Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! 
It is my prayer that you will take the time to really enjoy this season! I am making every effort to put the brakes on my normal routine and really be present, right now. ALOT of things have slipped in my life as a result of my schedule, so I'm making the effort now to catch up, carry through and then rest...ah...R.E.S.T. As a result, I'm putting the brakes on this blog until January. So, check back then. I'll be back with fresh blog entries and hopefully more thoughtful commentary. In the meantime, I'll be popping in on Twitter. I'm @bolmin. Join the conversation when/if you can.

Tis the Season! Spread His love.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Created Us

One of the tough things in life is getting to know and accept yourself. It’s so easy, particularly in the time in which we are living, to point out our flaws. 
Society tells us that we are too fat or too skinny. Celebrities set the pace for what is trendy or cool. There’s a doctor in every local community telling us how we can better enhance our God-given features - “to make them better.” And it seems like every channel has some offering of what to eat, how to dress, how to cook, how to act and how to be in every plausible situation. And if you are not careful, you will find yourself doubting who God has created you to be. You will run towards what society dictates as acceptable, leaving God’s design in the dust. 
Last week, while I was digesting way too much turkey, I saw a special about folks addicted to plastic surgery. I personally didn’t know such a thing existed - well, except for with Michael Jackson. Nevertheless, these women were getting their noses tapered, ears pinned, breast lifted, faces pulled, limps pumped, brows botoxed and fat sucked away. One woman had over 10 surgical procedures done in one day. Wowzers. And you know what she said after it was all said and done - she wished she could go back to who she was pre-surgery. 
The blessing in our uniqueness is that God Himself took the time to form and shape us into the people that we are. We are not mistakes and our features are not either. So, how about we spend less time fidgeting in front of the mirror or with the doctor planning what we want to change, and begin to accept just who we really are. Let’s be who God made us to be.   

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Knows

If there is one thing that can be said about most people, it’s that they want to be known. The path to such knowing takes different routes and manifests itself in differing levels of transparency. But to the degree in which the person desires it, they will be known. 
Some people seek the lime light. They want to be known for their talent or giftedness. Some people seek popularity for popularity’s sake. They think of themselves as the next Paris Hilton or next celebrity who is famous for just being famous. 
Yet on the opposite end of the spectrum, others shun the spot light, yet they desperately want to be known. Not by the media, but by the ones in which they share their lives. They feel isolated and unknown, undervalued and not cherished in the least. 
In recent studies, I have been directed to Psalm 139 and this subject of knowing has once again come to the forefront. David tells us that God knows us. 
God knows us in such an intimate fashion that is inexplicable to mankind. He has known us since we were embryos in our mother’s womb. He knows all about who we are and what we will be; He knows our character even before we ever know our name. He is all round us, searching and knowing us; understanding our thoughts. Our Creator knows us. He knows. 
So that helps us to think about this knowing in a different way now, asking ourselves this question - “who do we want to know us?” 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Thankful for Thanksgiving

It's that time of year again. I am amazed at how much earlier Christmas seems to come to advertisers and retailers. I've seen Christmas trees, lit and ready; stockings hung on store walls; wreaths, ropes and bulbs. Wrapping paper too. It's not even Thanksgiving yet. I don't know why folks like to trapse over Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday.

Some people immediately understand why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Usually, it's their favorite too or they just get why it's so important. But others need a little explanation. And that's okay. Someone once told me that they couldn't understand the importance of Thanksgiving since we do not exchange gifts. They argued that on Christmas, Valentine's Day and even Birthdays, we get gifts. And they wondered why I would choose lowly Thanksgiving, the holiday with no gifts, to pick as my favorite.

Well, here's what I told them - paraphrased, of course. I believe we do get a gift on Thanksgiving. And, it's the best gift. It's not the food - it's the company. Thanksgiving is the holiday where we get to celebrate each other. We celebrate how God has been good to us in providing for our every need. We celebrate how we've been able to use the resources that God has provided to glorify His name. We celebrate the cooks in the kitchen, whether it's our own kitchen or not, as we partake of all the pleasantries that grace each table. We talk. We live. We just are. At Thanksgiving, we see folks we hardly ever see anymore and we re-connect. I love Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful to God for Thanksgiving. I wish these pesky retailers would stop trying to rush and/or overlook my favorite holiday, and instead just be grateful. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Glad I Can Call On Him

Today’s news headlines are enough to make me shout for Jesus to return. I thought I was about to get some peace from the television set now that the elections are over but alas, I deceived myself. I should have known better than to think like that. The enemy is busy and getting busier all the time.

Take a look at these headlines from a local station:
-          foreclosures surge 40%
-          five dead in hepatitis B outbreak
-          wounded men shot each other
-          cutting deficit will hurt
-          happy homecoming ends twin’s ordeal (they had been kidnapped by their father and taken out of state).

I bet you want to holler for Jesus to come back too! We are being attacked on every side. We have financial issues, health scares, violence and family problems that are forcing their way to the spotlight of our lives. If I started trying to list every problem that every body had, then we really would be in trouble.

So, what now?

Put your hope in Jesus.

Unlike us, Jesus is not surprised by all the carnage and calamity that we are getting an eye-full of right now. All along, through the wisdom of the Bible, we should have expected this increasing assault from the enemy. But it’s not just the enemy. Look at how our nation, once religious, has now pushed religion to the backburners. Look how the church has become a place of refuge during the hard times and a place that is unnecessary in the good times. Look at how we, through legislation and activity try to lock Jesus in the closet while pulling out those who should stay in. We, individually and as a nation, need to deal with our sin. And if we still choose, in light of everything going on around us, to let sin reign unchallenged, it will continue to handle us – bending and breaking us down.

Put your hope in Jesus. For He will not fail and is not fickle. He answers according to His Word. He will not disappoint you. Instead, He will stand with you – encouraging you even through this time that we live in. I’m glad I can call on Him. I hope you can too.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Do Your Research and Vote!

So many political ads! Ugh. I'm ready for this election to be over. I feel this way because I've already done my part. I've already voted. Have you? If you have, great! If not, keep reading.

Look, you need to get to the polls on tomorrow, November 2nd. We have come too far to not vote now. Everybody is saying that but what does it really mean? Can I give you an example. Google Fannie Lou Hamer. She was a civil rights activist as well an a political activist. Perhaps that will provide a bit of inspiration. But if knowing the efforts and trials that Fannie Lou Hamer endured isn't enough to get you to research the candidates and then rollout to vote on Tuesday, remember this:

The harassment. The beatings. The blood. The dogs. The lynchings. The tears. The fears. The marches. The legistlation. The victory. I'm not telling you who to vote for. Just vote. Do your research on each candidate and vote. In my county - a progressive county with lots to offer every nationality, we are hearing reports of harassment at the early voting polls. Some people are being told that they cannot vote when it is their right to vote. Don't fall victim to this injustice. Know your rights. Visit the Elections Homepage for your state if you have questions, but don't turn around now. Press your way in and vote your convictions.

We don't have time for Wednesday morning quarterbacking. We need to know who we want and make our vote count. Fannie Lou Hamer made her efforts count. Will you? Please do! VOTE!!! VOTE!!! VOTE!!!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

We Can't Go Back

I had the opportunity to participate in my second African American Women of Faith conference call. It was wonderful. The first one featured First Lady Michelle Obama and this call had gospel artist and radio personality, Yolanda Adams, and a host of influential female clergy across the nation. We were all participating in our individual capacity, not representing any church nor encouraging that you vote for any particular person or party. Instead, we talked about the importance of exercising our right to vote. 

So, I want to take a minute on this blog to encourage you to exercise YOUR right to vote. So many times, we feel powerless - like what we do does not matter or will not matter. But don't believe the lies of the enemy. You matter. Your vote matters. 

These elections are going to be close. So, make sure that, no matter which side of the aisle you find yourself, that you can say with confidence that you have researched your candidates and you made your vote count. 

So, vote now, vote early. And if you must wait until then, vote on November 2nd. We cannot go back to a time where we didn't vote, or where we couldn't vote. We can't go back to a time where apathy rules the day. We cannot move the country forward if we are constantly looking back. Let's move forward. Vote!    

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Choosing God

Angela Thomas has captured my attention. I wrote about the conference I attended in July. She was the keynote speaker one night. As a result, I purchased some of her materials. On the way home, I listened to her teaching CDs and now, I'm doing a workbook with my friend. 

One of the exercises focuses on Choosing God. Angela says that she knows it sounds like Jesus 101. I laughed. It does sound like that from reading the title but there is so much more beneath the surface...behind the words...choosing God.

It's a reminder to me that it really is a choice. Christianity and having a relationship with God is your choice and my choice. God is such a Gentleman that He does not push Himself on us. Instead, He allows us to make the choice. He allows us freewill. 

Angela says "the very first step toward spiritual growth is choosing with your heart and your mind that maturity is what you want." If you want Jesus, He's there for you. He's not hard to find. He's not wrapped up in some formula. He's there for you. Jesus 101. So simple. Straight and narrow is the way. But we have to want to follow the Way, with our freewill. 

And that's the hitch. We may say we want Him with our mouth, but our heart and mind must also be in agreement. Our total selves must want to follow hard after God. When you seek Him, really seek Him, He will be found. He's good like that. 

So, will you choose Him today? And keep choosing Him the next day and the next day?  It's something to think about for the ones on the fence but I can say with my whole heart and mind that I choose God. I choose Him everyday for the rest of my life. I love Him like that! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries


I've been getting my "celebrate" on lately. I recently had a birthday and because I had been feeling what felt to me like "unbearable" weight, I decided to let all of that go and let loose for my birthday. So, I did. Let me tell you, I ate cake, I went shopping, I fellowshipped with true friends, I rejoiced with my family and of course, I loved on my puppy. He was so excited - he must have thought it was his birthday!

