I wish that ALL professing Christians lived up to their title. We bear the name Christians because we are supposed to be Christ-like. But, this week in particular, I have dealt with some very un-Christ-like Christians.
I know that we all still live in this flesh and that the flesh wants what it wants - and if you let it, that self-same flesh will get what it wants. But, when we discipline our flesh, our spirit is free. We all need to work towards that goal of disciplining our flesh such that our soul can flow freely.
The first step in getting to this place is what we would love one another. Jesus said His disciples would be identified by their love. Heart check ... would you be identified as one of His disciples by the love you showed others this week? Would I? Questions like these are ones that we have to deal with - these types of questions need to be at the very forefront of our minds.
So, this weekend, would you do a self-examination? Would you ask God to look into your heart and tell you where you may need to improve to be more like Him. Afterall, we want to hear well done.
Girl I just have to tell you that God has been working here on my heart as well. Also, I wish all of us Christians would live like we are suppose to. Can you imagine what the world would look like?
Much love,