
I’ve got weeds y’all. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I put a lot of time and effort into maintaining a nice green lush lawn. I got that from my Dad. If you make the investment in a house, you should also make an investment in the yard. It “frames” the house.

Well, where I live, we are experiencing an “exceptional drought.” Apparently that’s the worst category. Pray for rain! Because of the drought and my busy travel schedule, the lawn is parched. My grass is no longer nice, green and lush. In fact, in some spots, the lawn is bare. The grass died due to the harsh conditions – extreme heat – no nourishing and cooling rain. And now, I see weeds encroaching in my grass!

It got me thinking. Could it be that my spiritual life is being played out in my yard?

There are cycles in my life that I have to guard against. I can be red-hot for God or I can be a lazy Christian and sometimes I fall somewhere in between. Don’t gasp. I’m not alone. My “status” in this area all depends on how much quiet time I spend alone with God.

Lately, I’ve been slack. I’ve put several other “important” and well-intentioned things before my devotional time with God. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still praying and studying. But, I’m talking about real quiet time – where I am still enough – long enough to hear my Father speak to me. Quiet time!

As a result of neglecting my quiet time, the “harsh” circumstances and conditions of my life have presented a drought-like situation for my soul. I need the nourishing rain of a long conversation with my Father.

I’m going to seek after and pray for the rain in my spiritual life that the ground of my heart may be saturated with praise for God. I finally understand the saying “My soul thirsts for thee.” I know that grass – having a personal relationship with God – is the best defense against weeds. I’ve got weeds in my yard but I don’t want weeds in my soul.

I’m taking steps now to remedy my “scheduling” situation such that I will be a woman of God that pleases Him and that has an intimate relationship with Him – sans weeds!

Afterall, He comes first! But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

2 Responses so far.

  1. Amen to you my sister! I too see that pattern in my own life.
    Thanks for your honesty. Praying along with you for rain!

    Much love,

  2. Kathy says:

    This was such a great analogy. We've all got weeds, Amen? Praise God that He's the Master Gardener and we can rely on him.