Call me crazy, but I believe that everyone needs to be handled with care. Now, don’t get it twisted from the start, I don’t mean to imply care as being handled with kid gloves. No, not at all. By care, I mean, with respect and courtesy. Not abusive. You get the point, right?
Sometimes, we can get busy doing our own things and forget to handle those around us with care. So, I have thought of a few guidelines that will help us restore “care.”
1. Remember that you are not faultless. You make mistakes. Yes, you do – go ahead and admit it. And, when you make mistakes, you should be quick to own up to them. Notice “quick.” No one likes to be around a person that will not apologize for their poor behavior. Why? Because that person has a pride problem – and well, pride is unattractive. We know what the Bible has to say about pride. So, don’t get caught up in that. Just apologize and mean it from your heart. For real.
2. Remember that others are not faultless. We established that you are not perfect. Well, guess what, no one else is either. I don’t care how much they may disagree – there is none righteous, no, not one! Everybody has made mistakes (past)and makes mistakes (present). So, be quick to accept others’ humanity and remember that they do make mistakes.
3. Be kind. It seems like this world is less kind by the minute. But, I have learned that it does not cost you anything to be kind to someone – and as a result of your kindness toward someone, you feel better – even if they “act a fool” go ahead and be kind to them. While they are feeling guilty about their behavior, you can feel good about your own knowing that you honored the Lord with your actions toward them. Don’t worry – once they repent, they will feel better too.
4. Don’t harbor grudges. Man, what a can of worms this one can be! I cannot tell you how many tiffs have been a result of a misunderstanding or wrong perception which led to an unnecessary and rather silly grudge. Wasted time - that’s all that was gained. And in the process, relationships were destroyed. There is always more to lose than to gain when you choose to harbor grudges. So, just don’t do it. Hear me now, don’t do it. It may feel good now, but it will hurt later. Be honest; confront the situation. Don’t hold grudges. Afterall, Jesus didn’t hold a grudge – and he knew that Judas would betray Him. If Jesus can serve with a man that He knew would betray Him, then surely you don’t need to be holding a grudge. I’m just saying…
At the end of it all, we have to love one another in a serious way. Love already implies a deeper sense of involvement. Love takes work. It always takes work. Real love is never easy. You have to work at it. So do. Do that. Work at loving one another. And, in your so doing, you will be blessed and those around you will feel the care in which you are handling them. And, although they may never fully acknowledge your generous treatment of them, you will know that you have done that which brings God the Father glory. And, that’s a good thing!
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