The world wants to talk about Tigers, but I want to talk about Deer. As far as I am concerned, Tiger Woods, whether predatory or not, is not my business. What he allegedly does with women other than his wife, is also not my business. It's just another example of humanity lived apart from God.
I dare not pull out the long list of politicians and actors/actresses and other celebrities who have failed in their personal relationships - in the full view of the public. My only hope is that through all of this, that these men and women will seek Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him. That's all. End of story.
But, I do have another story I want to share with you. It's about a deer. No, not the kind at the North Pole. But the kind that run around Auburn-Knightdale Road. That's where it all went down.
I was leaving the parking lot, accelerating up the hill, driving cautiously, a young deer ran out in front of me. I hit the brakes hard. He ran in front of my car from my left side, crossed, and when he was on my right side, turned back like he was going to come back across the street and hit my right side. BUT, HE DIDN'T. He must have heard me screaming "LORD, JESUS" and decided instead to run into the woods. Now, I'm just saying - my nerves didn't need that.
I had just been in my word and I was reflecting on the goodness of the Lord when He showed me just how good He is. A visual demonstration. When I got to a safe location, I called back to let others know to be on the lookout but when I got home, car safely parked in the garage with no deer dents, nerves slightly tattered as I recalled visions of a young deer in my headlights...I had to praise the Lord.
I had to send up a pure SHOUT of praise to God for His goodness; His hedge of protection all around me. Oh the Lord, He IS good! OH and His precious mercies endureth forever!
So, if we want to be talking about something, let's talk about how the Lord kept me and how He keeps you, even when danger is lurking - He is a keeper. That's something to talk about!
Whew! I'm so glad you're alright!
Thanks Kathy! Me too! It was kinda scary!!! But the Lord was right there! Thank you Lord!
This story is so funny to me because about 4 years ago I was hit by a deer running full speed across the road. One deer had already crossed in front of me and I was able to stop but a second one was following and he ran right into my drivers window hitting me in the shoulder with his head. Praise God it wa in the Spring and he had dropped his antlers. That was one of the scariest things I have been through. I am glad you are okay and was not hurt.