Right when you get satisfied with your current position in life, somebody comes along to try to steal your peace.
If you are single, out of the blue, somebody comes along to tell you that they are "praying for you" and that your husband will come next year. Never mind the fact that you did not ask their opinion about when God was going to move in your situation - if He moves.
If you are not financially stable, somebody comes along to tell you that they are "praying for your finances" and that one day you won't have to struggle so much and that you will be able to afford things like they currently have. Never mind the fact that you are quite happy with the things that you currently have and are not petitioning God to move in your situation.
I could go on and on with examples of how "well-meaning" Christians add their "two-cents" into your life - uninvited. It never ceases to amaze me how they have so much knowledge on your situation based on perceived external facts.
I have to confess that this is one of the things that bothers me most about some of the folks in my circle. It bothers me because when they do this, they are then imposing a societal standard on the lives of other people when they are not fully aware of all the circumstances neither are they fully aware of what God intends to do in that person's current situation.
It also bothers me because it seeks to take that person from a point of contentment in their situation to move them towards thinking that what they currently have is not good enough - that somehow they are missing out on the greater things and that they need to petition God for more than what they have.
Whatever happened to letting each person live out their lives the way that God intended without uninvited, unhelpful commentary?! If we really love our brothers and sisters in Christ, we will do just that - speak only at the absolute lead of God and leave our societal impositions at home. We would do each other well to keep our nose in our own business.
I LOVE it! What's the proper place for our noses? On US! Our eyes on Jesus, our noses on OUR faces. :-)