Real Riches

As part of my 140 days of prayer for our nation, In Touch Ministries and Dr. Charles Stanley provided us with a schedule of issues to pray about. This week, we are praying “for God to open the eyes of our fellow Americans” based on the Scripture reference Psalm 73. 
When I read over the Psalm, “real riches” became a dominant thought. So many times, we think that real riches are when we can retire early or have the fanciest things. We confuse real riches with $100,000 cars and multi-million dollars houses. And in our pursuit of those riches, we compromise with the adversary. Sometimes unknowingly and far too often, knowingly. We trade the eternal for the temporary so that we can hear the applaud of our friends or provoke the jealousy of our foes. Oh, the things we get ourselves into when we stray away from the Truth. 
Yet, Psalm 73 reminds us of what’s real. We don’t need a necklace beaded with pride nor garment that signifies our worldly dealings. Sin is always the wrong path. Instead, we need to find our strength in God. Draw near to Him and trust Him. 
The relationship that we develop with God when we give Him our whole heart is the real jewel. That’s the real treasure. Our riches come not from what man can manufacturer or build with his hands. Think about that the next time you feel a little discouraged because the wicked seem to prosper. They are not prospering. They are storing up phony riches in the wrong place. You, sweet Christian, keep focused on the real riches and store them in the right place - in eternity. 
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasurers on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasurers in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Matthew 6:19-21

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries