I've been watching television and have seen an onslaught of lists for 2009. Last night, I even saw an awards show of sorts for bad behavior in 2009. So, joining in with the other "listers" here are my top 9 of '09.
Top could mean, "top of mind" or "top" like best or "top" like favorite. And, these are not listed in any particular order. See - I had to go and complicate things just a tad.
- Hearing my godson's voice. He turned one this year and he's talking up storm - when he's not screaming something. So little, but so big at the same time. Adorable.
- The miracle of USAirways flight 1549. It's a miracle because of everything surrounding the incident - not just on the plane itself but that busy waterway, nothing was in the way - no ferry boats or anything. The path was cleared for that plane to land and everything went well.
- The return of my pastor to the pulpit after a four-month absence. It's a wonderful testament to the power of God.
- Retaining my job in this economy. Again, all God. Even in the midst of this economic climate, He has kept me happily employed and still able to travel. I even recently came back from a trip overseas. God is good. He keeps keeping me!
- Finishing my family DVD by Christmas and getting it out in time for everyone to have it as a gift. My grandparents had a huge family and all are still alive so it became important for me that everyone be accounted for such that we may always remember.
- Planning the fourth of July celebration that brought together the majority of the family. We had cool, team-oriented t-shirts, white tents, lots of fun and a great time.
- Getting intentional about my "every-now-and-then" writing. I still have a good ways to go on this subject, but I'll get there at some point. At least, I've begun again. And, I've decorated this space on my blog with a fresh design that has been months in the making.
- Recognizing even more fully God's continuing love for me. I know this sounds basic but it becomes more profound the more you have to deal with the aspects of life.
- Recognizing how much more there is to learn - how much farther I need to grow and that even when I reach those gates, there will be more to walk through. The journey never ends on this side, but I realize that as long as I am focused on the Christ-side, everything will be alright.
I hope you close out this year doing the right things at the right times to ensure that God gets the glory.
May your blessings extend into 2010!

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