Did you mom ever threaten to change her name because you were calling on her too much? Generally, when this happened, weren’t you desirous of something - be it her attention or you needed her help with something.
Yea- those were the good old days. You knew that even though she may have said that she would change her name if you called her one more time, secretly, she savored being needed. She savored that fact that you depended on her for whatever it was.
How much so is our Lord like that. He wants us to lean and depend on Him - calling out to Him when we want His attention or even when we need something. I don’t have a long post today - I’ve had quite a bit to say already and it’s only mid-week. Instead, I desire that you will take a moment and call on the Lord.
Call on Him. He’ll answer. And, you two will have good fellowship today - even in this brief moment. Call on Him now.

I find it so easy to call on Him for the large things like my dad's cancer but when it come to what I think are the little things I feel like that 4 year that says "I do it myself. I DO IT MYSELF." I am learning that He wants it all. If I won't give it to Him when it is small than He allows it to grow bigger and bigger until I will call on HIm.