Have you ever had one of those weekends where it just seemed like a continuation of your week? No down time. Go, go, go all weekend long? They kinda stink don’t they? Aren’t the weekends for rest and rejuvenation? Okay – well, in this society that is a bit of a stretch for the whole weekend to be centered on rest and rejuvenation, but I’m saying, at least one day, right!?!
Anyway, I was rolling all weekend long until Sunday evening when my body called a “time out!” We were done. Running on vapors. So, I positioned myself on the couch and waited to feel better.
I started coming around pretty good and then it dawned on me that I had not checked email. (I know. But keep reading.) So, I popped up – well, that’s a stretch too – I slowly got up and decided to make the effort to get the computer.
I’m sooooo glad that I did!!! There was one little email that was kinda important. You see, I had submitted a devotional entry to a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries called She Seeks. They had gotten back with me on Sunday night to let me know that they would indeed be running my devotional – this week! So, I made preparations to do what was required, including getting them a photo. And now, this week, my devotional will run.
Please pop on over to their site. Check out the devotional that the Lord gave to me to encourage us in His love: http://sheseeks.org/2009/guess-who-is-into-you/ And then, jump into the conversation. Let me know what you think. I’ll be moderating comments all week.
To learn more about She Seeks, check out their badge on the right side of my blog. Scroll down a bit and you'll see it!
In His Service!Sanya

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