My grandfather died from cancer. The big "C."
I've had some family members diagnosed with cancer - some are survivors, some were not.
Cancer has been something that I'd rather not talk about. It challenges me - it scares me. But, I've recently had a revelation.

There was a benefit given to raise money for cancer research. I made a donation in memory of my grandfather. All of the major networks covered this telethon of sorts. I was hoping to speak with one of those celebrities "waiting for my call" but somehow, I ended up with someone that sounded like they were answering from a call center. That's okay. Speaking with someone famous was just a bonus - not the reason that I called to donate.
But I got to thinking - since God controls the winds and the waves - He controls everything... but since He does those things, surely He can control a few wayward cells if it be His will.
So, while I do not desire to experience the Big C as a faith-building experience, I will say that I've heard and I now fully believe that God can do all things - even heal the body of the Big C.
So, if you are ever called upon to pray for someone dealing with this diagnosis, pray with an unwaivering faith that He can do all things!
Girl this is such a great post. Yes God is bigger than cancer. He can heal and does when it is in His will.
I am a walking miracle of His healing not from cancer but from late stage Lyme disease among other things. God is good in sickness and health.
Much love,
Thanks for being a continuing encouragement.
Girl this is such a great post. Yes God is bigger than cancer. He can heal and does when it is in His will.
I am a walking miracle of His healing not from cancer but from late stage Lyme disease among other things. God is good in sickness and health.
Much love,
Thanks for being a continuing encouragement.