I celebrated because I made a decision that other people's burdens don't have to become totally mine. What a relief! I think I was taking that Galatians 6 a little too directly! Its back to what I said in my last post about the thorn. Yes, I may carry the thorn with me, but it doesn't have to consume me. I just have to obey God. Listen to Him. Be directed by Him. And rejoice because of Him. Celebrate!! Happy Dance. Happy Dance.  Woot!!!

So, that's where I find myself this wonderful day. On celebrate mode. An even though that slew-footed dude keeps trying to bring me down, I'm not going down without a fight. I'm reveling in my Christian freedom. I feel like I can soar!

I feel like singing..."I'm free...praise the Lord, I'm longer bound; no more chains holding me; my soul is resting; it's just a blessing; praise the Lord, Hallelujah, I'm free!" Good thing for you, you're not sitting near me or I'd have to saaang it for you.

So, do I have anything profound to say today? I know that's what you are wondering . And my answer is yes, I do. Rejoice in the freedom you have in Christ, as a believer. You may feel worn down, tattered and torn to pieces by your circumstances. The weight of all the circumstances may be troubling your soul. But just take it to Jesus. Take it to Him and leave it there. He will take your burdens and give you the strength to endure. And, he may just set you free, even in the midst of your circumstance. I still have the friend that is walking by the flesh and not by faith, but, I'm still free. I'm still free to pray for my friend and I'm still free to worship. I'm still free to celebrate! Don't let your situations bind you - get free!

I'm celebrating! I hope you will too. Take a minute to celebrate Jesus!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Obey God, even with the Thorn

I'm troubled about something.

And the thing that is troubling me leaches onto me like some sort of parasite. Sucking. me. dry. No matter what I  try, I cannot seem to shake it loose. So, that means, it is, for this season, my "thorn in the flesh."

I recently had a conversation with a dear friend - still aggrevated about this relentless thorn. I was frustrated and I told her about this thing that is troubling me. And, for the life of me, I cannot understand why someone else's decisions about how they choose to live their life haunts me - except for maybe this reason - we are to help our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

My friend reminded me of just that. 

None of us deserve God's grace - His unmerited favor, but He gives it to us freely. He has extended it to us such that we can have access to everlasting life. God sent His Son - He didn't have to. But He did. God's Son, Jesus, lived a holy life; taught us the way that we are to live; and then He laid down His life for us on the Cross. Thankfully, He was resurrected from the dead and ascended back to Heaven. It's all part of the Master's plan to redeem us and make us His own. But the choice is ours to make. We don't have to choose light. We can choose dark. But in the process of living our lives, those of us who have found the light are charged to share it with others.

And that's why this troubling thorn haunts me. It nags at me. So this is what I've decided to do... I commit to pray for this thing that is troubling me. The Bible clearly shows me and the "thorns" that what's going on is wrong. This "thorny" decision that my thorn-inflicting friend is making is unholy. So, I'll pray. Not that my will be done, but instead the Lord's will be done. I'll pray that the light of God's truth cast itself over that situation. That's what I am supposed to do. I will tarry with it in prayer and wait to see what God will do.

Truthfully, my flesh is not excited about it right now. My flesh says "You've tried, they didn't listen. Leave them be and let the chips fall where they may." But I know that this is the direction that I must take. Following the will of God will take you to places that you never imagined. You just have to be obedient and willing to go. I don't know where this journey of intercession is going to take me. But, I'm willing to launch out on the journey of prayer for my "thorn in the flesh" and know that God will get the glory when His will, not mine, is accomplished.

I tell you this today because I want you to always obey God. There may be a situation in your life that is akin to a "thorn in the flesh" that you want removed...right now...but tarry - hang on in there, (even if your flesh screams) - until God removes the thorn. And if He decides to let the thorn remain, know that in your deliberate obedience to His will and His way, you've done your part and God will get the glory.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Thank You!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! Happy dance! Woot!! 

Thanks be to God, the message has been delivered. Last week, I asked for your prayers and y'all, you delivered. Although I had started my preparation earlier, I spent last week really hearing from God concerning the message that I gave to the Singles Ministry this weekend. 

God was good to me. He used me to bring forth His message and everything worked out the way that it was supposed to. We all had a wonderful time at the conference. So many wonderful folks - I didn't realize that I was surrounded by so many great folks! I made some new contacts and even went bowling. Good times! 

Anyway, this blog post is just simply to tell you THANK YOU for walking this journey with me the past week. It was heavy on me but with the help of the Lord and the encouragement of your prayers, I made it through and did what was being required of me to do. 

I'll be back later in the week with another blog entry. 


Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Training for Triumph!

