Hey Bloggy Friends,
I’ve got a little something for you to ponder over the weekend. If Jesus delays His second coming, and you are still alive, what will you be doing in the next 10 years?
I heard this question posed on the television today. And, I wondered – would I be in the same job? Would I be at the same company in another job? Would I live in the same house? Would my marital status still be the same? Or even more importantly, would my spiritual status be the same? I couldn’t imagine living ten more years and not progressing in my spiritual life. That’s a long time to be stuck!
Sometimes I say to myself that I could advance quicker if I would just do XYZ. Sometimes, disciplining myself is rather easy. Other times, it is not. The difference – my thought life and my heart.
If I am truly focused on God then tearing myself away from Him to do menial chores like eating and sleeping and going to work are unbearable. But, when I am focused on something else – like when my favorite television show is coming on – or what the plot may be – or something that does not count a “hill of beans” for eternity, well, getting focused and disciplining myself takes a bit more effort.
My goal in the next 10 years is to grow past needing to be pulled away from the trivial. In the next 10 years, I want to more faithful, more loving, more committed to the very things that make my Lord pleased. Why? Because at the end of the day, when I meet my Maker, I want to hear these words “Well done, my good and faithful servant…”
So, what about you? What will you be doing in the next 10 years?
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