She Speaks 2010 - What an Experience!

So who goes to a writer's conference and comes back with nothing to say. Me.

 I feel so speechless.

 I feel overwhelmed. 

I am so glad that God met me in such a unique and special way in the Prayer Room at She Speaks. Even though the enemy tried to block it by having women chatting it up with each other in the Prayer Room, God heard my cry, and ordained a time that I could go when women who were serious, like me, about hearing from Him would be in there. Thank you God. 

Now, I know without a doubt what I am to do. I thought I knew before and now I know for sure. There's a peace that comes with that knowing. 

I was so blessed by the presenters and classes at She Speaks. I saw some old friends and met some fantastic new friends. I got some direction about writing and the reason behind the writing. I guess I came away with an entirely new perspective about writing in general. Thank you God! 

And despite what I said before going regarding coming home with books, (I was only coming back with two books) I'll have you know that I came home with a boatload of new books. Some I paid for, others, due to the generosity of the publishers and authors, were autographed and simply given to me. What? How grand is that? I've got books by Susan Meissner and Tom Davis, autographed to me, for free! 

I met Angela Thomas for the first time, reconnected with my favorite author, Mary DeMuth, spoke to Lysa Terkeurst and otherwise engaged with what I deem Christian author royalty. OOOH and I got to see in person, the one little girl that keeps me going back to her mom's blog several times to see if she has posted pictures - I got to see Baby Aster. How blessed was I?!!?!?!! Thank you God!

I've got lots of work to do to improve my craft but I'm so glad that I was able to attend this, my fourth year. Each year, I have a different focus about what I want to learn and each year, those goals are met. Praise God! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

One Response so far.

  1. Its a blessing when God gives you the opportunity to renew your spirit.

    Its seems whenever we are suspose to hear from God the enemy will provide background noise.