The message that I am preparing to give this coming weekend is cutting me every which way! It is true that you live the Word before you get a chance to preach it. And thus, knowing that this occassion was coming, I got my box of bandages ready. I've been doing all that I need to do to get ready. Kind of like training. Kinda. Cause I cheated a few days and slept when I needed to be training. I'm just saying...The funny thing is though - even though I've had to come through some tough stuff to get ready for this weekend, it feels good.

Now, I'm not crazy. I don't like to hurt. But I do like the feeling that comes when I get the victory over something that has had it's foot on my neck. Do you know what I'm saying or is it just me. No, I don't think it's just me. There some other "get-your-foot-off-my-neck-cause-I'm-training-to-be-triumphant" folks in the blog-o-sphere.

So, this week, I expect the my blogging will continue to be light. Sad face. But y'all, I want to make sure that I'm getting all that I need to get from the Lord so that I will have something to say when it's my turn to speak. I'm counting on, leaning on, and depending on God to do all that needs to be done. But that doesn't excuse me from doing my part. If you are so inclined to pray with me through this weekend, know that I appreciate it.

Talk with you soon!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

The Shape of Mercy

Picture from

I've been raving about this book all over Twitter and forgot to share it here. I so love me some Twitter lately. I don't know why but all of a sudden, it's my venue. I thank God for this blog though - it continues to be what it has always been - my outlet to share my thoughts and feelings, particularly as it relates to hope and healing, and other things God. Every once and awhile I'll venture off topic to write a book review or tell you about a CD that I like, but I figure that keeps things interesting. So, lately, I have been reading this book, The Shape of Mercy, by Susan Meissner.

I got the book, free of charge, at the Proverbs 31 conference that I regularly attend. Can you say, "thank you publishers!" That's what I was saying. Authors were there signing their books. I didn't get The Shape of Mercy autographed though. Anyway, about this book. Can I say that Susan Meissner is an awesome writer?! I'm just saying. She wove a wonderful story together that had me up late into the night because I had to find out what was going to happen.

The story was set during the period of  the Salem Witch Trials and it was also modern day. It comes the lives of three women in ways that I cannot fathom. It is so packed with twists and turns that you will not sleep on this one. In fact, if I were traveling on one of my long flights this book would have been read, cover to cover, before I even landed. It's like that. It has one part in it that I was shocked with - and didn't really care for - but I can see where the author is  going with it and could see why she penned this beautiful story that way that she has. But I don't want to give anything away.

The book was published in 2008, so I realize I'm a little late to the party in terms of an authentic review. But that's the great thing about books. Doesn't matter when you read them. They sit right there waiting to be caressed by your fingertips.

If you are looking for a Christian fiction page-turner, pick up The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner. You will not be disappointed. And after you read the book, know that there is a Shape of Mercy blog that you can visit too. It's here.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries


Hey everybody,

Thanks for hanging in there with me while I've been away. I had some ground to cover with some coursework. One word - discipline. That's what it has taken for me to get the assignment in. Now that I have, I can relax just a tiny bit. I am also working on a talk that I will be giving soon. I've been given the topic by the conference organizers and I'm working with it. I just need God to do what He does when I speak and then it will be okay. I'm trusting Him to do it. 

Part of what I am preparing for the conference deals with obedience. I know that just reading that word makes some of your flesh scream out to just go to another blog. And, if that's you, it's okay. My flesh has pulled that on me before too. One thing the flesh hates is obedience. It wants to do things in its own way, sans rules and order. And if we factor in obedience to God, then the flesh really wants to have a thrown-down pity party.

That's to be expected. But obedience to God is required if we are going to be His kids. I know and can plainly see that parenting rules are much different than they used to be. So many parents want to be friends with their kids and have abandoned even what the Bible says about discipline. But know this, even if you decide to parent in lax ways, God has not taken the same route. So many times throughout the Bible, we see the fruit of disobedience when the "children" went against Father God. There is always a cost to it. And there will always be a bill to pay for it.

So, let's just get it set in our minds now that we are going to be obedient to God. It takes the shape of doing His will in His way and in His time. It takes the "but I want" and turns it around into "what does God want me to do."  It becomes more intimate and personal when we look at it from the perspective of "how can my actions appease God?" It becomes closer to our hearts when we will ask ourselves "how can I obey the Sovereign Lord of the Universe?" And it's more personal when we say "God sees me. God knows me. And how then might I serve Him through my obedience today?" You see, when we want to obey, we will obey. But if we want to see things as what we can't do instead of what we can do, we remain locked up in our own self-will.

It's time to step out of that. Step out of the self and into a relationship with God where obedience is the banner. You're never going to thrive the way you could if you do not do what you should. Obey God.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Love God. Love People. Available Now.

I love the music ministry of Israel Houghton. Something about his music ushers me into the presence of God. Each time he releases an album, I go to the store to purchase it with expectation. I expect that the music will continue to usher me into God’s presence and I expect that the music will give me a deeper desire to worship. I expect to worship then and there. And lastly, I expect to get lost in the music, such that when the entire album has played, I look up and wonder where the time went. God uses this musician and his music really is that good.

