I want to see clearly...

I want to see clearly.

Now, I cannot count on my natural vision for that. I wear glasses. And although I am seriously considering an HD television, that still will not get me to the clear vision that I am thinking of.

I want to walk with my Lord and Savior and delight in Him.

I want to see clearly without the distractions of the world.

It may seem that I want the impossible. But, I know that this is not impossible - I can have this when I trust in God and discipline my flesh for righteousness. I know that I can have this when I apply the spiritual disciplines to my life - those practices that Foster, Whitney, Ortberg and others discuss.

When I look at the life of Jesus, I have a model in which to follow, and I have the Word of God for further instruction.

I want to be "on the same page" with my Savior.

I want to see clearly...