One of the tough things in life is getting to know and accept yourself. It’s so easy, particularly in the time in which we are living, to point out our flaws.
Society tells us that we are too fat or too skinny. Celebrities set the pace for what is trendy or cool. There’s a doctor in every local community telling us how we can better enhance our God-given features - “to make them better.” And it seems like every channel has some offering of what to eat, how to dress, how to cook, how to act and how to be in every plausible situation. And if you are not careful, you will find yourself doubting who God has created you to be. You will run towards what society dictates as acceptable, leaving God’s design in the dust.
Last week, while I was digesting way too much turkey, I saw a special about folks addicted to plastic surgery. I personally didn’t know such a thing existed - well, except for with Michael Jackson. Nevertheless, these women were getting their noses tapered, ears pinned, breast lifted, faces pulled, limps pumped, brows botoxed and fat sucked away. One woman had over 10 surgical procedures done in one day. Wowzers. And you know what she said after it was all said and done - she wished she could go back to who she was pre-surgery.
The blessing in our uniqueness is that God Himself took the time to form and shape us into the people that we are. We are not mistakes and our features are not either. So, how about we spend less time fidgeting in front of the mirror or with the doctor planning what we want to change, and begin to accept just who we really are. Let’s be who God made us to be.

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