I’ve been spending some time looking at other blogs. Y’all, there is so much good stuff on the Internet if we will take but a moment to review the information. If you find a blog that you like, go ahead and subscribe to it. That way, you will never miss out on when the writer posts something. Most have subscribe buttons - mine is to the right (wink!).
Today, I’m just going to post a few links so that you can visit some of these great blogs. Take some time to look through them.
I started my blog in 2007 and when I set out for the first time, I needed some help. My good friend Angela helped me. I modeled some things that I saw on her blog to help me define my own. Angela’s website is here. She is a homeschooling momma, dedicated book reviewer and Bible study creator. In fact, I’ve done one of her studies - and so have some of the people of Malta who are thirsty for Christ. She’s on Twitter - @refreshmysoul
Everybody knows that I love me some Mary DeMuth. It started when I ran into her at She Speaks. She was handing out some books and asked if I wouldn’t mind helping hand out a few. I didn’t know who she was and when she took the podium to teach the session, I nearly fell out of my seat. She was giving away for free, to a large room, stocked with eager writers, copies of her novel Daisy Chain. Say what?!! Yep, I figured since I got it for free, I might as well read it. And you know how I feel about that book and the subsequent other books because I wrote about it here and here and probably some other places. You can do a search for all my Mary DeMuth mentions to the right in the Search box. Her blog is here. She’s on Twitter - @MaryDeMuth
The blog I check nearly every Monday through Thursday is Lysa Terkeurst’s. You know her as the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries. It’s this organization that runs the She Speaks Conference that I attend. Thus far, I’ve been four times. They really put on a good conference. I like Lysa because she talks about her own challenges and will even talk about where she has failed. I cannot always relate to the motherhood blogs but I can relate to challenges that try to consume us. Maybe a year ago, she was writing about her weight challenge. I’m still in my challenge season - due to my own disobedience and disregard for doing the right thing - but she’s out of her challenge season now. She just maintains. Having just seen her, I can tell you she looks great. Her latest book for which I've reviewed is Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl. Worth the investment - and maybe you should consider doing it as a study with friends. Nevertheless, she has a good blog that you should look at when time permits. She’s on Twitter - @lysaterkeurst
There are plenty more that I could write about but I’m going to leave this post with these three. I’m working on word count and don’t want to be too wordy...
Have a great weekend!
Aww sweet friend. You are so kind with your words. Thanks. I adore your blog and ministry as well. And for you to mention me along these two well I am not worthy! Yet all for God and His glory, amen!? So thankful for She Speaks and the opportunity to meet you!! I love Mary and Lysa too!
Love ya friend!