I counted three dead animals in the road today on my way to work. Three furry little creatures were not able to make it to the other side. As I drove past, careful not to hit them, I began to wonder why there were so many. I do commute to work but these animals were all in a concentrated area. All three were recipients of a deadly interaction with the road and a multi-ton vehicle.
It amazes me how, as a prosperous nation, we quickly overlook such events. And, perhaps, in light of the week I’ve had with the death of a fellow co-laborer, I’m a little sensitive. But, these creatures are God’s creation. There is something to be gained by taking a little time to reflect on the fact that something that was here is no longer here.
Sometimes, I think that some of my activities are sooo very careless. I’m not watching and being alert as I should. Perhaps these furry little animals were struck because of the time change from daylight savings time to standard time – they crossed as usual but didn’t take into account that something was different. Perhaps by an admitted large stretch of my imagination, they and the drivers were “careless.” Perhaps they were not watching as they should. My point is this: we have been lured into a false sense of security. We need to watch and pray, but at times, that seems like the last thing we do. It should be the first.
We need to watch and pray. Although we may not be trying to “cross the road” we are trying to make it into Heaven. We need to watch and pray so that the subtle tricks of the enemy do not have the opportunity to rob us of our reward. Watch and pray so that our loved ones make it into eternity with us. Watch and pray so that we flee from hurt and danger.
We need to stop depending on somebody else to “do something” about the situations and circumstances ravaging America. Who is standing up for God? The elected official in Georgia is being called “crazy” because he dared to call a prayer session for rain in the midst of their drought. Who is publicly standing with him? We need to watch and pray. Don’t you recall a time when homosexuality and promiscuity were not suitable for primetime television but now, that’s all you see. More and more television programs are embracing this lifestyle of illicit sex as okay – when God clearly says it is not. And, then we wonder what happens when someone, something or some belief lies dead in the figurative road of life – Christians need to watch and pray.
As many times as we have “crossed the road,” each day is a new one. We are to be careful – we are to watch and pray. This applies not only to ourselves, but to our loved ones. God desires that not one be lost – we need to extend the umbrella of Christian love to our brethren – we need to make ourselves available to help them make it to the other side in a spirit of community.
Will you join me in watching and praying? It begins on the inside – in your quiet time, alone with God. Watch and pray.
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
That is such a great word, Sanya. I won't look at these roadside casualties the same way again. Thank you.