We Can't Go Back

I had the opportunity to participate in my second African American Women of Faith conference call. It was wonderful. The first one featured First Lady Michelle Obama and this call had gospel artist and radio personality, Yolanda Adams, and a host of influential female clergy across the nation. We were all participating in our individual capacity, not representing any church nor encouraging that you vote for any particular person or party. Instead, we talked about the importance of exercising our right to vote. 

So, I want to take a minute on this blog to encourage you to exercise YOUR right to vote. So many times, we feel powerless - like what we do does not matter or will not matter. But don't believe the lies of the enemy. You matter. Your vote matters. 

These elections are going to be close. So, make sure that, no matter which side of the aisle you find yourself, that you can say with confidence that you have researched your candidates and you made your vote count. 

So, vote now, vote early. And if you must wait until then, vote on November 2nd. We cannot go back to a time where we didn't vote, or where we couldn't vote. We can't go back to a time where apathy rules the day. We cannot move the country forward if we are constantly looking back. Let's move forward. Vote!    

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries