Mix it Up!

I never thought of God as a baker until yesterday. I was talking to a co-worker about some issues that were taking place. We all have our issues right? And, it just seemed like more things were being added and nothing was being taken away. In fact, this co-worker said “I just can’t take one more thing happening at work or at home!” She meant business.

But, as she was saying this – I began to see a visual that you may just laugh at! I imagined God as a baker. I can see this big hand and a big mixing bowl - oh, to live in my world!!

I love homemade goodies. I love it when there is cake batter ready for me to taste – just a little of. It makes me happy. But, before there was cake batter, there were individual ingredients. These ingredients, for the purpose of my illustration, represent obstacles and issues in our lives. Sometimes it seems like its raining obstacles and issues. More gets added to the bowl and things get swirled around. Sometimes we feel like we loose our footing as the swirling gets quicker – the hand stirring turns to machine blending and we lose ourselves in the situation – just like those ingredients. What was once an individual component is now part of one thing – these ingredients have been transformed to cake batter.

We may feel battered (pun intended) because our situations have whipped us (yes, that’s a setting on my hand blender too). But take comfort in this – everything that we are going through is for a purpose. These situations and issues are creating something different in us.

Of course, the work is not yet done. We have to endure the heat of the oven. That’s when we feel God stretching us – we are rising to the occasion. When we are focused on God, the stretching does not feel great, but we can do it. We have our eyes on the Lord and with Him all things are possible. We are not distracted but instead we are proactive in studying His Word and being students of His – learning His ways and leaning not to our own understanding.

But, there is a danger. Even if we make it into the oven, if we are distracted, we do not go through the stretching – we do not rise to the occasion. We lose our focus and we fall flat, never having reached our potential - never filling the mold.

God is a master-baker in my illustration. He sets everything in order for us to blend, mold to His liking and rise. And, if we keep our eyes on Him alone, He changes us from raw individual ingredients to a wonderfully delightful, yummy work of art, fragrant to His nostrils and decorated to His glory.

So, don’t begrudge the mixing and the blending. Tell God to Mix it UP! The end result is worth it!