Photo from

Love God, Love People released August 31st. So, as per my usual, I went to the store and picked up a copy. And, I have to say that this sound is different. I still love the music ministry of Israel Houghton but I’m not so much into the Abbey Road sound – if there is such a thing. The CD as a whole is good and there are some songs on it which I have already placed on the repeat rotation – those being Yahweh (The Lifter), You Hold My World and Hosanna. These three songs are my personal favorites and have been the ones that have met my personal expectations.

Would I recommend the CD?yes! But, if you are an avid Israel music ministry fan like me, be prepared for a different sound than what you may be accustomed to. But I guess that’s what new CDs and projects are for!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Helpful Hope: Wait for God

Heartbreaking is the story of someone who was in close proximity to help but never realized it. I know of many stories that have played out that way. Help was right there - within reach but instead of reaching out for the help, the person just gave up or either gave in.

My heart aches when these stories are recounted to me. I always see them in the spiritual aspect. As Christians, we serve a Mighty God. He provides all that we need for life. Yet, so many times, we fail to plug in to what He has for us. An electronic device is no good if you never plug it in. While it may look good on the outside, it needs the power source that comes from inside the wall. We have to be plugged in or we will never achieve the great things that God has planned for our lives. We need that power source that comes from being plugged in to God. We need the strength that comes from being connected to Him in fellowship and obedience.

A recent story reminded me of what happens when we give in. In this case, the tempting lure was to an unsavory attraction. And despite many biblically-based attempts to deter, the choice was made to give in to the temptation and turn away from the Lord. We all operate in our own freewill. Yet, if we are really going to walk this walk as Christians and mean it, then we have to become a people who will simply do things God’s way. We cannot give in to what tickles our fancy or what soothes our flesh.

I don’t desire that for anyone. Instead, it is my prayer, even as I pray for the story that was laid before me, that we will get to a place of knowing that God’s Word is true. If He has made us a promise, then all we have to do is wait in expectation. It will come to pass. He will give us what we need to attain it or He will deliver it right to us. Don’t miss out on God’s blessing by giving up or giving in. Hold the line. He’ll provide His blessing in due season. Wait for God.

But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up
with wings as eagles;
they shall run,
and not be weary;
and they shall walk,
and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

She Loves the Lord that Much

My friend is leaving to go on a mission trip to Durban. She is such a sweet woman. I've watched her prepare mentally and physically for this trip. I believe that she already was ready spiritually. She has such a heart for others to know Christ. I could see her out on the mission field for the rest of her days because she loves the Lord that much. 

We have a friend that does not love God like that. But she never lets this friend's pessimism deter her from sharing the gospel message. She is not easily swayed by circumstances that are not favorable. She always comes through because she knows that she is not in control. God is. She leans on Him. And He holds her steady. 

She has not always had it easy. But through the trials she has endured, she has developed a strong and unshakeable faith that is taking her all the way to South Africa. She doesn't care for flying, but her love for Christ is propelling her on that airplane. She will trust Him as she soars over the Atlantic. She knows that God will keep her. 

It's amazing the opportunities that open up to us when we trust God. When we believe in Him, He takes our situations and turns them around or improves them for our benefit. All because we believe. My friend is leaving this continent and going to another, all on faith; just to make sure that others know about the goodness of the Lord Jesus. She loves the Lord that much. 

So, I have a question: 

  • For the believers who read this: "what are you doing for Christ? What has your faith propelled you to do?" Do you love the Lord enough to sacrifice your comfort for the benefit of others? 
  • For the nonbelievers who read this - will you just sit back and think about everyone that Has tried to tell you about Jesus. Will you take a moment and think what He has done? It's not too late to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. If you have any questions and want to talk confidentially, you can email me. I'll answer. 

Go into this Wednesday, not with the mindset of "hump day" but with the mindset that God Almighty has granted us another day. Use this day to His glory.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A Bird's Eye View

There I was, hovering above the earth in the helicopter when it struck me.

From this view, our problems just seem so trivial.

I’m used to air travel. My last few years have been spent in and out of airplanes. But never before have I seen my city like this. Sure, when I’m coming in on some large aircraft you get to see the place you’re visiting as you descend. But a helicopter is different. It’s slower, giving you more time to fully appreciate what lies beneath.

I saw a city that is so beautiful. Hovering above, it looks like a model. Like you could go to the local supply store, buy a few plastic houses and trees and put it together. Simplistic, yet breath-taking.

I wonder if God sees us like that. He hovers above us and yet walks with us. He has a bird’s eye view and an upfront view. And while we labor in the details of our upfront view, not seeing the way, He hovers above us, knowing that in the grand scheme of things, our obstacles are light and trivial if we will but rely on Him. He knows the plans He has for us – He knows the bird’s eye view. All we have to do is follow His direction and stop looking at our own way. We only have the upfront view. But He knows it all.

