Today’s news headlines are enough to make me shout for Jesus to return. I thought I was about to get some peace from the television set now that the elections are over but alas, I deceived myself. I should have known better than to think like that. The enemy is busy and getting busier all the time.
Take a look at these headlines from a local station: - foreclosures surge 40% - five dead in hepatitis B outbreak- wounded men shot each other - cutting deficit will hurt - happy homecoming ends twin’s ordeal (they had been kidnapped by their father and taken out of state).
I bet you want to holler for Jesus to come back too! We are being attacked on every side. We have financial issues, health scares, violence and family problems that are forcing their way to the spotlight of our lives. If I started trying to list every problem that every body had, then we really would be in trouble.
So, what now?
Put your hope in Jesus.
Unlike us, Jesus is not surprised by all the carnage and calamity that we are getting an eye-full of right now. All along, through the wisdom of the Bible, we should have expected this increasing assault from the enemy. But it’s not just the enemy. Look at how our nation, once religious, has now pushed religion to the backburners. Look how the church has become a place of refuge during the hard times and a place that is unnecessary in the good times. Look at how we, through legislation and activity try to lock Jesus in the closet while pulling out those who should stay in. We, individually and as a nation, need to deal with our sin. And if we still choose, in light of everything going on around us, to let sin reign unchallenged, it will continue to handle us – bending and breaking us down.
Put your hope in Jesus. For He will not fail and is not fickle. He answers according to His Word. He will not disappoint you. Instead, He will stand with you – encouraging you even through this time that we live in. I’m glad I can call on Him. I hope you can too.
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