If there is one thing that can be said about most people, it’s that they want to be known. The path to such knowing takes different routes and manifests itself in differing levels of transparency. But to the degree in which the person desires it, they will be known.
Some people seek the lime light. They want to be known for their talent or giftedness. Some people seek popularity for popularity’s sake. They think of themselves as the next Paris Hilton or next celebrity who is famous for just being famous.
Yet on the opposite end of the spectrum, others shun the spot light, yet they desperately want to be known. Not by the media, but by the ones in which they share their lives. They feel isolated and unknown, undervalued and not cherished in the least.
In recent studies, I have been directed to Psalm 139 and this subject of knowing has once again come to the forefront. David tells us that God knows us.
God knows us in such an intimate fashion that is inexplicable to mankind. He has known us since we were embryos in our mother’s womb. He knows all about who we are and what we will be; He knows our character even before we ever know our name. He is all round us, searching and knowing us; understanding our thoughts. Our Creator knows us. He knows.
So that helps us to think about this knowing in a different way now, asking ourselves this question - “who do we want to know us?”

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