Will you lay your problems down today and follow Him? He’s got a view you cannot see.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Blogs of Note

I’ve been spending some time looking at other blogs. Y’all, there is so much good stuff on the Internet if we will take but a moment to review the information. If you find a blog that you like, go ahead and subscribe to it. That way, you will never miss out on when the writer posts something. Most have subscribe buttons - mine is to the right (wink!). 
Today, I’m just going to post a few links so that you can visit some of these great blogs. Take some time to look through them.
I started my blog in 2007 and when I set out for the first time, I needed some help. My good friend Angela helped me. I modeled some things that I saw on her blog to help me define my own. Angela’s website is here. She is a homeschooling momma, dedicated book reviewer and Bible study creator. In fact, I’ve done one of her studies - and so have some of the people of Malta who are thirsty for Christ. She’s on Twitter - @refreshmysoul
Everybody knows that I love me some Mary DeMuth. It started when I ran into her at She Speaks. She was handing out some books and asked if I wouldn’t mind helping hand out a few. I didn’t know who she was and when she took the podium to teach the session, I nearly fell out of my seat. She was giving away for free, to a large room, stocked with eager writers, copies of her novel Daisy Chain. Say what?!! Yep, I figured since I got it for free, I might as well read it. And you know how I feel about that book and the subsequent other books because I wrote about it here and here and probably some other places. You can do a search for all my Mary DeMuth mentions to the right in the Search box. Her blog is here. She’s on Twitter - @MaryDeMuth 
The blog I check nearly every Monday through Thursday is Lysa Terkeurst’s. You know her as the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries. It’s this organization that runs the She Speaks Conference that I attend. Thus far, I’ve been four times. They really put on a good conference. I like Lysa because she talks about her own challenges and will even talk about where she has failed. I cannot always relate to the motherhood blogs but I can relate to challenges that try to consume us. Maybe a year ago, she was writing about her weight challenge. I’m still in my challenge season - due to my own disobedience and disregard for doing the right thing - but she’s out of her challenge season now. She just maintains. Having just seen her, I can tell you she looks great. Her latest book for which I've reviewed is Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl. Worth the investment - and maybe you should consider doing it as a study with friends. Nevertheless, she has a good blog that you should look at when time permits. She’s on Twitter - @lysaterkeurst
There are plenty more that I could write about but I’m going to leave this post with these three. I’m working on word count and don’t want to be too wordy...
Have a great weekend!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

A God-paced Life

Give time enough time to do its work

We rush too much. Want things to happen too quickly. You're probably wanting me to get to the point right now! We suffer from what John Ortberg calls "hurry sickness." We live in a microwave society. We want things fast ... and now. However, we must realize that walking hand-in-hand with God means loosing hand with the worldly driven fast-paced life. Instead, we have to grab hold of the God-paced life and not go ahead of Him.   

Just because I want a homemade cake doesn't mean that one will automatically appear. If I want a homemade cake, I'm going to need to bake it myself. That means I have to go to the store, buy ingredients, drive back home, unpack the ingredients and put them into a bowl. Then I'll have to pour the combined ingredients into a mold of some kind. And still yet, after I've pre-heated my oven, which takes time, I still have to wait for the cake to bake. Things take time. Things we want take time. There is a time element to all that we are. 

When we were knitted and formed in our mother's womb, it took time. Time for us to move from a cell to multiple cells. Time for our limbs to grow and develop. Time for our little bodies to gain enough weight. And when we were done, it still took time for our mothers to deliver us. We cannot escape time. So, why do we rush it away? Perhaps it is because we have the wrong perspective on time. We want things in man's time. But God wants to provide for us in His time. 

If we really thirst after a God-paced life, we have to invest in time. Although it may be a hidden desire of our heart, we will not go to bed a spiritual infant and wake up a Super Saint, no matter how much we may will it to be so. It just does not authentically happen. It takes time to read and study. It takes time for God to reveal Himself in all the ways that He will when we will make the time for Him. 

In order to have a God-paced life, we have to give our lives to Christ, and allow Him the time to work on our hearts. We have to study our Bible so that we can begin to know Who it is that we intend to serve. We have to be serious about our Christian growth and not hot one week and cold the next. As much as I may want to absorb the Bible's content by osmosis, it just ain't gonna happen. It takes time - daily effort of reading, studying and applying for it all to sink in and become relevant in my personal life. Do you have the time to walk hand-in-hand with your Creator? Or does the quick pace of your life require all the attention you can muster?

Consider this - God's pace will help you win the race. Have a fantastic, God-paced weekend. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Meeting Tom Davis

Are you familiar with Tom Davis? 

I recently became acquainted with this author when my Twitter account told me that I could get one of his e-books for free. I'm always interested in a free. 

This is the book that Tom Davis offered to this very excited book collector. 

I got this picture from so if you want to look inside the book, you'll need to go to

Scared is the story of a photojournalist, Stuart Daniels, who, through various circumstances,  leaves New York and ends up in Africa where he meets an orphan. I don't want to give too much of the book away, so I'll just leave it there. You can read more about the book by following this link:

At She Speaks this year, I had the privilege of meeting Tom Davis. He gave away more of his books - autographing each one of them. This time he gave away Priceless.


Again with the Amazon thing...sorry...

The feeling that I got from meeting him is that he is a really genuine, personable, down to earth, Jesus-lover. I don't know what that means to you, but it means alot to me. Here's a link to his charity:

So, have you read any of his books? Have you had the opportunity to meet Tom? Just curious. Take a minute to look through his links and if the Spirit moves you to buy one of his works or support an orphanage or related cause, don't quench the Spirit!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Still Answers Prayer

The power of prayer was made manifest in my life just Saturday night. I had a relapse and fell ill again. The major problem with that was my desire and obligation to teach Sunday School the next morning. There are two teachers for the class, but this Sunday, the other teacher would not be there  - leaving just me. And, with such short notice, I didn't want to have to call the Sunday School Superintendent. I appealed to some prayer warriors and they went to work. My parents were both out of the state - in different states - Texas and California - but my sister was my "nurse on stand-by". I heart that girl! She has such a sweet, sweet spirit. Lest I get off track, I am writing all this to tell you of the wonder of God. 

I laid on my couch somewhere between feeling bad and feeling really bad. I didn't want to move for fear that I'd upset my stomach. My emotions were swinging between "this cannot be happening to me" and "I guess this is happening to me - might as well accept it." Must have been the medicine! My puppy went about his routine, patrolling and coming back to check on me. With my worship music going on my cellphone, I began to speak to God about my situation and my heart's desire. My prayer warriors prayed. I prayed. And I could actually feel whatever was ailing me start to back off as I started thinking about calling it a night and wondering if I would need to sleep on the couch. But the symptoms started coming under submission to God. So much so, that I was able to get the puppy ready for bed - myself as well. 

I prayed myself to sleep. My prayer warriors informed me today that they kept praying too. And when I woke up this morning - I felt strong. I will have you know that I not only felt well enough to teach the Sunday School class, I stayed for morning worship as well. The power of prayer is nothing to be discounted. I have done so privately, but I publicly want to thank my prayer warriors for interceding on my behalf. I sounded pitiful Saturday night, I know, but I'm on the mend. I feel strong. And for that, I praise God! Thank you Lord! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Resting and Thanking God

So, it's Friday. And, I gotta say, I have had an interesting vacation. I've been sick most of it. Go figure. And while I would normally throw my hands up in angst, I have to look at the positive side of it. I'm guessing that God has wanted me to rest during this time away from my fast-paced life. And, rest I have. I've slept and rested and slept some more. I haven't done much thinking. No stressing, just resting. And, hopefully with all of this rest, my body will heal up soon.

I called the doctor back because I wasn't seeing any progress. I spoke with the nurse. She is supposed to call me back today. But then I got to thinking that I have access to the One True Doctor - you know what I'm saying. I reiterated my request to be healed and made whole again. And, within a few hours, I began to feel some change happening. I'm not kidding y'all. God heard my cry to Him. He is going to fix this for me.

I'm not too upset that I've spent this vacation time traveling back and forth between my couch and my bed. God knows best. And I thank Him for caring enough for me to slow me down in no uncertain terms. What are you thanking Him for?

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

She Speaks 2010 - What an Experience!

So who goes to a writer's conference and comes back with nothing to say. Me.

 I feel so speechless.

 I feel overwhelmed. 

I am so glad that God met me in such a unique and special way in the Prayer Room at She Speaks. Even though the enemy tried to block it by having women chatting it up with each other in the Prayer Room, God heard my cry, and ordained a time that I could go when women who were serious, like me, about hearing from Him would be in there. Thank you God. 

Now, I know without a doubt what I am to do. I thought I knew before and now I know for sure. There's a peace that comes with that knowing. 

I was so blessed by the presenters and classes at She Speaks. I saw some old friends and met some fantastic new friends. I got some direction about writing and the reason behind the writing. I guess I came away with an entirely new perspective about writing in general. Thank you God! 

And despite what I said before going regarding coming home with books, (I was only coming back with two books) I'll have you know that I came home with a boatload of new books. Some I paid for, others, due to the generosity of the publishers and authors, were autographed and simply given to me. What? How grand is that? I've got books by Susan Meissner and Tom Davis, autographed to me, for free! 

I met Angela Thomas for the first time, reconnected with my favorite author, Mary DeMuth, spoke to Lysa Terkeurst and otherwise engaged with what I deem Christian author royalty. OOOH and I got to see in person, the one little girl that keeps me going back to her mom's blog several times to see if she has posted pictures - I got to see Baby Aster. How blessed was I?!!?!?!! Thank you God!

I've got lots of work to do to improve my craft but I'm so glad that I was able to attend this, my fourth year. Each year, I have a different focus about what I want to learn and each year, those goals are met. Praise God! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Is

Since Sunday, I’ve had the song “God Is” running through my mind.This song is stuck on repeat in between my ears. And, since I did not know all the words, (you know how we can make them up), I decided to purchase it and download it from iTunes. 
In the event that you fall into the same boat as me, the lyrics are: 
God is my protection.
God is my all in all.
God is my guide and direction.
God is my all in all.

Verse 2
God is my joy in time of sorrow.
God is my all in all.
God is my today and tomorrow.
God is my all in all.

God is the joy and the strength of my life,
He moves all pain, misery, and strife.
He promised to keep me, never to leave me.
He's never ever come short of His word.

I've got to fast and pray, stay in His narrow way,
I've got to keep my life clean everyday;
I want to go with Him when He comes back,
I've come too far and I'll never turn back.

God is
God is my all in all.
Perhaps in all the rush and fervor that has been the components of this week, I just needed to be reminded that God is. Maybe you need to be reminded too. Will you just spend a moment meditating on the truth that God Is. 
Have a great weekend!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Real Riches

As part of my 140 days of prayer for our nation, In Touch Ministries and Dr. Charles Stanley provided us with a schedule of issues to pray about. This week, we are praying “for God to open the eyes of our fellow Americans” based on the Scripture reference Psalm 73. 
When I read over the Psalm, “real riches” became a dominant thought. So many times, we think that real riches are when we can retire early or have the fanciest things. We confuse real riches with $100,000 cars and multi-million dollars houses. And in our pursuit of those riches, we compromise with the adversary. Sometimes unknowingly and far too often, knowingly. We trade the eternal for the temporary so that we can hear the applaud of our friends or provoke the jealousy of our foes. Oh, the things we get ourselves into when we stray away from the Truth. 
Yet, Psalm 73 reminds us of what’s real. We don’t need a necklace beaded with pride nor garment that signifies our worldly dealings. Sin is always the wrong path. Instead, we need to find our strength in God. Draw near to Him and trust Him. 
The relationship that we develop with God when we give Him our whole heart is the real jewel. That’s the real treasure. Our riches come not from what man can manufacturer or build with his hands. Think about that the next time you feel a little discouraged because the wicked seem to prosper. They are not prospering. They are storing up phony riches in the wrong place. You, sweet Christian, keep focused on the real riches and store them in the right place - in eternity. 
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasurers on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasurers in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Matthew 6:19-21

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

I Didn't Ask God, "Why?"

I got some encouraging words from my subscribers about my post on Wednesday. Thanks y’all! And I should have known that since the message was poignant to some of you to the point that you replied back in the manner in which you did, that I would have a test coming. You replied back with some sweet things to me and I should have been on the ready expecting that I would get a chance to put my own “why’s” to rest and to trust God. And that is what happened Thursday.

You see, Thursday to me, is Friday Eve. I don’t mean to imply that I rush the week away or anything like that but good things always seem to happen on Thursday for me – kinda like the eve of Holidays. Thursdays are filled with joy and laughter and all kinds of neat things. I like Thursday, yes, I do! I like Thursday, how bout you? (okay, you know you know the cheer!)

My adversary knows how much I like Thursday as well, so he made sure to test me on Thursday when I’d be off guard … or so he thought! HA!

When I got home Thursday, my kitchen was under siege. Now, I have pest control service so don’t go thinking something crazy. But, needless to say, I had some unidentified, never-seen-before, and certainly not welcome visitors, for which I had to sweep, Clorox down every single thing and then mop on top of that. Whew!!! Better safe than sorry.

In the midst of my defense to the offensive move of my unidentified, never-seen-before, and certainly not welcome visitors, I had to call my daddy and granddaddy to get some advice, calm my puppy about why he couldn’t come into the kitchen and had to stay steady so I could do the work and calm so I wouldn't go ballistic on those unidentified, never-seen-before, and certainly not welcomer intruders. Ugh.

When everything was under control, my nerves, which had heretofore held steady, powered up the vacuum cleaner and let’s just say I went to town on that floor. My downstairs looks rather nice right now! Or so we hope…I hope I don’t have round 2 waiting on me when I get home today. It would be rather inconvenient! I have guests coming!

In the midst of the assault and recovery, I wanted to ask God, “why am I having to do this on Thursday?” Bump that – “Why is this going on in MY kitchen?” That’s the real question. But I didn’t ask the “why” question. I asked “what” instead. What should I do to get this situation under control? Sure, I had gotten some advice from some wise folks, but I really need to know what God would have me to do. What would You have for me to learn here? “How can I make sure You get the glory?” And as I thought about these things, the clean-up went quicker until I finally looked up and everything was as it should be. Thank You Jesus! I didn’t ask “why?”. I trusted God with everything I had. And in turn, He made me glad!

Go into this weekend feeling glad! No matter your circumstances! For God is still in control! He has not abdicated His throne. And, well, just the thought of that ought to make you glad too! Happy Friday!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries