing all of this, He still cares for us. While I may have been low down, deep in the valley only able to see a few paces in front of me, God looks over the expanse and sees everything there is to see concerning me. He can see for miles – literally and figuratively. So, there is no need for me to worry about things that I can’t see – I just need to rest in the assurance that God is for me and He is with me. He said that He would never leave me nor forsake me. So, I’m leaning and depending on Him alone. I surrender the urge to “control” my circumstances. Instead now, I recognize and confess that I cannot control these things. I’ve had the wrong focus. Looking out the window from here suggests to me to keep my eye on the real goal – to keep my focus Heavenward. If I stay entrenched and focused on one street or one block, (ie one situation or circumstance) I will miss seeing the majestic view of God’s plan for my life. Life is indeed worth the living with my hope properly placed in God.

It’s funny. I really didn’t want to make this trip to Boston. But, in being here, I have gained more strength for the journey. I will continue to press forward. I am making new strides and I am connected to my Father in a new way.

And, if you are wondering, no, I do not have tickets for the world series. I’m a few grand short! Yes, tickets are really going for thousands. But this trip has been a spiritual homerun!

Yours and His,

One Response so far.

  1. I love you got put on the 26th floor. A view from the mountain top-hope when you are in a valley. God is good girl.

    Much love,