Nine things for 2009

I've been watching television and have seen an onslaught of lists for 2009. Last night, I even saw an awards show of sorts for bad behavior in 2009. So, joining in with the other "listers" here are my top 9 of '09. 

Top could mean, "top of mind" or "top" like best or "top" like favorite. And, these are not listed in any particular order. See - I had to go and complicate things just a tad.

  • Hearing my godson's voice. He turned one this year and he's talking up storm - when he's not screaming something. So little, but so big at the same time. Adorable. 
  • The miracle of USAirways flight 1549. It's a miracle because of everything surrounding the incident - not just on the plane itself but that busy waterway, nothing was in the way - no ferry boats or anything. The path was cleared for that plane to land and everything went well. 
  • The return of my pastor to the pulpit after a four-month absence. It's a wonderful testament to the power of God. 
  • Retaining my job in this economy. Again, all God. Even in the midst of this economic climate, He has kept me happily employed and still able to travel. I even recently came back from a trip overseas. God is good. He keeps keeping me!
  • Finishing my family DVD by Christmas and getting it out in time for everyone to have it as a gift. My grandparents had a huge family and all are still alive so it became important for me that everyone be accounted for such that we may always remember.
  • Planning the fourth of July celebration that brought together the majority of the family. We had cool, team-oriented t-shirts, white tents, lots of fun and a great time. 
  • Getting intentional about my "every-now-and-then" writing. I still have a good ways to go on this subject, but I'll get there at some point. At least, I've begun again. And, I've decorated this space on my blog with a fresh design that has been months in the making. 
  • Recognizing even more fully God's continuing love for me. I know this sounds basic but it becomes more profound the more you have to deal with the aspects of life.
  • Recognizing how much more there is to learn - how much farther I need to grow and that even when I reach those gates, there will be more to walk through. The journey never ends on this side, but I realize that as long as I am focused on the Christ-side, everything will be alright. 
So, those are my top 9 for '09 - at least right now. I'm still noodling and may have an update later... 

I hope you close out this year doing the right things at the right times to ensure that God gets the glory.  

May your blessings extend into 2010! 
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries